
No. 542
The President to the Secretary of State

Memorandum for the Secretary of State

Replying to your memorandum dated June 28, 1945,1 on the subject: “Removal of Ban on Supplies to French Troops,” I have this date issued the following directive to the Joint Chiefs of Staff which will permit the issue of military equipment, etc., for use in the war against Japan:

“To The Joint Chiefs of Staff[:]

Now that the war in Europe has terminated with the surrender of the Axis powers in Europe, and in order to follow accurately the letter and spirit of the Lend-Lease Act, the following policy is established for the issue to foreign governments of lend-lease munitions of war and military and naval equipment.

Approval of the issue to Allied Governments of Lend-Lease munitions of war and military and naval equipment will be limited to that which is to be used in the war against Japan, and it will not be issued for any other purpose.”

Harry S Truman
  1. Not printed.