Europe - U.S. foreign relations
materials in the pre-1861 U.S. Congressional Serial Set - Pre-1861 U.S. Foreign Relations
Materials - Historical Documents
U.S. Congressional Serial Set: Documents on Europe before 1861
1250 sources, in chronological order.
Subject | Title | Date | Citation | Pages |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Fifteenth Congress. | December 2, 1817 | Serial Set Vol. No. 5, Session Vol. No. 1, 15th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 1 | 11 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Fifteenth Congress. | December 2, 1817 | Serial Set Vol. No. 2, Session Vol. No. 1, 15th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 13 | 11 |
Great Britain | In Senate of the United States, December 15, 1817. Mr. Troup submitted the following motion for consideration: Resolved, that the President of the United States be requested to cause to be laid before the Senate, such information as he may possess, touching the execution of so much of the first article of the late treaty of peace and amity between his Britannic Majesty and the United States of America, as relates to the restitution of slaves... | December 15, 1817 | Serial Set Vol. No. 2, Session Vol. No. 1, 15th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 13 | 1 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, in compliance with a resolution of the sixteenth instant, relative to the restitution of slaves under the first article of the Treaty of Ghent. | December 29, 1817 | Serial Set Vol. No. 2, Session Vol. No. 1, 15th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 27 | 5 |
Great Britain | In Senate of the United States, January 20, 1818. The Committee of Commerce and Manufactures, to whom was referred a letter from Julie Plantou to the President of the Senate, proposing to sell to the United States an allegorical painting of the Treaty of Ghent... | January 20, 1818 | Serial Set Vol. No. 2, Session Vol. No. 1, 15th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 65 | 1 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of communications from the minister of Great Britain, relating to the duties upon iron in bars and bolts, imported from that kingdom, into the United States. | February 17, 1818 | Serial Set Vol. No. 9, Session Vol. No. 5, 15th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 101 | 5 |
Great Britain | Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a statement of moneys paid at the Treasury for defraying the expenses of the commissioners under the 4th, 6th, and 7th articles of the Treaty of Ghent. | February 19, 1818 | Serial Set Vol. No. 9, Session Vol. No. 5, 15th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 103 | 2 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, accompanying copies of the decision and declaration of the commissioners under the fourth article of the Treaty of Ghent. | March 2, 1818 | Serial Set Vol. No. 10, Session Vol. No. 6, 15th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 128 | 6 |
Italy (Kingdom of Two Sicilies) | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting, in conformity to a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 30th Jan. last, sundry papers in relation to the claim of the merchants of the United States, for their property seized and confiscated under the authority of the King of Naples. | March 2, 1818 | Serial Set Vol. No. 10, Session Vol. No. 6, 15th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 130 | 35 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, accompanying copies of the decision and declaration of the commissioners under the fourth article of the Treaty of Ghent. | March 2, 1818 | Serial Set Vol. No. 10, Session Vol. No. 6, 15th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 128 | 6 |
The Netherlands | Message from the President of the United States, communicating information relative to the renewal and extensions of the commercial treaty already existing between the United States and the government of the Netherlands. | March 20, 1818 | Serial Set Vol. No. 11, Session Vol. No. 7, 15th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 168 | 7 |
Great Britain | Report of the committee upon the expenses under the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th articles of the Treaty of Ghent. | April 11, 1818 | Serial Set Vol. No. 11, Session Vol. No. 7, 15th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 193 | 16 |
Great Britain | Report of the committee upon the expenses under the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th articles of the Treaty of Ghent. | April 11, 1818 | Serial Set Vol. No. 11, Session Vol. No. 7, 15th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 193 | 16 |
Great Britain | In Senate of the United States, November 24, 1818. Mr. Fromentin submitted the following motion for consideration: Resolved, that the President of the United States be requested to cause to be laid before the Senate, such information as he may possess, touching the execution of so much of the first article of the late treaty of peace and amity between his Britannic Majesty and the United States of America... | November 24, 1818 | Serial Set Vol. No. 14, Session Vol. No. 1, 15th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 5 | 1 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report from the Secretary of State, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the twenty-fifth of last month, requesting to be furnished with such information as may be possessed by the Executive, touching the execution of so much of the first article of the late treaty of peace and amity between his Britannic Majesty and the United States as relates to the restitution of slaves, and which has not heretofore been communicated. | December 3, 1818 | Serial Set Vol. No. 14, Session Vol. No. 1, 15th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 26 | 4 |
Germany | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting applications from the resident minister of Prussia, and the Senates of the Hanseatic Cities of Hamburg and Bremen, to have extended to Prussia, Hamburg and Bremen the advantages secured by the act of Congress of the twentieth April last, to the Netherlands. | February 8, 1819 | Serial Set Vol. No. 23, Session Vol. No. 7, 15th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 129 | 13 |
The Netherlands | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting applications from the resident minister of Prussia, and the Senates of the Hanseatic Cities of Hamburg and Bremen, to have extended to Prussia, Hamburg and Bremen the advantages secured by the act of Congress of the twentieth April last, to the Netherlands. | February 18, 1819 | Serial Set Vol. No. 23, Session Vol. No. 7, 15th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 129 | 13 |
Great Britain | In Senate of the United States. Mar. King, of New York, submitted the following resolutions for consideration: Resolved, that, from and after the the regulations and provisions of the act, entitled "An Act Concerning Navigation," passed on the 18th day of April, 1818, be, and hereby are, extended, and made applicable to the colony or island of Bermuda; to the Providence or Bahama islands, and to all other colonies, islands, and places, under the dominion of Great Britain... | March 10, 1820 | Serial Set Vol. No. 27, Session Vol. No. 2, 16th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 83 | 1 |
Great Britain | Letter from the Register of the Treasury, transmitting statements in relation to the trade of the United States with the West Indies and the British American colonies, for the four years preceding the 1st of October, 1818. | March 24, 1820 | Serial Set Vol. No. 37, Session Vol. No. 7, 16th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 102 | 8 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting extracts of letters from our ministers in St. Petersburg and Madrid, upon the subject of our relations with Spain, also, an extract of a letter from Mr. Gallatin, minister at the Court of Versailles, upon the same subject. | March 27, 1820 | Serial Set Vol. No. 27, Session Vol. No. 2, 16th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 95 | 11 |
Russia | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting extracts of letters from our ministers in St. Petersburg and Madrid, upon the subject of our relations with Spain, also, an extract of a letter from Mr. Gallatin, minister at the Court of Versailles, upon the same subject. | March 27, 1820 | Serial Set Vol. No. 27, Session Vol. No. 2, 16th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 95 | 11 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting, in pursuance of a resolution of the Senate of the 1st of February, information relative to the execution of the first article of the late treaty of peace and amity between his Britannic Majesty and the United States. | March 28, 1820 | Serial Set Vol. No. 27, Session Vol. No. 2, 16th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 97 | 6 |
Russia | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting, in pursuance of a resolution of the Senate of the 1st of February, information relative to the execution of the first article of the late treaty of peace and amity between his Britannic Majesty and the United States. | March 28, 1820 | Serial Set Vol. No. 27, Session Vol. No. 2, 16th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 97 | 6 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting, in pursuance of a resolution of the Senate of the 1st of February, information relative to the execution of the first article of the late treaty of peace and amity between his Britannic Majesty and the United States. | March 28, 1820 | Serial Set Vol. No. 27, Session Vol. No. 2, 16th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 97 | 6 |
Russia | Report of the Secretary of State, on the petition of Eliphalet Loud, and others. Referred to him by a resolution of the Senate, of the 13th instant. | April 18, 1820 | Serial Set Vol. No. 27, Session Vol. No. 2, 16th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 114 | 6 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting, pursuant to a resolution of the Senate of the 21st of March last, copies of the correspondence between the ministers or other agents of the United States and the ministers or government of Sweden, relative to the seizures, sequestration, or confiscation of the ships or other property of citizens of the United States under the authority of Sweden. | April 21, 1820 | Serial Set Vol. No. 27, Session Vol. No. 2, 16th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 116 | 30 |
Sweden | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting, pursuant to a resolution of the Senate of the 21st of March last, copies of the correspondence between the ministers or other agents of the United States and the ministers or government of Sweden, relative to the seizures, sequestration, or confiscation of the ships or other property of citizens of the United States under the authority of Sweden. | April 21, 1820 | Serial Set Vol. No. 27, Session Vol. No. 2, 16th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 116 | 30 |
Great Britain | Letter from the Secretary of State, to the Chairman of the Committee on Commerce, transmitting documents shewing the proceedings of the executive, hitherto, in negotiating with Great Britain in relation to the commercial intercourse between the United States and the British American colonies; and with France, in relation to the general commerce between that country and the United States. | April 22, 1820 | Serial Set Vol. No. 38, Session Vol. No. 8, 16th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 115 | 53 |
France | Letter from the Secretary of State, to the Chairman of the Committee on Commerce, transmitting documents shewing the proceedings of the executive, hitherto, in negotiating with Great Britain in relation to the commercial intercourse between the United States and the British American colonies; and with France, in relation to the general commerce between that country and the United States. | April 22, 1820 | Serial Set Vol. No. 38, Session Vol. No. 8, 16th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 115 | 55 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Sixteenth Congress | November 15, 1820 | Serial Set Vol. No. 42, Session Vol. No. 1, 16th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 2 | 8 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Sixteenth Congress | November 15, 1820 | Serial Set Vol. No. 48, Session Vol. No. 1, 16th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 1 | 8 |
France | Message from the President of the United States to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Sixteenth Congress. | November 15, 1820 | Serial Set Vol. No. 42, Session Vol. No. 1, 16th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 2 | 8 |
France | Message from the President of the United States to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Sixteenth Congress. | November 15, 1820 | Serial Set Vol. No. 48, Session Vol. No. 1, 16th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 1 | 8 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of State of the progress and expenditures of the commissioners, under the fifth, sixth, and seventh articles of the Treaty of Ghent. | December 19, 1820 | Serial Set Vol. No. 48, Session Vol. No. 1, 16th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 30 | 58 |
France | Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 20th ultimo, information of the number of French vessels which have arrived, and are expected to arrive, in the present year, in the River St. Mary's since the first of July last. | January 13, 1821 | Serial Set Vol. No. 52, Session Vol. No. 5, 16th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 58 | 4 |
France | From the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a statement, shewing the tonnage of vessels of the United States which entered from, and cleared for, ports in France, together with the tonnage of French vessels which entered ports of the United States during the years 1816, 1817, 1818, and 1819. | January 20, 1821 | Serial Set Vol. No. 52, Session Vol. No. 5, 16th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 72 | 8 |
Great Britain | Report of the Committee of Claims, in the case of Jacob and Henry H. Schieffelin. | January 20, 1821 | Serial Set Vol. No. 57, Session Vol. No. 1, 16th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 42 | 9 |
France | Report of the committee, to whom was referred a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 19th of December last, directing an inquiry into the situation of the settlements on the Pacific Ocean, and the expediency of occupying the Columbia River; accompanied with a bill to authorize the occupation of the Columbia River, &c. January 25, 1821. Read, and, with the bill committed to a Committee of the Whole, to-morrow. | January 25, 1821 | Serial Set Vol. No. 57, Session Vol. No. 1, 16th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 45 | 45 |
Great Britain | Report of the select committee, to which was referred so much of the President's message as relates to the progress and expenditures of the commissioners, under the fifth, sixth, and seventh articles of the Treaty of Ghent; accompanied with a bill establishing the salaries of the commissioners and agents appointed under said treaty. | February 3, 1821 | Serial Set Vol. No. 57, Session Vol. No. 1, 16th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 56 | 8 |
Austria-Hungary | Report of the committee to which was referred so much of the President's message as relates to the slave trade. | February 9, 1821 | Serial Set Vol. No. 57, Session Vol. No. 1, 16th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 59 | 88 |
France | Report of the committee to which was referred so much of the President's message as relates to the slave trade. | February 9, 1821 | Serial Set Vol. No. 57, Session Vol. No. 1, 16th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 59 | 88 |
The Netherlands | Report of the committee to which was referred so much of the President's message as relates to the slave trade. | February 9, 1821 | Serial Set Vol. No. 57, Session Vol. No. 1, 16th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 59 | 88 |
Portugal | Report of the committee to which was referred so much of the President's message as relates to the slave trade. | February 9, 1821 | Serial Set Vol. No. 57, Session Vol. No. 1, 16th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 59 | 88 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, to both houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Seventeenth Congress | December 5, 1821 | Serial Set Vol. No. 59, Session Vol. No. 1, 17th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 1 | 70 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Seventeenth Congress. | December 5, 1821 | Serial Set Vol. No. 63, Session Vol. No. 1, 17th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 1 | 70 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, to both houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Seventeenth Congress. | December 5, 1821 | Serial Set Vol. No. 59, Session Vol. No. 1, 17th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 1 | 70 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, to both houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Seventeenth Congress. | December 5, 1821 | Serial Set Vol. No. 63, Session Vol. No. 1, 17th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 1 | 70 |
France | Report of the select committee, appointed on the 10th ultimo, to inquire into the expediency of occupying the Columbia River, and to regulate the intercourse with the Indian tribes; accompanied with a bill to authorize the occupation of the Columbia River. | January 18, 1822 | Serial Set Vol. No. 70, Session Vol. No. 1, 17th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 18 | 15 |
Russia | Report of the select committee, appointed on the 10th ultimo, to inquire into the expediency of occupying the Columbia River, and to regulate the intercourse with the Indian tribes; accompanied with a bill to authorize the occupation of the Columbia River. | January 18, 1822 | Serial Set Vol. No. 70, Session Vol. No. 1, 17th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 18 | 15 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the information required (by a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 22d ultimo), in relation to the progress made by the commissioners under the fifth article of the Treaty of Ghent. February 7, 1822 | February 8, 1822 | Serial Set Vol. No. 66, Session Vol. No. 6, 17th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 58 | 8 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting, (in pursuance of a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 17th ult.), the correspondence which led to the Treaty of Ghent, &c. &c. | February 25, 1822 | Serial Set Vol. No. 67, Session Vol. No. 7, 17th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 75 | 53 |
