Iran - Middle East - U.S. foreign relations
materials in the pre-1861 U.S. Congressional Serial Set - Pre-1861 U.S. Foreign Relations
Materials - Historical Documents
U.S. Congressional Serial Set: Documents on Iran (Middle East) before 1861
4 sources, in chronological order.
Title | Date | Citation | Pages |
Productions, trade, and commerce of the Oriental nations. Letter from the Secretary of State, relative to the productions, trade, and commerce of the oriental nations with which the United States have not made treaties; in compliance with a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 9th instant. | February 17, 1847 | Serial Set Vol. No. 500, Session Vol. No. 4, 29th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 96 | 39 |
Report of the Secretary of War, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of February 2, 1857, information respecting the purchase of camels for the purposes of military transportation. | 1857 | Serial Set Vol. No. 881, Session Vol. No. 8, 34th Congress, 3rd Session, S. Exec. Doc. 62 | 238 |
Estimates -- diplomatic mission to Persia. Letter from the Secretary of State, asking appropriations for the diplomatic mission to Persia. | February 23, 1857 | Serial Set Vol. No. 906, Session Vol. No. 9, 34th Congress, 3rd Session, H. Exec. Doc. 80 | 1 |
Communication from the Secretary of State, in relation to the modification of the act entitled "An Act To Carry into Effect Certain Provisions in the Treaties between the United States and China, and the Ottoman Porte, Giving Certain Judicial Powers to Ministers and Consuls of the United States in Those Countries," approved August 11, 1848. | May 18, 1860 | Serial Set Vol. No. 1033, Session Vol. No. 11, 36th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 43 | 5 |