Norway - Europe - U.S. foreign relations
materials in the pre-1861 U.S. Congressional Serial Set - Pre-1861 U.S. Foreign Relations
Materials - Historical Documents
U.S. Congressional Serial Set: Documents on Norway (Europe) before 1861
12 sources, in chronological order.
Title | Date | Citation | Pages |
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of a correspondence concerning the commercial relations of the United States with the Norwegian government. | May 1, 1822 | Serial Set Vol. No. 69, Session Vol. No. 9, 17th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 123 | 8 |
Discriminating duties -- Sweden and Norway. Report of the Committee on Commerce, in relation to the imposition of discriminating duties on the vessels and cargoes of Sweden and Norway. | January 5, 1827 | Serial Set Vol. No. 159, Session Vol. No. 1, 19th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 36 | 3 |
Treaty with Sweden. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a copy of a Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United States and his Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway. | February 7, 1828 | Serial Set Vol. No. 171, Session Vol. No. 3, 20th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 122 | 20 |
Tobacco statistics, taken from official documents and such other data as can be most relied on, submitted to the serious consideration of the tobacco planters of the United States. | April 27, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 366, Session Vol. No. 4, 26th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 195 | 5 |
Tobacco-trade. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of State upon the subject of the tobacco-trade between the United States and foreign countries. | May 29, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 368, Session Vol. No. 6, 26th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 229 | 210 |
DENMARK -- indemnity. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a communication from the Secretary of State, and copies of letters relative to obtaining from the government of DENMARK indemnity for three ships and their cargoes, &c. | May 22, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 444, Session Vol. No. 6, 28th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 264 | 10 |
Diplomatic intercourse with foreign nations. | January 12, 1848 | Serial Set Vol. No. 524, Session Vol. No. 1, 30th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 80 | 5 |
Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume III. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 856, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 3 | 790 |
Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the Hose of Representatives. Volume IV. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 857, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 4 | 705 |
Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume III. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 830, Session Vol. No. 19, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 107, pt. 3 | 790 |
Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume IV. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 831, Session Vol. No. 19, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 107, pt. 4 | 705 |
Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume I. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 854, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 1 | 846 |