Great Britain | Report of the Committee on Commerce, to which was referred so much of the President's message as concerns the commercial intercourse of the United States with foreign nations. | March 15, 1822 | Serial Set Vol. No. 71, Session Vol. No. 2, 17th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 70 | 70 |
Great Britain | In Senate of the United States, March 15, 1822. Mr. King, of New York, from the Committee on Foreign Relations, to whom were referred the memorial of R. Appleby and others, of the Colleton District, South Carolina, and the resolutions of the Chamber of Commerce of the City of Baltimore, praying for the repeal of the laws closing the ports of the United States against British vessels, employed in the trade between the United States and the British colonies in the West Indies, report... | March 15, 1822 | Serial Set Vol. No. 59, Session Vol. No. 1, 17th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 61 | 4 |
France | Report of the Committee on Commerce, to which was referred so much of the President's message as concerns the commercial intercourse of the United States with foreign nations. | March 15, 1822 | Serial Set Vol. No. 71, Session Vol. No. 2, 17th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 70 | 70 |
Portugal | Report of the Committee on Commerce, to which was referred so much of the President's message as concerns the commercial intercourse of the United States with foreign nations. | March 15, 1822 | Serial Set Vol. No. 71, Session Vol. No. 2, 17th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 70 | 70 |
Russia | Report of the Committee on Commerce, to which was referred so much of the President's message as concerns the commercial intercourse of the United States with foreign nations. | March 15, 1822 | Serial Set Vol. No. 71, Session Vol. No. 2, 17th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 70 | 70 |
Sweden | Report of the Committee on Commerce, to which was referred so much of the President's message as concerns the commercial intercourse of the United States with foreign nations. | March 15, 1822 | Serial Set Vol. No. 71, Session Vol. No. 2, 17th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 70 | 70 |
Great Britain | Report of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, on the petition of Jacob Schieffelin and Henry Schieffelin | April 8, 1822 | Serial Set Vol. No. 71, Session Vol. No. 2, 17th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 85 | 5 |
Austria-Hungary | Report of the Committee on the Suppression of the Slave Trade. | April 12, 1822 | Serial Set Vol. No. 71, Session Vol. No. 2, 17th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 92 | 92 |
France | Report of the Committee on the Suppression of the Slave Trade | April 12, 1822 | Serial Set Vol. No. 71, Session Vol. No. 2, 17th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 92 | 92 |
The Netherlands | Report of the Committee on the Suppression of the Slave Trade. | April 12, 1822 | Serial Set Vol. No. 71, Session Vol. No. 2, 17th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 92 | 92 |
Portugal | Report of the Committee on the Suppression of the Slave Trade | April 12, 1822 | Serial Set Vol. No. 71, Session Vol. No. 2, 17th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 92 | 92 |
Russia | Report of the Committee on the Suppression of the Slave Trade. | April 12, 1822 | Serial Set Vol. No. 71, Session Vol. No. 2, 17th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 92 | 92 |
Russia | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 16th of February last, in relation to claims set up by foreign governments to territory of the United States upon the Pacific Ocean, north of the forty-second degree of latitude, &c. &c. | April 17, 1822 | Serial Set Vol. No. 68, Session Vol. No. 8, 17th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 112\ | 38 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 16th of February last, in relation to claims set up by foreign governments to territory of the United States upon the Pacific Ocean, north of the forty-second degree of latitude, &c. &c. | April 17, 1822 | Serial Set Vol. No. 68, Session Vol. No. 8, 17th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 112 | 38 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of State, made in pursuance of a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 18th inst., requesting to be furnished with a copy of the judicial proceedings in the district court of Louisiana, in the case of the French ship La Pensee. | April 30, 1822 | Serial Set Vol. No. 69, Session Vol. No. 9, 17th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 118 | 5 |
Norway | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of a correspondence concerning the commercial relations of the United States with the Norwegian government. | May 1, 1822 | Serial Set Vol. No. 69, Session Vol. No. 9, 17th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 123 | 8 |
Russia | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of letters received at the Department of State, on the subject of the duties discriminating between imported rolled and hammered iron. | May 3, 1822 | Serial Set Vol. No. 69, Session Vol. No. 9, 17th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 125 | 12 |
Sweden | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of letters received at the Department of State, on the subject of the duties discriminating between imported rolled and hammered iron. | May 3, 1822 | Serial Set Vol. No. 69, Session Vol. No. 9, 17th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 125 | 12 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting, (pursuant to a resolution of the House of Representatives, of 7th May), a letter of Jonathan Russell, late one of the plenipotentiaries of the United States, at the negotiation of Ghent, with remarks thereon, by the Secretary of State. | May 8, 1822 | Serial Set Vol. No. 69, Session Vol. No. 9, 17th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 131 | 58 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting, (pursuant to a resolution of the House of Representatives, of 7th May), a letter of Jonathan Russell, late one of the plenipotentiaries of the United States, at the negotiation of Ghent, with remarks thereon, by the Secretary of State. | May 8, 1822 | Serial Set Vol. No. 69, Session Vol. No. 9, 17th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 131 | 56 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Seventeenth Congress. | December 3, 1822 | Serial Set Vol. No. 73, Session Vol. No. 1, 17th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 1 | 91 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Seventeenth Congress. | December 3, 1822 | Serial Set Vol. No. 76, Session Vol. No. 1, 17th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 2 | 91 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Seventeenth Congress. | December 3, 1822 | Serial Set Vol. No. 73, Session Vol. No. 1, 17th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 1 | 91 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Seventeenth Congress | December 3, 1822 | Serial Set Vol. No. 76, Session Vol. No. 1, 17th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 2 | 91 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Seventeenth Congress. | December 3, 1822 | Serial Set Vol. No. 76, Session Vol. No. 1, 17th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 2 | 91 |
Great Britain | Report of the Committee on Commerce, to which was referred so much of the President's message as concerns the commercial intercourse of the United States with foreign nations. March 15, 1822. Committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow. | December 12, 1822 | Serial Set Vol. No. 86, Session Vol. No. 1, 17th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 48 | 70 |
France | Report of the Committee on Commerce, to which was referred so much of the President's message as concerns the commercial intercourse of the United States with foreign nations. | December 12, 1822 | Serial Set Vol. No. 86, Session Vol. No. 1, 17th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 48 | 70 |
Portugal | Report of the Committee on Commerce, to which was referred so much of the President's message as concerns the commercial intercourse of the United States with foreign nations. March 15, 1822. Committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow. | December 12, 1822 | Serial Set Vol. No. 86, Session Vol. No. 1, 17th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 48 | 70 |
Russia | Report of the Committee on Commerce, to which was referred so much of the President's message as concerns the commercial intercourse of the United States with foreign nations. March 15, 1822. Committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow. | December 12, 1822 | Serial Set Vol. No. 86, Session Vol. No. 1, 17th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 48 | 70 |
Sweden | Report of the Committee on Commerce, to which was referred so much of the President's message as concerns the commercial intercourse of the United States with foreign nations. March 15, 1822. Committed to a Committee of the Whole House to-morrow. | December 12, 1822 | Serial Set Vol. No. 86, Session Vol. No. 1, 17th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 48 | 70 |
Great Britain | Report of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, on the petition of Jacob Schieffelin and Henry Schieffelin. April 8, 1822. | December 12, 1822 | Serial Set Vol. No. 86, Session Vol. No. 1, 17th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 37 | 9 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting, (in pursuance of a resolution of the Senate, of Dec. 12, 1822), statements exhibiting the amount in the aggregate of the goods, wares, and merchandise exported from the United States to France, and imported from thence, in each year from and after the year 1814, to the year 1820; discriminating, in the exports, between the articles of the growth, produce, or manufacture of the United States, and those of foreign countries; and also, stating the national character of the vessels in which such exports and imports have been made. | January 23, 1823 | Serial Set Vol. No. 74, Session Vol. No. 2, 17th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 21 | 7 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of a convention concluded at St. Petersburg, the 12th day of July, 1822, under the mediation of the Emperor of all the Russias, between the United States of America and his Britannic Majesty. | January 25, 1823 | Serial Set Vol. No. 78, Session Vol. No. 3, 17th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 30 | 19 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of a convention concluded at St. Petersburg, the 12th day of July, 1822, under the mediation of the Emperor of all the Russias, between the United States of America and his Britannic Majesty. | January 25, 1823 | Serial Set Vol. No. 78, Session Vol. No. 3, 17th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 30 | 21 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, communicating the letter of Mr. Prevost, and other documents, relating to an establishment made at the mouth of Columbia River. | January 27, 1823 | Serial Set Vol. No. 78, Session Vol. No. 3, 17th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 45 | 65 |
Great Britain | In Senate of the United States, Mr. Barbour, from the Committee on Foreign Relations, communicated the following act of the British Parliament, which was ordered to be printed for the use of the Senate. | February 4, 1823 | Serial Set Vol. No. 74, Session Vol. No. 2, 17th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 28 | 13 |
France | Report of the select committee, appointed on the 13th ultimo, to inquire into the expediency of continuing in force for a further time the acts regulating, within the United States, the currency of certain foreign coins; accompanied with a bill for that purpose. | February 5, 1823 | Serial Set Vol. No. 87, Session Vol. No. 2, 17th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 83 | 4 |
Portugal | Report of the select committee, appointed on the 13th ultimo, to inquire into the expediency of continuing in force for a further time the acts regulating, within the United States, the currency of certain foreign coins; accompanied with a bill for that purpose. | February 5, 1823 | Serial Set Vol. No. 87, Session Vol. No. 2, 17th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 83 | 4 |
France | Report of the select committee appointed on the 13th ult. in relation to the expediency of receiving certain foreign coins in payments at the Treasury; accompanied with a bill making the gold coins of Great Britain, France, &c. receivable in payments on account of public lands. | February 6, 1823 | Serial Set Vol. No. 87, Session Vol. No. 2, 17th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 85 | 3 |
Portugal | Report of the select committee appointed on the 13th ult. in relation to the expediency of receiving certain foreign coins in payments at the Treasury; accompanied with a bill making the gold coins of Great Britain, France, &c. receivable in payments on account of public lands | February 6, 1823 | Serial Set Vol. No. 87, Session Vol. No. 2, 17th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 85 | 3 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting (pursuant to a resolution of the House of Representatives, of the 22d ult.) the correspondence between the government of the United States and Great Britain, relating to the negotiation of the convention of the 20th October, 1818. | February 15, 1823 | Serial Set Vol. No. 80, Session Vol. No. 5, 17th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 71 | 152 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting (pursuant to a resolution of the House of Representatives, of the 22d ult.) the correspondence between the government of the United States and Great Britain, relating to the negotiation of the convention of the 20th October, 1818. | February 15, 1823 | Serial Set Vol. No. 80, Session Vol. No. 5, 17th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 71 | 152 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting (pursuant to a resolution of the House of Representatives, of the 22d ult.) the correspondence between the government of the United States and Great Britain, relating to the negotiation of the convention of the 20th October, 1818. | February 15, 1823 | Serial Set Vol. No. 80, Session Vol. No. 5, 17th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 71 | 152 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a copy of a "Convention of Navigation and Commerce," between the United States and France, as concluded and signed at Washington, 24th June, 1822. | February 20, 1823 | Serial Set Vol. No. 78, Session Vol. No. 3, 17th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 31 | 10 |
Great Britain | Report of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, to which was referred an act of the Parliament of Great Britain, passed the 5th of August, 1822, with a resolution instructing said committee to inquire whether the said act violates any right of the United States. | February 21, 1823 | Serial Set Vol. No. 87, Session Vol. No. 2, 17th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 96 | 33 |
Great Britain | Additional papers communicated by the President of the United States, to the correspondence between the government of the United States and Great Britain, relating to the negotiation of the Convention of the 20th October, 1818, (pursuant to a resolution of the House of Representatives, of the 22d ult.). | March 1, 1823 | Serial Set Vol. No. 81, Session Vol. No. 6, 17th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 89 | 20 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of State, in relation to the transactions of the commissioners under the 6th and 7th articles of the Treaty of Ghent. Also, the measures which have been taken under the fourth article of the treaty with Spain, of February 22, 1819, for fixing the boundary line described in the third article of the last mentioned treaty | March 1, 1823 | Serial Set Vol. No. 81, Session Vol. No. 6, 17th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 91 | 15 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Eighteenth Congress. | December 2, 1823 | Serial Set Vol. No. 89, Session Vol. No. 1, 18th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 1 | 221 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Eighteenth Congress. | December 2, 1823 | Serial Set Vol. No. 89, Session Vol. No. 1, 18th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 2 | 221 |
Greece | Message from the President of the United States, to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Eighteenth Congress. | December 2, 1823 | Serial Set Vol. No. 89, Session Vol. No. 1, 18th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 1 | 221 |
Greece | Message from the President of the United States, to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Eighteenth Congress. | December 2, 1823 | Serial Set Vol. No. 93, Session Vol. No. 1, 18th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 2 | 221 |
Russia | Message from the President of the United States, to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Eighteenth Congress. | December 2, 1823 | Serial Set Vol. No. 89, Session Vol. No. 1, 18th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 1 | 221 |
Russia | Message from the President of the United States, to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Eighteenth Congress. | December 2, 1823 | Serial Set Vol. No. 93, Session Vol. No. 1, 18th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 2 | 221 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Eighteenth Congress. | December 2, 1823 | Serial Set Vol. No. 89, Session Vol. No. 1, 18th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 1 | 221 |
Greece | Memorial of a committee appointed at a public meeting of the citizens of New York, to take into consideration the situation of the Greeks. | December 29, 1823 | Serial Set Vol. No. 93, Session Vol. No. 1, 18th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 13 | 4 |
Greece | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of State, upon the subject of the present condition and future prospects of the Greeks. | December 31, 1823 | Serial Set Vol. No. 93, Session Vol. No. 1, 18th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 14 | 25 |
