Hungary - Europe - U.S. foreign relations
materials in the pre-1861 U.S. Congressional Serial Set - Pre-1861 U.S. Foreign Relations
Materials - Historical Documents
U.S. Congressional Serial Set: Documents on Hungary (Europe) before 1861
23 sources, in chronological order.
Title | Date | Citation | Pages |
Tobacco-trade. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of State upon the subject of the tobacco-trade between the United States and foreign countries. April 16, 1840. Referred to the select committee, appointed on the 6th of February last, upon the subject. | May 29, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 368, Session Vol. No. 6, 26th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 229 | 210 |
In Senate of the United States. December 24, 1849. Mr. Cass submitted for consideration the following resolution: Resolved, that the Committee on Foreign Relations be instructed to inquire into the expediency of suspending diplomatic relations with Austria. | January 3, 1850 | Serial Set Vol. No. 563, Session Vol. No. 1, 31st Congress, 1st Session, S. Misc. Doc. 35 | 2 |
Resolutions of the Legislature of New York, in favor of granting land to the exiles of Hungary and other European countries, and also to certain citizens of the United States. | January 28, 1850 | Serial Set Vol. No. 563, Session Vol. No. 1, 31st Congress, 1st Session, S. Misc. Doc. 35 | 2 |
Kossuth and his fellow-prisoners. Resolutions of the Legislature of Ohio, relative to affording relief to Kossuth and his fellow-prisoners. | February 25, 1850 | Serial Set Vol. No. 581, Session Vol. No. 1, 31st Congress, 1st Session, H. Misc. Doc. 38 | 2 |
Message from the President of the United States, communicating copies of the correspondence with the agent employed to visit Hungary during the recent war between that country and Austria | April 3, 1850 | Serial Set Vol. No. 558, Session Vol. No. 10, 31st Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 43 | 19 |
Resolution of the Legislature of Indiana, in relation to Hungary. | April 8, 1850 | Serial Set Vol. No. 563, Session Vol. No. 1, 31st Congress, 1st Session, S. Misc. Doc. 88 | 2 |
John George Schwarz, consul at Vienna. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of the correspondence of John George Schwarz, consul of the United States at Vienna. | July 22, 1850 | Serial Set Vol. No. 578, Session Vol. No. 9, 31st Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 71 | 85 |
Message from the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, a copy of the correspondence between the Department of State and the Turkish government on the subject of the Hungarian exiles | September 27, 1850 | Serial Set Vol. No. 562, Session Vol. No. 14, 31st Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 81 | 5 |
Message of the President of the United States, communicating, in answer to a resolution of the Senate, a report of the Secretary of State, containing the correspondence between that Department and the Austrian charge d'affaires respecting the agent sent to Hungary during the recent struggle for independence. | December 30, 1850 | Serial Set Vol. No. 589, Session Vol. No. 3, 31st Congress, 2nd Session, S. Exec. Doc. 9 | 13 |
Message of the President of the United States, communicating in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the 8th instant, correspondence between the State Department and the United States Minister at Constantinople, respecting the liberation of Kossuth and his companions. | March 11, 1851 | Serial Set Vol. No. 607, Session Vol. No. 1, 32nd Congress, Special Senate Session, S. Exec. Doc. 2 | 15 |
Kossuth and non-intervention. Resolutions of the Legislature of New Jersey, in relation to Governor Kossuth and the doctrine of national non-intervention. | February 2, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 652, Session Vol. No. 1, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Misc. Doc. 6 | 2 |
Resolutions of the Legislature of Maine, in relation to Louis Kossuth, and the doctrine of non-intervention. | February 2, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 629, Session Vol. No. 1, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, S. Misc. Doc. 25 | 1 |
Resolutions of the Legislature of New Jersey, in relation to Louis Kossuth, and the doctrine of non-intervention. | February 2, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 629, Session Vol. No. 1, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, S. Misc. Doc. 26 | 2 |
Kossuth and intervention. Resolutions of the Legislature of Maine, relating to Kossuth, Hungary and intervention. | February 3, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 652, Session Vol. No. 1, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Misc. Doc. 8 | 1 |
Letter of L. Kossuth to the President of the Senate pro tempore, enclosing a copy of a communication addressed by him to the President of the United States, expressive of his thanks for the honor conferred upon him by the government of the United States. February 17, 1852 | February 18, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 629, Session Vol. No. 1, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, S. Misc. Doc. 39 | 4 |
National intervention. Resolutions of the Legislature of Massachusetts, in relation to national intervention. | June 24, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 652, Session Vol. No. 1, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Misc. Doc. 61 | 1 |
Message from the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, the correspondence of the American charge d'affaires at Vienna, with the Department of State, on the subject of the apprehension and imprisonment, by the Austrian authorities, of the Rev. Charles L. Brace, an American citizen. | June 25, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 620, Session Vol. No. 9, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 91 | 24 |
Message from the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, the correspondence with Mr. Hulsemann, late charge d'affaires of the Emperor of Austria, on the occasion of his withdrawal from his place as charge d'affaires. | June 28, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 620, Session Vol. No. 9, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 92 | 5 |
Message from the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, copies of all communications from the American legation at Constantinople, respecting the seizure of Martin Koszta by the Austrian authorities at Smyrna | March 2, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 698, Session Vol. No. 8, 33rd Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 40 | 64 |
Message from the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, the correspondence between the United States consul at Smyrna and the American legation at Constantinople, and between said consul and this government, in relation to Martin Koszta. | April 6, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 698, Session Vol. No. 8, 33rd Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 53 | 22 |
Martin Koszta -- correspondence, &c. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of correspondence, &c., growing out of the seizure and rescue of Martin Koszta. | April 14, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 724, Session Vol. No. 11, 33rd Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 91 | 92 |
Correspondence in the case of Rev. James Cook Richmond, and the United States consul for Trieste. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of correspondence in regard to Rev. James Cook Richmond, and the United States consul for Trieste. | May 2, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 725, Session Vol. No. 12, 33rd Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 100 | 60 |
A. Dudley Mann. (To accompany J.R. No. 58.) | March 3, 1859 | Serial Set Vol. No. 1018, Session Vol. No. 1, 35th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 254 | 3 |