Eisenhower Library, Eisenhower papers, Whitman file

No. 345
Memorandum by the Acting Secretary of State to the President

top secret
eyes only

With respect to the China matter we had a report from Walter Robertson yesterday morning, a copy of which is enclosed,1 which, in view of its nature, I sent up to Secretary Dulles at Duck Island yesterday by Douglas MacArthur, II. As a result of Mr. Robertson’s message, the Secretary has dispatched a message to Chiang Kaishek, a copy of which I also enclose.2

In line with our policy of dealing with the United Kingdom and New Zealand with the greatest possible frankness, in respect to these matters, on the Secretary’s instructions MacArthur briefed the British and New Zealand representatives last night in a general way. He also let them know in strictest confidence that a security treaty with Formosa was a very definite possibility.

In the light of developments, the British are giving further consideration to the draft resolution proposed by New Zealand and I doubt that we will obtain Mr. Eden’s final decision with respect to whether or not the United Kingdom will proceed until at least tomorrow.

  1. Telegram 272 from Taipei, Document 339. The enclosures are not attached to the source text.
  2. Supra. Telegram 236 to Taipei, Document 343, was also listed as an enclosure.