Greece | Resolution of the Legislature of South Carolina, expressive of their sympathy for the Greeks in their struggle for independence | January 2, 1824 | Serial Set Vol. No. 94, Session Vol. No. 2, 18th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 18 | 3 |
Greece | In the Senate of the United States. Resolutions of the Legislature of South Carolina... | January 2, 1824 | Serial Set Vol. No. 89, Session Vol. No. 1, 18th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 10 | 1 |
Greece | Memorial of the inhabitants of Boston, on the subject of the Greeks | January 5, 1824 | Serial Set Vol. No. 94, Session Vol. No. 2, 18th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 21 | 5 |
Greece | Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a statement exhibiting the value of the trade which the United States held with Greece, Asia Minor, and Egypt during the years ending 30th Sept., 1820, 1821, and 1822 | January 16, 1824 | Serial Set Vol. No. 94, Session Vol. No. 2, 18th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 32 | 4 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a digest of the commercial regulations of the different foreign nations with which the United States have intercourse; in compliance with a resolution of the House of Representatives of January 21, 1823 | February 2, 1824 | Serial Set Vol. No. 99, Session Vol. No. 7, 18th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 130 | 527 |
Italy (Kingdom of Two Sicilies) | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a digest of the commercial regulations of the different foreign nations with which the United States have intercourse; in compliance with a resolution of the House of Representatives of Jan. 21, 1823 | February 2, 1824 | Serial Set Vol. No. 99, Session Vol. No. 7, 18th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 130 | 527 |
The Netherlands | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a digest of the commercial regulations of the different foreign nations with which the United States have intercourse; in compliance with a resolution of the House of Representatives of Jan. 21, 1823. | February 2, 1824 | Serial Set Vol. No. 99, Session Vol. No. 7, 18th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 130 | 527 |
Russia | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a digest of the commercial regulations of the different foreign nations with which the United States have intercourse; in compliance with a resolution of the House of Representatives of January 21, 1823 | February 2, 1824 | Serial Set Vol. No. 99, Session Vol. No. 7, 18th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 130 | 527 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting part of the correspondence between the governments of France and the United States, in relation to claims of citizens of the United States for spoliations upon our lawful commerce. February 5, 1824. | February 5, 1824 | Serial Set Vol. No. 96, Session Vol. No. 4, 18th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 60 | 79 |
Russia | Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, communicating information of the quantity of cordage manufactured from hemp of domestic growth which has been used in the service of the Navy since the year 1812; &c. &c. (In obedience to a resolution of the Senate, of 22d January last.) | February 23, 1824 | Serial Set Vol. No. 90, Session Vol. No. 2, 18th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 39 | 7 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives of 27th February last, in relation to the suppression of the African slave trade | March 20, 1824 | Serial Set Vol. No. 98, Session Vol. No. 6, 18th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 119 | 41 |
The Netherlands | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives of 27th February last, in relation to the suppression of the African slave trade. | March 20, 1824 | Serial Set Vol. No. 98, Session Vol. No. 6, 18th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 119 | 41 |
Portugal | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives of 27th February last, in relation to the suppression of the African slave trade. | March 20, 1824 | Serial Set Vol. No. 98, Session Vol. No. 6, 18th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 119 | 41 |
Russia | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives of 27th February last, in relation to the suppression of the African slave trade. | March 20, 1824 | Serial Set Vol. No. 98, Session Vol. No. 6, 18th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 119 | 41 |
France | Report of the Committee of Foreign Relations, respecting French spoliations from 1793 to 1800. | March 25, 1824 | Serial Set Vol. No. 106, Session Vol. No. 2, 18th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 94 | 2 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report from the Secretary of State, in reply to a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 20th ultimo, requiring information relating to spoliations committed on American commerce by French ships of war between the years 1793 & 1800, &c. | March 25, 1824 | Serial Set Vol. No. 103, Session Vol. No. 11, 18th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 157 | 3 |
Portugal | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting information in relation to the present state of the commercial intercourse between the United States and Portugal. (In pursuance of a resolution of the Senate of the United States of the 13th ult.) | May 10, 1824 | Serial Set Vol. No. 91, Session Vol. No. 3, 18th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 77 | 37 |
Portugal | In the Senate of the United States. A statement exhibiting the quantity of Madeira and Lisbon wines imported into the United States... | May 10, 1824 | Serial Set Vol. No. 91, Session Vol. No. 3, 18th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 78 | 1 |
Great Britain | Report of the Committee on Commerce | May 22, 1824 | Serial Set Vol. No. 106, Session Vol. No. 2, 18th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 126 | 9 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Eighteenth Congress. | December 7, 1824 | Serial Set Vol. No. 108, Session Vol. No. 1, 18th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 1 | 336 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Eighteenth Congress. | December 7, 1824 | Serial Set Vol. No. 113, Session Vol. No. 1, 18th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 2 | 336 |
Russia | Message from the President of the United States, to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Eighteenth Congress. | December 7, 1824 | Serial Set Vol. No. 108, Session Vol. No. 1, 18th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 1 | 336 |
Russia | Message from the President of the United States, to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Eighteenth Congress. | December 7, 1824 | Serial Set Vol. No. 113, Session Vol. No. 1, 18th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 2 | 336 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Eighteenth Congress. | December 7, 1824 | Serial Set Vol. No. 108, Session Vol. No. 1, 18th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 1 | 336 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Eighteenth Congress. | December 7, 1824 | Serial Set Vol. No. 113, Session Vol. No. 1, 18th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 2 | 336 |
The Netherlands | Message from the President of the United States, to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Eighteenth Congress. | December 7, 1824 | Serial Set Vol. No. 108, Session Vol. No. 1, 18th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 1 | 336 |
The Netherlands | Message from the President of the United States, to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Eighteenth Congress. | December 7, 1824 | Serial Set Vol. No. 113, Session Vol. No. 1, 18th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 2 | 336 |
Portugal | Message from the President of the United States, to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Eighteenth Congress. | December 7, 1824 | Serial Set Vol. No. 113, Session Vol. No. 1, 18th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 2 | 336 |
Portugal | Message from the President of the United States, to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Eighteenth Congress. | December 7, 1824 | Serial Set Vol. No. 108, Session Vol. No. 1, 18th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 1 | 336 |
Russia | Message from the President of the United States, to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Eighteenth Congress. | December 7, 1824 | Serial Set Vol. No. 108, Session Vol. No. 1, 18th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 1 | 336 |
Russia | Message from the President of the United States, to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Eighteenth Congress. | December 7, 1824 | Serial Set Vol. No. 113, Session Vol. No. 1, 18th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 2 | 336 |
Sweden | Message from the President of the United States, to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Eighteenth Congress. | December 7, 1824 | Serial Set Vol. No. 113, Session Vol. No. 1, 18th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 2 | 336 |
Sweden | Message from the President of the United States, to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Eighteenth Congress. | December 7, 1824 | Serial Set Vol. No. 108, Session Vol. No. 1, 18th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 1 | 336 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of a correspondence with the government of Great Britain upon the subject of a cession of so much land on the Island of Abaco, &c. &c. as may be necessary for the erection and support of light-houses, beacons, &c. for the security of the navigation over and near the Bahama Banks. | December 27, 1824 | Serial Set Vol. No. 114, Session Vol. No. 2, 18th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 20 | 7 |
Great Britain | Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting (in obedience to a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 23d of Dec. last), information upon the subject of the establishment of a light near the Bahama Banks for the security of the navigation of the Gulf of Florida | December 27, 1824 | Serial Set Vol. No. 114, Session Vol. No. 2, 18th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 21 | 9 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of a correspondence with the government of France upon the subject of injuries sustained by citizens of the United States since the year 1806. | December 27, 1824 | Serial Set Vol. No. 114, Session Vol. No. 2, 18th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 18 | 20 |
Russia | Eliphalet Loud, Samuel Bailey, Israel Thorndike. | January 6, 1825 | Serial Set Vol. No. 141, Session Vol. No. 1, 19th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 25 | 5 |
Ireland | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report from the Secretary of the Navy, in relation to American canvass, cables, and cordage, in pursuance of a resolution of the Senate of the 17th May last. | January 10, 1825 | Serial Set Vol. No. 109, Session Vol. No. 2, 18th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 12 | 34 |
The Netherlands | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report from the Secretary of the Navy, in relation to American canvass, cables, and cordage, in pursuance of a resolution of the Senate of the 17th May last. | January 10, 1825 | Serial Set Vol. No. 109, Session Vol. No. 2, 18th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 12 | 34 |
Russia | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report from the Secretary of the Navy, in relation to American canvass, cables, and cordage, in pursuance of a resolution of the Senate of the 17th May last. | January 10, 1825 | Serial Set Vol. No. 109, Session Vol. No. 2, 18th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 12 | 34 |
The Netherlands | Memorial of Samuel G. Perkins. | January 17, 1825 | Serial Set Vol. No. 115, Session Vol. No. 3, 18th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 51 | 5 |
Russia | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a copy of the convention between the United States and the Emperor of Russia, concluded at St. Petersburg on the 5th of April last. | January 21, 1825 | Serial Set Vol. No. 115, Session Vol. No. 3, 18th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 58 | 8 |
Russia | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a copy of the convention between the United States and the Emperor of Russia, concluded at St. Petersburg on the 5th of April last. | January 21, 1825 | Serial Set Vol. No. 115, Session Vol. No. 3, 18th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 58 | 8 |
The Netherlands | Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting information in relation to the state of the commercial relations (as they at present exist), between the United States and the Kingdom of the Netherlands. | February 11, 1825 | Serial Set Vol. No. 116, Session Vol. No. 4, 18th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 76 | 21 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting (in compliance with a resolution of the H. of Representatives of the 18th January last), a report from the Secretary of State, with copies of the correspondence relating to the claims of the citizens of the United States upon the government of the Netherlands. | February 15, 1825 | Serial Set Vol. No. 117, Session Vol. No. 5, 18th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 85 | 77 |
The Netherlands | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting (in compliance with a resolution of the H. of Representatives of the 18th January last), a report from the Secretary of State, with copies of the correspondence relating to the claims of the citizens of the United States upon the government of the Netherlands. | February 15, 1825 | Serial Set Vol. No. 117, Session Vol. No. 5, 18th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 85 | 77 |
France | Report of the committee to whom was referred so much of the President's message of the 7th of December last as relates to the suppression of the slave trade. | February 16, 1825 | Serial Set Vol. No. 122, Session Vol. No. 1, 18th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 70 | 25 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report from the Secretary of State, with copies of the correspondence with the government of France touching the interpretation of the eighth article of the treaty for the cession of Louisiana. | February 17, 1825 | Serial Set Vol. No. 118, Session Vol. No. 6, 18th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 91 | 85 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of correspondence, &c. upon the subject of the capture and detention, by British armed vessels, of American fishermen during the last season. | February 18, 1825 | Serial Set Vol. No. 118, Session Vol. No. 6, 18th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 93 | 53 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of correspondence, &c. upon the subject of the capture and detention, by British armed vessels, of American fishermen during the last season | February 18, 1825 | Serial Set Vol. No. 118, Session Vol. No. 6, 18th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 93 | 55 |
Great Britain | Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting copies of the reports of the commissioners of land claims in East and West Florida. | February 22, 1825 | Serial Set Vol. No. 120, Session Vol. No. 7, 18th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 111 | 252 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a further report from the Secretary of State, on the subject of the capture and detention of American fishermen, the last season, on the Bay of Fundy. | February 26, 1825 | Serial Set Vol. No. 118, Session Vol. No. 6, 18th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 101 | 41 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a further report from the Secretary of State, on the subject of the capture and detention of American fishermen, the last season, on the Bay of Fundy | February 26, 1825 | Serial Set Vol. No. 118, Session Vol. No. 6, 18th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 101 | 41 |
Italy (Kingdom of Two Sicilies) | Citizens of Newburyport. Memorial of the citizens of Newburyport, on the subject of depredations by France, Holland, Naples, and DENMARK. | January 16, 1826 | Serial Set Vol. No. 133, Session Vol. No. 3, 19th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 45 | 4 |
The Netherlands | Citizens of Newburyport. Memorial of the citizens of Newburyport, on the subject of depredations by France, Holland, Naples, and DENMARK. | January 16, 1826 | Serial Set Vol. No. 133, Session Vol. No. 3, 19th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 45 | 4 |
France | Desertions from French ships. Correspondence in relation to deserters from French ships. | January 23, 1826 | Serial Set Vol. No. 134, Session Vol. No. 4, 19th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 54 | 13 |
France | Desertions from French ships. Correspondence in relation to deserters from French ships. | January 23, 1826 | Serial Set Vol. No. 134, Session Vol. No. 4, 19th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 54 | 13 |
Great Britain | In Senate of the United States. Mr. Lloyd, from the Committee on Commerce, to whom was referred the petition of certain merchants of Baltimore praying that the present duty, of one dollar per quintal on imported dried fish, may be repealed, and that a duty of fifteen cents per quintal may be imposed in lieu thereof, reported... | January 25, 1826 | Serial Set Vol. No. 126, Session Vol. No. 2, 19th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 25 | 7 |
Great Britain | Boundary on the Pacific Ocean. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the correspondence with the British government in relation to the boundary of the United States on the Pacific Ocean. Read, and committed to the Committee of the Whole House, to which is committed the bill to authorize the establishment of a military post, or posts, on the Pacific Ocean, and to provide for the exploration of its coasts and waters. | January 31, 1826 | Serial Set Vol. No. 134, Session Vol. No. 4, 19th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 65 | 23 |
Russia | Boundary on the Pacific Ocean. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the correspondence with the British government in relation to the boundary of the United States on the Pacific Ocean. January 31, 1826. Read, and committed to the Committee of the Whole House, to which is committed the bill to authorize the establishment of a military post, or posts, on the Pacific Ocean, and to provide for the exploration of its coasts and waters. | January 31, 1826 | Serial Set Vol. No. 134, Session Vol. No. 4, 19th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 65 | 26 |
