- Peace feelers through the Soviet Union (Documents 580–588)
- Issuance of a proclamation calling for the surrender of Japan
(Documents 589–597)
- Basic military objectives, strategy, and policies in the war
against Japan
(Documents 598–601)
- Planning date for the end of organized resistance by Japan
(Document 602)
- Control and command in the war against Japan
(Documents 603–604)
- Relationship of the Soviet Union to the war against Japan
(Documents 605–614)
- British Commonwealth participation in the war against Japan
(Document 615)
- French and Netherland participation in the war against Japan
(Documents 616–618)
- Use of atomic weapons in the war against Japan
(Document 619)
- Release of tankers for the war against Japan through altered distribution of European oil
supplies (Documents 620–627)