The Netherlands | Restoration of deserters. Letter from the Chevalier Huygens to the Secretary of State, accompanying a Bill (No. 97), To Provide for the Restoration of Deserters from Foreign Vessels within the Jurisdiction of the United States. | February 13, 1826 | Serial Set Vol. No. 135, Session Vol. No. 5, 19th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 86 | 4 |
Portugal | In Senate of the United States. Mr. Smith, from the Committee on Finance, to which was referred the petition of Otway Burns, reported: That it appears from the petition and the Vouchers submitted in its support that, on the 14th of August, 1818, a brig bearing the name of "Fortuna" entered the port of Beaufort, North Carolina... | February 17, 1826 | Serial Set Vol. No. 126, Session Vol. No. 2, 19th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 40 | 2 |
Great Britain | British colonial trade. Memorial of the merchants, ship owners, and manufacturers of the City of Baltimore, in the State of Maryland. | February 20, 1826 | Serial Set Vol. No. 135, Session Vol. No. 5, 19th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 99 | 3 |
Great Britain | In Senate of the United States, February 24, 1826. Chap. CIX. An Act for the Encouragement of British Shipping and Navigation. (5th July, 1825.)... | February 24, 1826 | Serial Set Vol. No. 126, Session Vol. No. 2, 19th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 50 | 6 |
Great Britain | Commissioners under the Treaty of Ghent. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 10th ultimo, relating to the proceedings of the Joint Commission of Indemnities, due under the award of the Emperor of Russia, for slaves and other private property carried away by the British forces in violation of the Treaty of Ghent | March 8, 1826 | Serial Set Vol. No. 136, Session Vol. No. 6, 19th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 122 | 181 |
Russia | Commissioners under the Treaty of Ghent. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 10th ultimo, relating to the proceedings of the Joint Commission of Indemnities, due under the award of the Emperor of Russia, for slaves and other private property carried away by the British forces in violation of the Treaty of Ghent. | March 8, 1826 | Serial Set Vol. No. 136, Session Vol. No. 6, 19th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 122 | 181 |
Great Britain | Commissioners under the Treaty of Ghent. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 10th ultimo, relating to the proceedings of the Joint Commission of Indemnities, due under the award of the Emperor of Russia, for slaves and other private property carried away by the British forces in violation of the Treaty of Ghent. | March 8, 1826 | Serial Set Vol. No. 136, Session Vol. No. 6, 19th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 122 | 181 |
Russia | Congress at Panama. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives of 5th ult. in relation to the proposed congress to be held at Panama, &c. &c. | March 17, 1826 | Serial Set Vol. No. 138, Session Vol. No. 8, 19th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 129 | 89 |
France | Pledge of the U. States to the governments of Mexico and S. America. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the information required by the resolution of the House of Representatives of the 27th instant, in relation to the instructions given to the minister of the U. States to the government of Mexico; as also in relation to any pledge on the part of the United States to the governments of Mexico or Southern America, &c. | March 30, 1826 | Serial Set Vol. No. 138, Session Vol. No. 8, 19th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 142 | 10 |
Great Britain | In Senate of the United States, March 31, 1826. Mr. Lloyd, from the Committee on Commerce, to whom was referred the memorial of the merchants, ship-owners, and manufacturers of the City of Baltimore, made the following report: The memorialists state: "That Great Britain having lately opened the trade of her North American and West India colonies..." | March 31, 1826 | Serial Set Vol. No. 127, Session Vol. No. 3, 19th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 74 | 5 |
Russia | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting documents accidentally overlooked in his reply to a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 30th ultimo. | April 5, 1826 | Serial Set Vol. No. 139, Session Vol. No. 9, 19th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 150 | 12 |
France | Congress at Panama. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 11th inst., in relation to the governments which, it is expected, will be represented in or at the Congress of Panama. | April 15, 1826 | Serial Set Vol. No. 139, Session Vol. No. 9, 19th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 157 | 5 |
Germany | Discriminating Duties--Hamburg | April 25, 1826 | Serial Set Vol. No. 142, Session Vol. No. 2, 19th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 176 | 2 |
Great Britain | Light -- Bahama Bank. Message form the President of the United States, in reply to a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 16th instant, in relation to a negotiation with Great Britain for a cession of certain keys on the Banks, with a view to the establishment of light houses, &c. May 19, 1826. | May 19, 1826 | Serial Set Vol. No. 140, Session Vol. No. 10, 19th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 180 | 3 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of the several instructions to the ministers of the U. States to the government of France, and of the correspondence with said government, having reference to the spoliations committed by that power on the commerce of the United States anterior to September 30, 1800, &c. In compliance with a resolution of the Senate. | May 20, 1826 | Serial Set Vol. No. 129, Session Vol. No. 5, 19th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 102 | 840 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of the several instructions to the ministers of the U. States to the government of France, and of the correspondence with said government, having reference to the spoliations committed by that power on the commerce of the United States anterior to September 30, 1800, &c. In compliance with a resolution of the Senate. | May 20, 1826 | Serial Set Vol. No. 129, Session Vol. No. 5, 19th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 102 | 840 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of the several instructions to the ministers of the U. States to the government of France, and of the correspondence with said government, having reference to the spoliations committed by that power on the commerce of the United States anterior to September 30, 1800, &c. In compliance with a resolution of the Senate. | May 20, 1826 | Serial Set Vol. No. 129, Session Vol. No. 5, 19th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 102 | 840 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Nineteenth Congress. | December 5, 1826 | Serial Set Vol. No. 144, Session Vol. No. 1, 19th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 1 | 656 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Nineteenth Congress | December 5, 1826 | Serial Set Vol. No. 148, Session Vol. No. 1, 19th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 2 | 656 |
Denmark | Message from the President of the United States, to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Nineteenth Congress. | December 5, 1826 | Serial Set Vol. No. 144, Session Vol. No. 1, 19th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 1 | 656 |
Denmark | Message from the President of the United States, to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Nineteenth Congress | December 5, 1826 | Serial Set Vol. No. 144, Session Vol. No. 1, 19th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 2 | 656 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Nineteenth Congress. | December 5, 1826 | Serial Set Vol. No. 144, Session Vol. No. 1, 19th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 1 | 656 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Nineteenth Congress. | December 5, 1826 | Serial Set Vol. No. 148, Session Vol. No. 1, 19th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 2 | 656 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Nineteenth Congress. | December 5, 1826 | Serial Set Vol. No. 144, Session Vol. No. 1, 19th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 1 | 656 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Nineteenth Congress | December 5, 1826 | Serial Set Vol. No. 148, Session Vol. No. 1, 19th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 2 | 656 |
The Netherlands | Message from the President of the United States, to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Nineteenth Congress. | December 5, 1826 | Serial Set Vol. No. 144, Session Vol. No. 1, 19th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 1 | 656 |
The Netherlands | Message from the President of the United States, to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Nineteenth Congress. | December 5, 1826 | Serial Set Vol. No. 148, Session Vol. No. 1, 19th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 2 | 656 |
Russia | Message from the President of the United States, to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Nineteenth Congress. | December 5, 1826 | Serial Set Vol. No. 144, Session Vol. No. 1, 19th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 1 | 656 |
Russia | Message from the President of the United States, to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Nineteenth Congress. | December 5, 1826 | Serial Set Vol. No. 148, Session Vol. No. 1, 19th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 2 | 656 |
Sweden | Message from the President of the United States, to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Nineteenth Congress. | December 5, 1826 | Serial Set Vol. No. 148, Session Vol. No. 1, 19th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 2 | 656 |
Sweden | Message from the President of the United States, to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Nineteenth Congress. | December 5, 1826 | Serial Set Vol. No. 144, Session Vol. No. 1, 19th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 1 | 656 |
Great Britain | British colonial trade. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting extracts of a letter from the minister of the United States at London, relating to the late discussions with the government of Great Britain concerning the trade between the United States and the British colonies in America. | December 18, 1826 | Serial Set Vol. No. 149, Session Vol. No. 2, 19th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 12 | 7 |
Great Britain | Statutes of the British Parliament, in relation to the colonial trade; to which are appended the acts of Congress on the same subject. | December 19, 1826 | Serial Set Vol. No. 150, Session Vol. No. 3, 19th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 45 | 106 |
Russia | Trade with Great Britain. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting (pursuant to a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 19th inst.) a copy of the three articles marked A, referred to in the protocol of the third conference of the American and British plenipotentiaries on the fifth of February, 1824. | December 22, 1826 | Serial Set Vol. No. 149, Session Vol. No. 2, 19th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 21 | 6 |
France | Proceedings of the Congress of Panama. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting information in relation to the proceedings of the congress which assembled last summer at Panama, &c. | December 26, 1826 | Serial Set Vol. No. 149, Session Vol. No. 2, 19th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 23 | 26 |
Norway | Discriminating duties -- Sweden and Norway. Report of the Committee on Commerce, in relation to the imposition of discriminating duties on the vessels and cargoes of Sweden and Norway. | January 5, 1827 | Serial Set Vol. No. 159, Session Vol. No. 1, 19th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 36 | 3 |
Sweden | Discriminating duties -- Sweden and Norway. Report of the Committee on Commerce, in relation to the imposition of discriminating duties on the vessels and cargoes of Sweden and Norway. | January 5, 1827 | Serial Set Vol. No. 159, Session Vol. No. 1, 19th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 36 | 3 |
France | Memorial of the sundry merchants of the City of Philadelphia upon the subject of spoliations committed under the authority or decrees of the government of France | January 8, 1827 | Serial Set Vol. No. 150, Session Vol. No. 3, 19th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 37 | 3 |
Great Britain | Convention with Great Britain. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of a convention between the United States and Great Britain, signed on the 13th of Nov. last at London, providing for the payment of citizens of the U. States for claims arising under the first article of the Treaty of Ghent. | January 16, 1827 | Serial Set Vol. No. 150, Session Vol. No. 3, 19th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 53 | 8 |
Great Britain | Convention with Great Britain. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of a convention between the United States and Great Britain, signed on the 13th of Nov. last at London, providing for the payment of citizens of the U. States for claims arising under the first article of the Treaty of Ghent. | January 16, 1827 | Serial Set Vol. No. 150, Session Vol. No. 3, 19th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 53 | 8 |
The Netherlands | Discriminating duties -- government of the Netherlands. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of State, with copies of a correspondence with the government of the Netherlands relating to discriminating duties. | January 19, 1827 | Serial Set Vol. No. 151, Session Vol. No. 4, 19th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 58 | 23 |
Great Britain | In Senate of the United States. Mr. Johnson, of Louisiana, made the following report: The Committee on Commerce, to whom was referred so much of the President's message as relates to commerce, have had the same under consideration, and beg leave to report: That, by the British Order in Council, of July last, the commercial intercourse between the United States and the British West India colonies is interdicted, and the American navigation excluded from all participation in the trade between them... | January 22, 1827 | Serial Set Vol. No. 145, Session Vol. No. 2, 19th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 27 | 18 |
Great Britain | Foreign commerce. | January 22, 1827 | Serial Set Vol. No. 159, Session Vol. No. 1, 19th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 50 | 22 |
The Netherlands | Memorial of merchants and traders of New York, in relation to spoliations of their commerce | January 26, 1827 | Serial Set Vol. No. 145, Session Vol. No. 2, 19th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 34 | 13 |
France | Spoilations on the commerce of the United States. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting a schedule of the claims of American citizens for spoliations by France and other European nations since the year 1805. | January 31, 1827 | Serial Set Vol. No. 157, Session Vol. No. 9, 19th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 68 | 23 |
Italy (Kingdom of Two Sicilies) | Spoliations on the commerce of the United States. Letter from the Secretary of States, transmitting a schedule of the claims of American citizens for spoliations by France and other European nations since the year 1805. | January 31, 1827 | Serial Set Vol. No. 157, Session Vol. No. 9, 19th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 68 | 23 |
The Netherlands | Spoliations on the commerce of the United States. Letter from the Secretary of States, transmitting a schedule of the claims of American citizens for spoliations by France and other European nations since the year 1805. | January 31, 1827 | Serial Set Vol. No. 157, Session Vol. No. 9, 19th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 68 | 23 |
France | French and other spoliations. Memorial of merchants and others, of the State of Rhode Island, in relation to spoliations committed on the commerce of the United States by vessels of war of France and other European nations. | February 5, 1827 | Serial Set Vol. No. 152, Session Vol. No. 5, 19th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 78 | 4 |
France | French and other spoliations. Petition of merchants of Baltimore, upon the subject of spoliations on the commerce of the United States | February 5, 1827 | Serial Set Vol. No. 152, Session Vol. No. 5, 19th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 77 | 5 |
France | In Senate of the United States. Mr. Sanford made the following report: The Committee of Foreign Relations having considered the memorial of certain merchants of Portsmouth, in New Hampshire, the memorial of certain merchants of the City of New York, the memorial of certain merchants of the City of Philadelphia, and the memorial of certain merchants of the City of Baltimore, submit their report: The memorialists have claims upon the government of France... | February 12, 1827 | Serial Set Vol. No. 146, Session Vol. No. 3, 19th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 52 | 1 |
France | Spoliations on the commerce of the United States by France, &c. | February 23, 1827 | Serial Set Vol. No. 160, Session Vol. No. 2, 19th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 87 | 13 |
Great Britain | Trade with British American colonies. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting statements exhibiting annually, from the 30th Sept., 1815, to 30th Sept., 1826, the amount and description of merchandise exported to, and imported from, the British American colonies, embraced in the recent orders in council, and others; with the tonnage employed therein, &c. &c. | February 24, 1827 | Serial Set Vol. No. 155, Session Vol. No. 7, 19th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 144 | 423 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Twentieth Congress. | December 4, 1827 | Serial Set Vol. No. 163, Session Vol. No. 1, 20th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 1 | 266 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Twentieth Congress. | December 4, 1827 | Serial Set Vol. No. 169, Session Vol. No. 1, 20th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 2 | 260 |
Russia | American water rotted hemp. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives of 2d March, 1827, in relation to experiments on American water rotted hemp. | December 24, 1827 | Serial Set Vol. No. 170, Session Vol. No. 2, 20th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 22 | 8 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting (in compliance with a resolution of the 19th ult.), the correspondence with the British government relative to the improvement to the navigation within their jurisdiction, opposite to the coast of Florida. | January 4, 1828 | Serial Set Vol. No. 163, Session Vol. No. 1, 20th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 19 | 15 |
Great Britain | Navigation of the St. Lawrence. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report from the Secretary of State, and the correspondence with the government of Great Britain, relative to the free navigation of the River St. Lawrence | January 7, 1828 | Serial Set Vol. No. 170, Session Vol. No. 2, 20th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 43 | 54 |
Russia | American water-rotted hemp, &c. &c. Reports from the Navy Department, in relation to experiments on American water-rotted hemp, when made into canvass, cables, and cordage. | January 18, 1828 | Serial Set Vol. No. 171, Session Vol. No. 3, 20th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 68 | 35 |
Germany | Silk-worms. Letter from James Mease transmitting a treatise on the rearing of silk-worms, by Mr. De Hazzi, of Munich. With plates, &c. &c | February 2, 1828 | Serial Set Vol. No. 172, Session Vol. No. 4, 20th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 226 | 108 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, communicating information relative to the trade between the United States and the colonies of France | February 5, 1828 | Serial Set Vol. No. 165, Session Vol. No. 3, 20th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 89 | 11 |
Norway | Treaty with Sweden. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a copy of a Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United States and his Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway. | February 7, 1828 | Serial Set Vol. No. 171, Session Vol. No. 3, 20th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 122 | 20 |
Sweden | Treaty with Sweden. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a copy of a Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United States and his Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway. | February 7, 1828 | Serial Set Vol. No. 171, Session Vol. No. 3, 20th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 122 | 20 |
Sweden/Norway: Treaty of Commerce and Navigation (1827) | Treaty with Sweden. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a copy of a Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United States and his Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway. | February 7, 1828 | Serial Set Vol. No. 171, Session Vol. No. 3, 20th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 122 | 20 |
Portugal | Wines imported, and duties thereon. Statement submitted by Mr. Cambreleng, of wines imported, and the duties accruing on the same, from 1801 to 1826, also, a statement of the aggregate value of exports to Madeira, from 1st October, 1800, to 30th September, 1827. | February 26, 1828 | Serial Set Vol. No. 172, Session Vol. No. 4, 20th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 162 | 3 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, with documents relating to alleged aggressions on the rights of citizens of the United States by the authorities of New Brunswick, on the territory in dispute between the United States and Great Britain. | March 4, 1828 | Serial Set Vol. No. 166, Session Vol. No. 4, 20th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 130 | 43 |
Great Britain | Slaves, &c. captured during the late war. Memorial of Aug. Neale, agent for claimants, before the commissioners to award indemnity for slaves, and other property, under the Treaty of Ghent. | March 10, 1828 | Serial Set Vol. No. 173, Session Vol. No. 5, 20th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 190 | 7 |
Great Britain | Territory west of the Rocky Mountains. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the correspondence between this government and that of Great Britain, on the subject of the claims of the two governments to the territory west of the Rocky Mountains. | March 15, 1828 | Serial Set Vol. No. 173, Session Vol. No. 5, 20th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 199 | 77 |
Great Britain | Territory west of the Rocky Mountains. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the correspondence between this government and that of Great Britain, on the subject of the claims of the two governments to the territory west of the Rocky Mountains. | March 15, 1828 | Serial Set Vol. No. 173, Session Vol. No. 5, 20th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 199 | 77 |
Great Britain | Northern and northwestern boundary line. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting, pursuant to a Resolution of the House of Representatives, of the 19th ultimo, a copy of the maps and report of Commissioners under the Treaty of Ghent, for ascertaining the northern and northwestern boundary between the U. States and Great Britain. | March 18, 1828 | Serial Set Vol. No. 173, Session Vol. No. 5, 20th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 218 | 1 |
Great Britain | Northern and northwestern boundary line. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting, pursuant to a Resolution of the House of Representatives, of the 19th ultimo, a copy of the maps and report of Commissioners under the Treaty of Ghent, for ascertaining the northern and northwestern boundary between the U. States and Great Britain. | March 18, 1828 | Serial Set Vol. No. 173, Session Vol. No. 5, 20th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 218 | 1 |
France | Martinique and Guadaloupe. Documents to accompany the bill from the Senate (No. 122) regulating the commercial intercourse with the islands of Martinique and Guadaloupe. | April 8, 1828 | Serial Set Vol. No. 174, Session Vol. No. 6, 20th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 240 | 12 |
Great Britain | D. Bouligny and J.E. Frost. Memorial of D. Bouligny & John E. Frost. April 12, 1828. Referred to the Committee of the Whole House to which is committed the Bill from the Senate (No. 96) entitled "An Act Supplementary to an Act to Provide for the Adjustment of Claims of Persons Entitled to Indemnification under the First Article of the Treaty of Ghent, and for the Distribution, Among Such Claimants, of the Sum Paid by the Government of Great Britain, under a Convention Between the United States and His Britannic Majesty, Concluded at London, on the 13th of November, 1826," passed on the 2d day of March, 1827. | April 12, 1828 | Serial Set Vol. No. 174, Session Vol. No. 6, 20th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 242 | 28 |
Great Britain | In Senate of the United States. Resolved, that the report of the Joint Select Committee of the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Maine, in relation to the north-eastern boundary of that state, together with the report of the agent appointed by the Executive of said state, referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations on the 5th of March last, be printed for the use of the Senate... | April 14, 1828 | Serial Set Vol. No. 167, Session Vol. No. 5, 20th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 171 | 126 |
Great Britain | In Senate of the United States, April 14, 1828. Resolved, that the report of the Joint Select Committee of the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Maine, in relation to the north-eastern boundary of that state, together with the report of the agent appointed by the Executive of said state, referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations on the 5th of March last, be printed for the use of the Senate... | April 14, 1828 | Serial Set Vol. No. 167, Session Vol. No. 5, 20th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 171 | 126 |
Great Britain | Opinion--Attorney General--Treaty of Ghent. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a copy of the opinion of the Attorney General, upon the construction of the award of the Emperor of Russia, under the Treaty of Ghent, etc., etc. | April 22, 1828 | Serial Set Vol. No. 174, Session Vol. No. 6, 20th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 256 | 9 |
Russia | Opinion -- Attorney General -- Treaty of Ghent. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a copy of the opinion of the Attorney General, upon the construction of the award of the Emperor of Russia, under the Treaty of Ghent, &c. &c. | April 22, 1828 | Serial Set Vol. No. 174, Session Vol. No. 6, 20th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 256 | 9 |
Great Britain | Opinion -- Attorney General -- Treaty of Ghent. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a copy of the opinion of the Attorney General, upon the construction of the award of the Emperor of Russia, under the Treaty of Ghent, &c. &c. April 22, 1828. | April 22, 1828 | Serial Set Vol. No. 174, Session Vol. No. 6, 20th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 256 | 9 |
Great Britain | Commission under the Treaty of Ghent. Communication presented by Mr. Wickliffe, from the commissioners under the Treaty of Ghent. | April 25, 1828 | Serial Set Vol. No. 174, Session Vol. No. 6, 20th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 2457 | 3 |
Great Britain | Trade -- United States and British Colonies. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting, pursuant to a Resolution of the House of Representatives, of the 9th instant, the correspondence between the U. States and G. Britain, upon the subject of the trade between the United States and the British colonial possessions in the West Indies and North America, &c. | April 28, 1828 | Serial Set Vol. No. 174, Session Vol. No. 6, 20th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 259 | 57 |
Great Britain | Trade -- United States and British Colonies. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting, pursuant to a Resolution of the House of Representatives, of the 9th instant, the correspondence between the U. States and G. Britain, upon the subject of the trade between the United States and the British colonial possessions in the West Indies and North America, &c. | April 28, 1828 | Serial Set Vol. No. 174, Session Vol. No. 6, 20th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 259 | 57 |
Great Britain | Conventions with Great Britain. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of three conventions with Great Britain: 1st. For continuing in force the provisions of the Convention of 3d July, 1815. 2d. For continuing in force the provisions of the Third Article of the Convention of 20th October, 1818; and 3d. A Convention, concluded 29th September, 1827, for carrying into effect the provisions of the Fifth Article of the Treaty of Ghent, in relation to the northeastern boundary of the United States. | May 19, 1828 | Serial Set Vol. No. 175, Session Vol. No. 7, 20th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 275 | 13 |
Great Britain | Conventions with Great Britain. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of three conventions with Great Britain: 1st. For continuing in force the provisions of the Convention of 3d July, 1815. 2d. For continuing in force the provisions of the Third Article of the Convention of 20th October, 1818; and 3d. A Convention, concluded 29th September, 1827, for carrying into effect the provisions of the Fifth Article of the Treaty of Ghent, in relation to the northeastern boundary of the United States. May 19, 1828. | May 19, 1828 | Serial Set Vol. No. 175, Session Vol. No. 7, 20th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 275 | 13 |
Great Britain | Conventions with Great Britain. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of three conventions with Great Britain: 1st. For continuing in force the provisions of the Convention of 3d July, 1815. 2d. For continuing in force the provisions of the Third Article of the Convention of 20th October, 1818; and 3d. A Convention, concluded 29th September, 1827, for carrying into effect the provisions of the Fifth Article of the Treaty of Ghent, in relation to the northeastern boundary of the United States. | May 19, 1828 | Serial Set Vol. No. 175, Session Vol. No. 7, 20th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 275 | 13 |
Great Britain | Conventions with Great Britain. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of three conventions with Great Britain: 1st. For continuing in force the provisions of the Convention of 3d July, 1815. 2d. For continuing in force the provisions of the Third Article of the Convention of 20th October, 1818; and 3d. A Convention, concluded 29th September, 1827, for carrying into effect the provisions of the Fifth Article of the Treaty of Ghent, in relation to the northeastern boundary of the United States. | May 19, 1828 | Serial Set Vol. No. 175, Session Vol. No. 7, 20th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 275 | 13 |
Great Britain | Conventions with Great Britain. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of three conventions with Great Britain: 1st. For continuing in force the provisions of the Convention of 3d July, 1815. 2d. For continuing in force the provisions of the Third Article of the Convention of 20th October, 1818; and 3d. A Convention, concluded 29th September, 1827, for carrying into effect the provisions of the Fifth Article of the Treaty of Ghent, in relation to the northeastern boundary of the United States. | May 19, 1828 | Serial Set Vol. No. 175, Session Vol. No. 7, 20th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 275 | 13 |
France | In the Senate of the United States. Mr. Chambers submitted the following report: The Select Committee, to whom were referred the several petitions and memorials of those persons who have lost property by French spoliations prior to the year 1800, praying for indemnity from the United States, made the following report... | May 24, 1828 | Serial Set Vol. No. 167, Session Vol. No. 5, 20th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 206 | 14 |
Austria-Hungary | Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Twentieth Congress. | December 2, 1828 | Serial Set Vol. No. 181, Session Vol. No. 1, 20th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 1 | 177 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Twentieth Congress. | December 2, 1828 | Serial Set Vol. No. 181, Session Vol. No. 1, 20th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 1 | 188 |
Russia | Message from the President of the United States, to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Twentieth Congress. | December 2, 1828 | Serial Set Vol. No. 184, Session Vol. No. 1, 20th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 2 | 176 |
Great Britain | Fugitive slaves. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the information required by a Resolution of the House of Representatives, of the 10th of May last, in relation to negotiations with G. Britain upon the subject of fugitive slaves. | December 15, 1828 | Serial Set Vol. No. 184, Session Vol. No. 1, 20th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 19 | 6 |
Great Britain | Merchants of Alexandria -- Dist. Columbia. | December 29, 1828 | Serial Set Vol. No. 190, Session Vol. No. 1, 20th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 18 | 1 |
Hanseatic Republics | Treaties with Lubeck, Bremen, and Hamburg. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of a convention between the United States and the Free Hanseatic Republics of Lubeck, Bremen, and Hamburg, ratified on the 2d of June last. | January 26, 1829 | Serial Set Vol. No. 186, Session Vol. No. 3, 20th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 92 | 11 |
Germany | Treaties with Lubeck, Bremen, and Hamburg. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of a convention between the United States and the Free Hanseatic Republics of Lubeck, Bremen, and Hamburg, ratified on the 2d of June last. | January 26, 1829 | Serial Set Vol. No. 186, Session Vol. No. 3, 20th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 92 | 11 |
France | In the Senate of the United States. Mr. Chambers made the following report: the select committee, to whom were referred the petitions of sundry persons praying indemnity for losses sustained by captures and other injuries to their commerce, prior to the year eighteen hundred, report... | February 11, 1829 | Serial Set Vol. No. 181, Session Vol. No. 1, 20th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 76 | 1 |
France | French spoliations prior to the year 1800. | February 16, 1829 | Serial Set Vol. No. 190, Session Vol. No. 1, 20th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 82 | 106 |
France | French spoliations prior to the year 1800 | February 16, 1829 | Serial Set Vol. No. 190, Session Vol. No. 1, 20th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 82 | 106 |
France | Additional report of spoliations on the commerce of the United States, transmitted by the Secretary of State, in compliance with a Resolution of the House of Representatives of 14th February, 1827 | February 24, 1829 | Serial Set Vol. No. 187, Session Vol. No. 4, 20th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 143 | 36 |
Italy (Kingdom of Two Sicilies) | Additional report of spoliations on the commerce of the United States, transmitted by the Secretary of State, in compliance with a Resolution of the House of Representatives of 14th February, 1827. | February 24, 1829 | Serial Set Vol. No. 187, Session Vol. No. 4, 20th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 143 | 36 |
The Netherlands | Additional report of spoliations on the commerce of the United States, transmitted by the Secretary of State, in compliance with a Resolution of the House of Representatives of 14th February, 1827. | February 24, 1829 | Serial Set Vol. No. 187, Session Vol. No. 4, 20th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 143 | 36 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, (in compliance with a Resolution of the Senate,) with copies of communications from the Commissioner under the 4th Article of the Treaty of Ghent. | February 25, 1829 | Serial Set Vol. No. 182, Session Vol. No. 2, 20th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 97 | 6 |
Great Britain | Discriminating duties on cotton -- British government. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the information required by a Resolution of the House of Representatives of the 21st inst. in relation to the operation of the act of the British Parliament, purporting a discrimination of duties upon the importation of cottons from the British American colonies, &c. &c. | February 28, 1829 | Serial Set Vol. No. 186, Session Vol. No. 3, 20th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 130 | 7 |
Italy (Kingdom of Two Sicilies) | Finances, annual report of the Secretary of the Treasury, on the state of the finances. December 15, 1829. | December 15, 1829 | Serial Set Vol. No. 192, Session Vol. No. 1, 21st Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 3 | 82 |
Russia | Finances, annual report of the Secretary of the Treasury, on the state of the finances. In Senate of the United States: Read, and ordered that 1,500 additional copies be printed for the use of the Senate. | December 15, 1829 | Serial Set Vol. No. 192, Session Vol. No. 1, 21st Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 3 | 82 |
Great Britain | Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, with the final report on private land claims in East Florida, prepared by the Register and Receiver of that district, under the act of 23d May, 1828. | January 19, 1830 | Serial Set Vol. No. 192, Session Vol. No. 1, 21st Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 25 | 159 |
France | Commerce and navigation. | February 8, 1830 | Serial Set Vol. No. 199, Session Vol. No. 1, 21st Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 165 | 63 |
Russia | Commerce and navigation. | February 8, 1830 | Serial Set Vol. No. 199, Session Vol. No. 1, 21st Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 165 | 63 |
Great Britain | Territorial relations -- United States and Great Britain. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of State, touching the territorial relations of the United States and Great Britain on this continent. | February 11, 1830 | Serial Set Vol. No. 347, Session Vol. No. 4, 25th Congress, 3rd Session, H. Doc. 181 | 136 |
Great Britain | Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, in compliance with a Resolution of the Senate of the 17th instant, in relation to the expenditures of the government in 1828 and 1829 | April 21, 1830 | Serial Set Vol. No. 193, Session Vol. No. 2, 21st Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 128 | 2 |
France | Report from the Secretary of the Treasury (in compliance with a Resolution of the Senate, of the 29th of December, 1828) respecting the relative value of gold and silver, &c. | May 29, 1830 | Serial Set Vol. No. 198, Session Vol. No. 4, 21st Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 117 | 117 |
France | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Twenty-first Congress. | December 7, 1830 | Serial Set Vol. No. 203, Session Vol. No. 1, 21st Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 1 | 251 |
France | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Twenty-first Congress. | December 7, 1830 | Serial Set Vol. No. 206, Session Vol. No. 1, 21st Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 2 | 251 |
Great Britain | Title: Trade with British colonies. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the papers relating to the recent arrangement in relation to the trade between the United States and the British colonies, &c. | January 3, 1831 | Serial Set Vol. No. 206, Session Vol. No. 1, 21st Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 22 | 64 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, with papers relating to the recent arrangement with Great Britain, with respect to the trade between the United States and her colonial possessions. | January 4, 1831 | Serial Set Vol. No. 203, Session Vol. No. 1, 21st Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 20 | 64 |
Denmark | Message from the President of the United States, with copies of correspondence between the Secretary of State and the minister from DENMARK, concerning the commercial intercourse between the United States and the Danish possessions in the West Indies. | January 4, 1831 | Serial Set Vol. No. 203, Session Vol. No. 1, 21st Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 21 | 15 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, in answer to a Resolution of the Senate relative to the British establishment on the Columbia, and the state of the fur trade, &c. January 25, 1831. Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. | January 26, 1831 | Serial Set Vol. No. 203, Session Vol. No. 1, 21st Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 39 | 36 |
Russia | Report of the committee to which was referred so much of the President's message as relates to the slave trade. February 9, 1821. Read and ordered to lie upon the table. | February 9, 1831 | Serial Set Vol. No. 57, Session Vol. No. 1, 16th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 59 | 88 |
Portugal | Duties at Cuba, &c. March 2, 1831. Read, and referred to the President of the United States. | March 2, 1831 | Serial Set Vol. No. 210, Session Vol. No. 1, 21st Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 115 | 1 |
Austria-Hungary | Treaty with Austria. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a copy of a treaty between the United States and his Majesty the Emperor of Austria, concluded 28th of March, 1830. | March 3, 1831 | Serial Set Vol. No. 209-1, Session Vol. No. 4, 21st Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 129 | 5 |
Austria-Hungary | Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Twenty-second Congress. | December 6, 1831 | Serial Set Vol. No. 216, Session Vol. No. 1, 22nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 2 | 274 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Twenty-second Congress. | December 6, 1831 | Serial Set Vol. No. 216, Session Vol. No. 1, 22nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 2 | 274 |
Italy (Kingdom of Two Sicilies) | Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Twenty-second Congress. | December 6, 1831 | Serial Set Vol. No. 216, Session Vol. No. 1, 22nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 2 | 274 |
The Netherlands | Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Twenty-second Congress. | December 6, 1831 | Serial Set Vol. No. 216, Session Vol. No. 1, 22nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 2 | 274 |
Portugal | Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Twenty-second Congress. | December 6, 1831 | Serial Set Vol. No. 216, Session Vol. No. 1, 22nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 2 | 274 |
Russia | Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Twenty-second Congress. | December 6, 1831 | Serial Set Vol. No. 216, Session Vol. No. 1, 22nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 2 | 274 |
Sweden | Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Twenty-second Congress. | December 6, 1831 | Serial Set Vol. No. 216, Session Vol. No. 1, 22nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 2 | 274 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, with documents relating to the capture, abduction, and imprisonment of American citizens, by the provincial authorities of New Brunswick, and the measures adopted in consequence thereof, by the government. 1831, December 14. | December 19, 1831 | Serial Set Vol. No. 212, Session Vol. No. 1, 22nd Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 3 | 26 |
Great Britain | In Senate of the United States, December 20, 1831. Ordered to be printed. Mr. Holmes submitted the following resolutions: Resolved, That the President be requested to cause to be communicated to the Senate, the number of vessels, and their tonnage and cargoes, which have cleared from any ports in the United States... | December 20, 1831 | Serial Set Vol. No. 212, Session Vol. No. 1, 22nd Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 5 | 1 |
France | Tonnage duties, Martinique. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting information respecting tonnage duties levied at Martinique and Guadeloupe on American vessels, and on French vessels from those islands to the United States. | December 21, 1831 | Serial Set Vol. No. 217, Session Vol. No. 2, 22nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 21 | 10 |
Great Britain | Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, with copies of instructions to the collectors of the Customs and other officers, in respect to the British colonial trade. | January 16, 1832 | Serial Set Vol. No. 212, Session Vol. No. 1, 22nd Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 28 | 17 |
France | Fisheries -- England, France, Netherlands. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the information required by a Resolution of the House of Representatives, of 3d March, 1831, on the subject of the regulations of England, France, and the Netherlands, respecting their fisheries | February 7, 1832 | Serial Set Vol. No. 218, Session Vol. No. 3, 22nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 99 | 279 |
The Netherlands | Fisheries -- England, France, Netherlands. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the information required by a Resolution of the House of Representatives, of 3d March, 1831, on the subject of the regulations of England, France, and the Netherlands, respecting their fisheries. | February 7, 1832 | Serial Set Vol. No. 218, Session Vol. No. 3, 22nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 99 | 279 |
Scotland | Fisheries -- England, France, Netherlands. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the information required by a Resolution of the House of Representatives, of 3d March, 1831, on the subject of the regulations of England, France, and the Netherlands, respecting their fisheries | February 7, 1832 | Serial Set Vol. No. 218, Session Vol. No. 3, 22nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 99 | 279 |
France | Convention of the United States and France -- spoliations. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 415.) | February 26, 1832 | Serial Set Vol. No. 219, Session Vol. No. 4, 22nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 126 | 4 |
France | Convention of the United States and France -- spoliations. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 415.) | February 26, 1832 | Serial Set Vol. No. 219, Session Vol. No. 4, 22nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 126 | 4 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, in compliance with a Resolution of the Senate, transmitting sundry statements concerning the trade between the United States and the British American colonies. | February 29, 1832 | Serial Set Vol. No. 213, Session Vol. No. 2, 22nd Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 80 | 91 |
Austria-Hungary | Red wines of Austria. Message from the President of the United States, on the subject of reducing the duty on the red wines of Austria. | March 1, 1832 | Serial Set Vol. No. 219, Session Vol. No. 4, 22nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 176 | 5 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, relating to the trade between the United States and the British American colonies, in further compliance with the Resolution of the Senate of the 22d December, 1831. | March 2, 1832 | Serial Set Vol. No. 213, Session Vol. No. 2, 22nd Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 85 | 6 |
France | Report from the Secretary of State, in compliance with a Resolution of the Senate, relative to the intention of the French government to lay additional duties on cotton imported into France, &c. | March 20, 1832 | Serial Set Vol. No. 213, Session Vol. No. 2, 22nd Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 106 | 1 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, with correspondence between the American minister and the British government, concerning the British colonial trade, not before communicated. | April 4, 1832 | Serial Set Vol. No. 214, Session Vol. No. 3, 22nd Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 118 | 27 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, in compliance with the Resolution calling for a letter from Lord Aberdeen, and one from Mr. McLane. | April 9, 1832 | Serial Set Vol. No. 214, Session Vol. No. 3, 22nd Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 121 | 7 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, in compliance with the Resolution calling for a letter from Lord Aberdeen, and one from Mr. McLane. | April 9, 1832 | Serial Set Vol. No. 214, Session Vol. No. 3, 22nd Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 121 | 7 |
Portugal | Tonnage duty on vessels of Portugal. Message from the President of the United States, upon the subject of tonnage duties paid on vessels of Portugal in the ports of the United States. | April 13, 1832 | Serial Set Vol. No. 220, Session Vol. No. 5, 22nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 206 | 2 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, with statement from the Treasury, in compliance with a Resolution of the Senate, showing amount of imports from, and exports to, the European possessions of Great Britain, and the tonnage engaged in the same, for the year ending 30th September, 1831. | April 18, 1832 | Serial Set Vol. No. 214, Session Vol. No. 3, 22nd Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 130 | 2 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, in compliance with a Resolution of the Senate of the 9th April, transmitting certain instructions and correspondence respecting the colonial and West India trade, since the 3rd March, 1825, not heretofore communicated to Congress, &c. April 20, 1832 | April 23, 1832 | Serial Set Vol. No. 214, Session Vol. No. 3, 22nd Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 132 | 36 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, in compliance with a Resolution of the Senate concerning the public lands, &c. | April 23, 1832 | Serial Set Vol. No. 214, Session Vol. No. 3, 22nd Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 133 | 6 |
Great Britain | Cyrenius Hall. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a copy of the correspondence between the Minister of Great Britain and the Secretary of State of the United States, upon the subject of a claim of Cyrenius Hall upon the government of the United States. January 23, 1832. | April 24, 1832 | Serial Set Vol. No. 220, Session Vol. No. 5, 22nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 215 | 20 |
Denmark | Treaty with DENMARK. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of the instructions under which the treaty of indemnity with Denmark was negotiated, &c. &c. &c | May 29, 1832 | Serial Set Vol. No. 221, Session Vol. No. 6, 22nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 3 | 42 |
France | Treaty with DENMARK. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of the instructions under which the treaty of indemnity with DENMARK was negotiated, &c. &c. &c. | May 29, 1832 | Serial Set Vol. No. 221, Session Vol. No. 6, 22nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 249 | 42 |
France | Treaty with Sublime Porte. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of the correspondence relating to the negotiation of the Treaty with the Sublime Porte, &c. &c. &c | May 29, 1832 | Serial Set Vol. No. 221, Session Vol. No. 6, 22nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 250 | 122 |
France | Land claims derived from Spain. Letter from the Secretary of State, in reply to a Resolution of the House of Representatives of 7th February last, on the expediency of providing by law for the final adjustment of all the claims to land derived from the former government of Spain, &c. &c. | June 14, 1832 | Serial Set Vol. No. 221, Session Vol. No. 6, 22nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 274 | 18 |
Austria-Hungary | Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Twenty-second Congress. | December 4, 1832 | Serial Set Vol. No. 233, Session Vol. No. 1, 22nd Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 2 | 240 |
Denmark | Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Twenty-second Congress. | December 4, 1832 | Serial Set Vol. No. 233, Session Vol. No. 1, 22nd Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 2 | 240 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Twenty-second Congress. | December 4, 1832 | Serial Set Vol. No. 233, Session Vol. No. 1, 22nd Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 2 | 240 |
Italy (Kingdom of Two Sicilies) | Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Twenty-second Congress. | December 4, 1832 | Serial Set Vol. No. 233, Session Vol. No. 1, 22nd Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 2 | 240 |
Portugal | Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Twenty-second Congress. | December 4, 1832 | Serial Set Vol. No. 233, Session Vol. No. 1, 22nd Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 2 | 240 |
Russia | Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Twenty-second Congress. | December 4, 1832 | Serial Set Vol. No. 233, Session Vol. No. 5, 23rd Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 353 | 240 |
France | French ship Pactole. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of State on the French ship Pactole, &c | January 2, 1833 | Serial Set Vol. No. 233, Session Vol. No. 1, 22nd Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 26 | 20 |
France | French ship Pactole. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of State on the French ship Pactole, &c. | January 2, 1833 | Serial Set Vol. No. 233, Session Vol. No. 1, 22nd Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 26 | 20 |
France | President's Message -- tonnage duties on foreign vessels -- Danish vessel taken out of one of the ports of St. Bartholomew. | January 3, 1833 | Serial Set Vol. No. 235, Session Vol. No. 3, 22nd Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 129 | 3 |
Portugal | President's Message -- tonnage duties on foreign vessels -- Danish vessel taken out of one of the ports of St. Bartholomew. | January 3, 1833 | Serial Set Vol. No. 235, Session Vol. No. 3, 22nd Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 129 | 3 |
Sweden | President's Message -- tonnage duties on foreign vessels -- Danish vessel taken out of one of the ports of St. Bartholomew. | January 3, 1833 | Serial Set Vol. No. 235, Session Vol. No. 3, 22nd Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 129 | 3 |
France | French ship Pactole. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of State upon the subject of the duties on the cargo of the French ship Pactole. | January 8, 1833 | Serial Set Vol. No. 233, Session Vol. No. 1, 22nd Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 37 | 11 |
France | French ship Pactole. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of State upon the subject of the duties on the cargo of the French ship Pactole. | January 8, 1833 | Serial Set Vol. No. 233, Session Vol. No. 1, 22nd Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 37 | 11 |
France | French spoliations since 1800. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting sundry papers upon the subject of claims against the French government for spoliations on American commerce since September, 1800. | January 18, 1833 | Serial Set Vol. No. 235, Session Vol. No. 3, 22nd Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 147 | 215 |
France | French spoliations since 1800. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting sundry papers upon the subject of claims against the French government for spoliations on American commerce since September, 1800. | January 18, 1833 | Serial Set Vol. No. 235, Session Vol. No. 3, 22nd Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 147 | 215 |
France | French spoliations since 1800. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting sundry papers upon the subject of claims against the French government for spoliations on American commerce since September, 1800. | January 18, 1833 | Serial Set Vol. No. 235, Session Vol. No. 3, 22nd Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 147 | 215 |
Italy (Kingdom of Two Sicilies) | Convention -- United States and the Two Sicilies. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a copy of a convention between the United States and the King of the Two Sicilies. | January 24, 1833 | Serial Set Vol. No. 234, Session Vol. No. 2, 22nd Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 60 | 2 |
Italy (Kingdom of Two Sicilies) | In Senate of the United States. Documents relating to the convention with Sicily. Ordered, that the following correspondence, relating to the convention with the King of the Two Sicilies, be printed for the use of the Senate. | February 9, 1833 | Serial Set Vol. No. 230, Session Vol. No. 1, 22nd Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 70 | 54 |
France | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress at the commencement of the first session of the Twenty-third Congress. | December 3, 1833 | Serial Set Vol. No. 254, Session Vol. No. 1, 23rd Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 1 | 292 |
France | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress at the commencement of the first session of the Twenty-third Congress. | December 3, 1833 | Serial Set Vol. No. 238, Session Vol. No. 1, 23rd Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 1 | 292 |
France | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress at the commencement of the first session of the Twenty-third Congress | December 3, 1833 | Serial Set Vol. No. 238, Session Vol. No. 1, 23rd Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 1 | 292 |
France | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress at the commencement of the first session of the Twenty-third Congress. | December 3, 1833 | Serial Set Vol. No. 254, Session Vol. No. 1, 23rd Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 1 | 292 |
Great Britain | Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, in compliance with a Resolution of the Senate, of the 3d inst., relative to the British colonial and West India trade. | January 15, 1834 | Serial Set Vol. No. 239, Session Vol. No. 2, 23rd Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 42 | 2 |
France | Commission under Convention with France. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 330.) | February 28, 1834 | Serial Set Vol. No. 261, Session Vol. No. 2, 23rd Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 293 | 2 |
France | Commission under Convention with France. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 330. | February 28, 1834 | Serial Set Vol. No. 261, Session Vol. No. 2, 23rd Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 293 | 2 |
Italy (Kingdom of Two Sicilies) | Claims under the treaty with Naples. Message from the President of the United States, upon the subject of extending the term allowed for the adjustment of the claims of citizens of the United States, under the treaty with Naples. | March 18, 1834 | Serial Set Vol. No. 256, Session Vol. No. 3, 23rd Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 179 | 4 |
Poland | Exiles from Poland. Memorial of the Polish exiles, praying a grant of land for settlement. | April 22, 1834 | Serial Set Vol. No. 258, Session Vol. No. 5, 23rd Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 353 | 4 |
Russia | Exiles from Poland. Memorial of the Polish exiles, praying a grant of land for settlement. | April 22, 1834 | Serial Set Vol. No. 241, Session Vol. No. 4, 23rd Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 353 | 4 |
Austria-Hungary | In the Senate of the United States, April 29, 1834. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Poindexter made the following report, with Senate Bill No. 158. The Committee on Public Lands, to which was referred the petition of Lewis Banczakiewicz, and others, acting as a committee for and in behalf of two hundred and thirty-five Poles transported to the United States by the orders of the Emperor of Austria... | April 29, 1834 | Serial Set Vol. No. 241, Session Vol. No. 4, 23rd Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 313 | 4 |
Poland | In the Senate of the United States, Mr. Poindexter made the following report, with Senate Bill No. 158. The Committee on Public Lands, to which was referred the petition of Lewis Banczakiewicz, and others, acting as a committee for and in behalf of two hundred and thirty-five Poles transported to the United States by the orders of the Emperor of Austria... | April 29, 1834 | Serial Set Vol. No. 241, Session Vol. No. 4, 23rd Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 313 | 4 |
Russia | In the Senate of the United States. Mr. Poindexter made the following report, with Senate Bill No. 158. The Committee on Public Lands, to which was referred the petition of Lewis Banczakiewicz, and others, acting as a committee for and in behalf of two hundred and thirty-five Poles transported to the United States by the orders of the Emperor of Austria... | April 29, 1834 | Serial Set Vol. No. 241, Session Vol. No. 4, 23rd Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 313 | 4 |
Great Britain | Southern boundary of Tennessee. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 464.) | May 6, 1834 | Serial Set Vol. No. 262, Session Vol. No. 3, 23rd Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 445 | 13 |
Italy (Kingdom of Two Sicilies) | Convention with the King of the Two Sicilies. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of a convention between the United States and the King of the Two Sicilies, respecting depredation inflicted upon American commerce. | May 14, 1834 | Serial Set Vol. No. 258, Session Vol. No. 5, 23rd Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 414 | 4 |
Russia | Treaty between the United States and the Emperor of Russia. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of a treaty of navigation and commerce between the United States and his Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias. | May 14, 1834 | Serial Set Vol. No. 258, Session Vol. No. 5, 23rd Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 415 | 10 |
Russia | Treaty between the United States and the Emperor of Russia. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of a treaty of navigation and commerce between the United States and his Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias. | May 14, 1834 | Serial Set Vol. No. 258, Session Vol. No. 5, 23rd Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 415 | 10 |
France | Report of the commissioners under the Act To Carry into Effect the Late Treaty with France, with a statement of the claims examined by them. | June 7, 1834 | Serial Set Vol. No. 266, Session Vol. No. 1, 23rd Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 417 | 91 |
France | Report of the commissioners under the Act To Carry into Effect the Late Treaty with France, with a statement of the claims examined by them | June 7, 1834 | Serial Set Vol. No. 242, Session Vol. No. 5, 23rd Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 417 | 91 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, announcing the death of Lafayette | June 21, 1834 | Serial Set Vol. No. 243, Session Vol. No. 6, 23rd Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 466 | 2 |
France | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Twenty-third Congress. | December 2, 1834 | Serial Set Vol. No. 266, Session Vol. No. 1, 23rd Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 1 | 370 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Twenty-third Congress | December 2, 1834 | Serial Set Vol. No. 271, Session Vol. No. 1, 23rd Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 2 | 543 |
France | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Twenty-third Congress. | December 2, 1834 | Serial Set Vol. No. 266, Session Vol. No. 1, 23rd Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 1 | 370 |
France | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Twenty-third Congress. | December 2, 1834 | Serial Set Vol. No. 271, Session Vol. No. 1, 23rd Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 2 | 543 |
France | Correspondence between the Secretary of the Treasury and the Bank of the United States. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury transmitting the correspondence with the Bank of the United States on the subject of the branch drafts, and in relation to the claim made by the bank for damages, and the course pursued by that institution on account of the protest of the bill drawn on the French government by the Treasury Department. | December 12, 1834 | Serial Set Vol. No. 272, Session Vol. No. 2, 23rd Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 21 | 11 |
France | Correspondence between the Secretary of the Treasury and the Bank of the United States. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury transmitting the correspondence with the Bank of the United States on the subject of the branch drafts, and in relation to the claim made by the bank for damages, and the course pursued by that institution on account of the protest of the bill drawn on the French government by the Treasury Department. | December 12, 1834 | Serial Set Vol. No. 272, Session Vol. No. 2, 23rd Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 21 | 11 |
France | Treaty with France. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting correspondence with the government of France in relation to the refusal of that government to make provision for the execution of the treaty between the United States and France. | December 27, 1834 | Serial Set Vol. No. 272, Session Vol. No. 2, 23rd Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 40 | 84 |
France | Treaty with France. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting correspondence with the government of France in relation to the refusal of that government to make provision for the execution of the treaty between the United States and France. | December 27, 1834 | Serial Set Vol. No. 272, Session Vol. No. 2, 23rd Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 40 | 84 |
Great Britain | Northeastern boundary. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting information in relation to the establishment and settlement of the northeastern boundary of the United States. | January 6, 1835 | Serial Set Vol. No. 272, Session Vol. No. 2, 23rd Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 62 | 2 |
France | In the Senate of the United States. Mr. Clay, from the Committee of Foreign Relations, made the following report...had under consideration that part of the message of the President of the United States which refers to the present state of our relations with France... | January 6, 1835 | Serial Set Vol. No. 268, Session Vol. No. 3, 23rd Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 40 | 23 |
France | In the Senate of the United States. Mr. Clay, from the Committee of Foreign Relations, made the following report...had under consideration that part of the message of the President of the United States which refers to the present state of our relations with France... | January 6, 1835 | Serial Set Vol. No. 268, Session Vol. No. 3, 23rd Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 40 | 23 |
France | French treaty. Message from the President of the United States, in relation to the late treaty with France. | February 7, 1835 | Serial Set Vol. No. 274, Session Vol. No. 4, 23rd Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 136 | 5 |
France | French treaty. Message from the President of the United States, in relation to the late treaty with France | February 7, 1835 | Serial Set Vol. No. 274, Session Vol. No. 4, 23rd Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 136 | 5 |
France | French spoliations prior to 1800. | February 21, 1835 | Serial Set Vol. No. 276, Session Vol. No. 1, 23rd Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 121 | 118 |
France | French spoliations prior to 1800. | February 21, 1835 | Serial Set Vol. No. 276, Session Vol. No. 1, 23rd Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 121 | 118 |
France | French spoliations prior to 1800. | February 21, 1835 | Serial Set Vol. No. 276, Session Vol. No. 1, 23rd Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 121 | 118 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, in relation to affairs with France. | February 26, 1835 | Serial Set Vol. No. 269, Session Vol. No. 4, 23rd Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 145 | 14 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, in relation to affairs with France. | February 26, 1835 | Serial Set Vol. No. 269, Session Vol. No. 4, 23rd Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 145 | 14 |
France | Relations with France. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of letters received from Mr. Livingston since the date of his message of the 6th instant, with his instructions and correspondence with the French government. | February 26, 1835 | Serial Set Vol. No. 274, Session Vol. No. 4, 23rd Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 174 | 14 |
France | Relations with France | February 27, 1835 | Serial Set Vol. No. 276, Session Vol. No. 1, 23rd Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 133 | 21 |
France | Relations with France. | February 27, 1835 | Serial Set Vol. No. 276, Session Vol. No. 1, 23rd Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 133 | 21 |
France | In the Senate of the United States. Mr. Clay made the following report: The Committee on Foreign Relations having duly considered the message of the President of the 25th February, 1835, with the correspondence accompanying it, ask leave now to submit to the Senate the result of their deliberations, in the following report... | March 3, 1835 | Serial Set Vol. No. 269, Session Vol. No. 4, 23rd Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 150 | 4 |
France | In Senate of the United States. March 3, 1835. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Clay made the following report: The Committee on Foreign Relations having duly considered the message of the President of the 25th February, 1835, with the correspondence accompanying it, ask leave now to submit to the Senate the result of their deliberations, in the following report... | March 3, 1835 | Serial Set Vol. No. 269, Session Vol. No. 4, 23rd Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 150 | 4 |
France | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Twenty-fourth Congress, | December 8, 1835 | Serial Set Vol. No. 279, Session Vol. No. 1, 24th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 1 | 385 |
France | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Twenty-fourth Congress, | December 8, 1835 | Serial Set Vol. No. 286, Session Vol. No. 1, 24th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 2 | 428 |
France | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Twenty-fourth Congress | December 8, 1835 | Serial Set Vol. No. 279, Session Vol. No. 1, 24th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 1 | 385 |
France | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Twenty-fourth Congress | December 8, 1835 | Serial Set Vol. No. 286, Session Vol. No. 1, 24th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 2 | 428 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, with correspondence touching our relations with France | January 18, 1836 | Serial Set Vol. No. 280, Session Vol. No. 2, 24th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 62 | 24 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, in compliance with resolution of the Senate, with copies of certain documents relative to affairs with France. | January 18, 1836 | Serial Set Vol. No. 280, Session Vol. No. 2, 24th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 63 | 7 |
France | Affairs with France. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting information in relation to the state of affairs between the United States and the French nation. | January 18, 1836 | Serial Set Vol. No. 288, Session Vol. No. 3, 24th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 67 | 23 |
France | Affairs with France. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting information in relation to the state of affairs between the United States and the French nation. | January 18, 1836 | Serial Set Vol. No. 288, Session Vol. No. 3, 24th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 67 | 23 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, with correspondence touching our relations with France. | January 18, 1836 | Serial Set Vol. No. 280, Session Vol. No. 2, 24th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 62 | 24 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, in compliance with resolution of the Senate, with copies of certain documents relative to affairs with France. | January 18, 1836 | Serial Set Vol. No. 280, Session Vol. No. 2, 24th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 63 | 7 |
Great Britain | Elihu Hall Bay, et al. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 199.) | January 21, 1836 | Serial Set Vol. No. 293, Session Vol. No. 1, 24th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 197 | 2 |
Russia | J. Randolph Clay. (To accompany Bill H. R. No. 214). | January 26, 1836 | Serial Set Vol. No. 293, Session Vol. No. 1, 24th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 212 | 1 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, relative to the mediation of Great Britain, in settling the affairs between the United States and France. | February 8, 1836 | Serial Set Vol. No. 280, Session Vol. No. 2, 24th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 128 | 1 |
France | Mediation of Great Britain. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting information of the proffered mediation of the King of Great Britain, in relation to the existing differences between the government of the United States and that of France. | February 8, 1836 | Serial Set Vol. No. 288, Session Vol. No. 3, 24th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 103 | 1 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, relative to the mediation of Great Britain, in settling the affairs between the United States and France. | February 8, 1836 | Serial Set Vol. No. 280, Session Vol. No. 2, 24th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 128 | 2 |
France | In Senate of the United States. Washington, January 27, 1836. Sir: I am directed by the Senate's Committee of Foreign Relations to call your attention to a letter from the Duc de Broglie... | February 10, 1836 | Serial Set Vol. No. 281, Session Vol. No. 3, 24th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 157 | 2 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, transmitting certain documents relating to the state of affairs with France. | February 15, 1836 | Serial Set Vol. No. 281, Session Vol. No. 3, 24th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 161 | 89 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, transmitting certain documents relating to the state of affairs with France | February 15, 1836 | Serial Set Vol. No. 281, Session Vol. No. 3, 24th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 161 | 89 |
Belgium | Discriminating duties -- Belgian vessels. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 348.) | February 16, 1836 | Serial Set Vol. No. 293, Session Vol. No. 1, 31st Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 333 | 7 |
The Netherlands | Discriminating duties -- Belgian vessels. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 348.) | February 16, 1836 | Serial Set Vol. No. 293, Session Vol. No. 1, 24th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 333 | 7 |
France | Resolutions of the Legislature of New Jersey, approving the measures of the Executive of the United States regarding the relations with France | February 18, 1836 | Serial Set Vol. No. 281, Session Vol. No. 3, 24th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 181 | 2 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, relative to the mediation of Great Britain for settlement of affairs with France. | February 22, 1836 | Serial Set Vol. No. 281, Session Vol. No. 3, 24th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 187 | 9 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, relative to the mediation of Great Britain for settlement of affairs with France. | February 22, 1836 | Serial Set Vol. No. 281, Session Vol. No. 3, 24th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 187 | 9 |
France | Mediation of Great Britain -- French affairs. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of the correspondence between the Secretary of State and the Charge d'Affaires of his Britannic Majesty, relative to the disagreement between the United States and France | February 23, 1836 | Serial Set Vol. No. 289, Session Vol. No. 4, 24th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 116 | 9 |
France | Relations with France, and duties on silks and wines. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting reports from the Secretary of State and Secretary of the Treasury; the former relating to the relation with France, and the latter to duties on wines and silks imported since 4th July, 1831. | February 23, 1836 | Serial Set Vol. No. 289, Session Vol. No. 4, 24th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 117 | 121 |
France | Mediation of Great Britain -- French affairs. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of the correspondence between the Secretary of State and the Charge d'Affaires of his Britannic Majesty, relative to the disagreement between the United States and France. | February 23, 1836 | Serial Set Vol. No. 289, Session Vol. No. 4, 24th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 116 | 9 |
France | Relations with France, and duties on silks and wines. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting reports from the Secretary of State and Secretary of the Treasury; the former relating to the relation with France, and the latter to duties on wines and silks imported since 4th July, 1831. | February 23, 1836 | Serial Set Vol. No. 289, Session Vol. No. 4, 24th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 117 | 121 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, relative to claims under the Treaty with France of 1831. | February 26, 1836 | Serial Set Vol. No. 281, Session Vol. No. 3, 24th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 204 | 2 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, relative to claims under the Treaty with France of 1831 | February 26, 1836 | Serial Set Vol. No. 281, Session Vol. No. 3, 24th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 204 | 2 |
France | Resolutions of the Legislature of Ohio, approving the course pursued by the Executive of the United States, in the intercourse with France, concerning the execution of the Treaty of 1831 | March 1, 1836 | Serial Set Vol. No. 281, Session Vol. No. 3, 24th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 212 | 2 |
France | Resolutions of the Legislature of Ohio, approving the course pursued by the Executive of the United States, in the intercourse with France, concerning the execution of the Treaty of 1831. | March 1, 1836 | Serial Set Vol. No. 281, Session Vol. No. 3, 24th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 212 | 2 |
Portugal | Portugal -- discriminating duties. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report from the Secretary of State, upon the subject of discriminating duties on the cargoes of Portuguese vessels, &c. &c. | March 1, 1836 | Serial Set Vol. No. 289, Session Vol. No. 4, 24th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 134 | 13 |
Portugal | Portugal -- discriminating duties. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report from the Secretary of State, upon the subject of discriminating duties on the cargoes of Portuguese vessels, &c. &c. | March 1, 1836 | Serial Set Vol. No. 289, Session Vol. No. 4, 24th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 134 | 13 |
Great Britain | Resolutions of the Legislature of Massachusetts, relative to a part of land in Maine, belonging to that state, now in dispute between the United States and Great Britain, and desiring a speedy decision upon the subject, or authority to that state to appoint an agent to take care of the interest of that state. | March 22, 1836 | Serial Set Vol. No. 281, Session Vol. No. 3, 24th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 267 | 2 |
Poland | Granting patents to Polish exiles, &c. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 488.) | March 25, 1836 | Serial Set Vol. No. 289, Session Vol. No. 4, 24th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 188 | 4 |
Russia | Granting patents to Polish exiles, &c. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 488.) | March 25, 1836 | Serial Set Vol. No. 289, Session Vol. No. 4, 24th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 188 | 4 |
Great Britain | Northeastern territory of the United States. Resolutions of the Legislature of the State of Massachusetts upon the subject of the northern territory of the United States, the title to which is still claimed by Great Britain. | April 5, 1836 | Serial Set Vol. No. 290, Session Vol. No. 5, 24th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 199 | 2 |
Portugal | In Senate of the United States. April 11, 1836. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Davis made the following report with Senate Bill No. 214. The Committee on Commerce have considered the message of the President of the 2d March last, and the documents therewith communicated, and report... | April 11, 1836 | Serial Set Vol. No. 282, Session Vol. No. 4, 24th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 303 | 7 |
Portugal | In Senate of the United States. April 11, 1836. Read, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Davis made the following report with Senate Bill No. 214. The Committee on Commerce have considered the message of the President of the 2d March last, and the documents therewith communicated, and report... | April 11, 1836 | Serial Set Vol. No. 282, Session Vol. No. 4, 24th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 303 | 7 |
Italy (Kingdom of Two Sicilies) | King of the Two Sicilies -- awards under treaty with. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting a list of awards of the Commissioners on Claims arising under the Convention with the King of the Two Sicilies. | April 27, 1836 | Serial Set Vol. No. 291, Session Vol. No. 6, 24th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 242 | 6 |
Italy (Kingdom of Two Sicilies) | Memorial of Commodore Daniel T. Patterson, for remuneration for extra expenses incurred by him as commanding officer of the Mediterranean Squadron. | May 4, 1836 | Serial Set Vol. No. 283, Session Vol. No. 5, 24th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 347 | 4 |
France | Four installments under the French treaty paid. Message from the President of the United States, communicating the information that four installments under the treaty with France have been paid, &c. | May 10, 1836 | Serial Set Vol. No. 291, Session Vol. No. 6, 24th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 254 | 2 |
France | Four installments under the French treaty paid. Message from the President of the United States, communicating the information that four installments under the treaty with France have been paid, &c. | May 10, 1836 | Serial Set Vol. No. 291, Session Vol. No. 6, 24th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 254 | 1 |
Portugal | Thomas L.L. Brent. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 634.) | May 17, 1836 | Serial Set Vol. No. 295, Session Vol. No. 3, 24th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 675 | 1 |
France | Moneys received under treaty with France. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of the 28th ultimo, respecting the amount of money received from the French government under the treaty of the 4th July, 1831 | June 5, 1836 | Serial Set Vol. No. 330, Session Vol. No. 10, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 417 | 3 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting (in compliance with a resolution of the Senate) sundry documents relating to the northeastern boundary of the United States. June 15, 1836. | June 23, 1836 | Serial Set Vol. No. 284, Session Vol. No. 6, 24th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 414 | 64 |
Italy (Kingdom of Two Sicilies) | Alexander Hammett. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 730.) | June 28, 1836 | Serial Set Vol. No. 295, Session Vol. No. 3, 24th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 829 | 1 |
Germany | Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, relative to the deportation of paupers from Great Britain, &c., in obedience to the resolution of the Senate of the 4th of July, 1836 | December 7, 1836 | Serial Set Vol. No. 297, Session Vol. No. 1, 24th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 5 | 25 |
Ireland | Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, relative to the deportation of paupers from Great Britain, &c., in obedience to the resolution of the Senate of the 4th of July, 1836. | December 7, 1836 | Serial Set Vol. No. 297, Session Vol. No. 1, 24th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 5 | 25 |
France | French spoliations prior to 1800. | December 30, 1836 | Serial Set Vol. No. 302, Session Vol. No. 2, 24th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 58 | 2 |
France | French spoliations prior to 1800. | December 30, 1836 | Serial Set Vol. No. 302, Session Vol. No. 2, 24th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 58 | 2 |
France | Documents in relation to the Bill (S. 34) "giving effect to the 8th article of the treaty of 1819 with Spain." In Senate of the United States. | January 4, 1837 | Serial Set Vol. No. 297, Session Vol. No. 1, 24th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 49 | 19 |
Portugal | J.P. Hutchinson. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 849.) | January 17, 1837 | Serial Set Vol. No. 305, Session Vol. No. 1, 24th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 115 | 1 |
Germany | Joshua Dodge -- consuls' fees, &c. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 887.) | January 28, 1837 | Serial Set Vol. No. 305, Session Vol. No. 1, 24th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 163 | 4 |
Germany | In Senate of the United States. Mr. Davis made the following report: The Committee on Commerce, to whom was referred a resolve of the Senate, instructing them to inquire into the expediency of amending the law of March 1, 1823, so as to secure a proper verification of the invoice of imported goods, report... | February 3, 1837 | Serial Set Vol. No. 298, Session Vol. No. 2, 24th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 138 | 2 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, with copies of correspondence in relation to the seizure of slaves on board the brigs "Encomium" and "Enterprise." | February 14, 1837 | Serial Set Vol. No. 298, Session Vol. No. 2, 24th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 174 | 58 |
Great Britain | Jurisdiction north of 45 north latitude. Letter from the President of the United States, transmitting resolutions of the Legislature of New Hampshire in relation to the claim of that state for expenses incurred in maintaining jurisdiction over that portion of their territory north of 45 north latitude. | February 14, 1837 | Serial Set Vol. No. 304, Session Vol. No. 4, 24th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 155 | 4 |
France | In Senate of the United States. Mr. Clay made the following report, with Senate Bill No. 223. The Select Committee to whom was referred the address of certain British and the petition of certain American authors... | February 16, 1837 | Serial Set Vol. No. 298, Session Vol. No. 2, 24th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 179 | 3 |
Hanseatic Republics | Tobacco. (To accompany Joint Resolution No. 25.) | February 18, 1837 | Serial Set Vol. No. 306, Session Vol. No. 2, 24th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 239 | 15 |
France | Documents in relation to the Joint Resolution (S.11) "authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to receive from the Bank of the United States under the Pennsylvania charter, payment for the stock of the United States in the late Bank of the United States." | February 27, 1837 | Serial Set Vol. No. 298, Session Vol. No. 2, 24th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 208 | 6 |
France | French spoliations prior to the year 1800. List of memorialists to Congress, during the 19th, 20th, 21st, 22d, and 23d Congresses, on account of French spoliations committed prior to 1800. | March 3, 1837 | Serial Set Vol. No. 304, Session Vol. No. 4, 24th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 184 | 27 |
France | Mode of collecting the revenue in Great Britain and France | September 14, 1837 | Serial Set Vol. No. 311, Session Vol. No. 1, 25th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 12 | 3 |
Great Britain | Northeastern boundary. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the information required by the resolution of the House of the 13th instant, upon the subject of the northeastern boundary of the United States. | September 26, 1837 | Serial Set Vol. No. 311, Session Vol. No. 1, 25th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 31 | 32 |
Belgium | Tobacco trade. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of State, in obedience to a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 19th ultimo, upon the subject of the tobacco trade. | October 3, 1837 | Serial Set Vol. No. 311, Session Vol. No. 1, 25th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 41 | 7 |
Denmark | Tobacco trade. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of State, in obedience to a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 19th ultimo, upon the subject of the tobacco trade. | October 3, 1837 | Serial Set Vol. No. 311, Session Vol. No. 1, 25th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 41 | 7 |
France | Tobacco trade. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of State, in obedience to a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 19th ultimo, upon the subject of the tobacco trade | October 3, 1837 | Serial Set Vol. No. 311, Session Vol. No. 1, 25th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 41 | 7 |
Germany | Tobacco trade. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of State, in obedience to a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 19th ultimo, upon the subject of the tobacco trade. | October 3, 1837 | Serial Set Vol. No. 311, Session Vol. No. 1, 25th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 41 | 7 |
The Netherlands | Tobacco trade. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of State, in obedience to a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 19th ultimo, upon the subject of the tobacco trade. | October 3, 1837 | Serial Set Vol. No. 311, Session Vol. No. 1, 25th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 41 | 7 |
Russia | Tobacco trade. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of State, in obedience to a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 19th ultimo, upon the subject of the tobacco trade. | October 3, 1837 | Serial Set Vol. No. 311, Session Vol. No. 1, 25th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 41 | 7 |
Sweden | Tobacco trade. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of State, in obedience to a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 19th ultimo, upon the subject of the tobacco trade. | October 3, 1837 | Serial Set Vol. No. 311, Session Vol. No. 1, 25th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 41 | 7 |
France | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress at the commencement of the second session of the Twenty-fifth Congress. | December 5, 1837 | Serial Set Vol. No. 314, Session Vol. No. 1, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 1 | 808 |
Portugal | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Twenty-fifth Congress. | December 5, 1837 | Serial Set Vol. No. 314, Session Vol. No. 1, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 1 | 808 |
Portugal | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Twenty-fifth Congress. | December 5, 1837 | Serial Set Vol. No. 321, Session Vol. No. 1, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 3 | 864 |
The Netherlands | Message from the President of the United States, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the 12th of October, 1837, in relation to the capture and sequestration of the ship Mary and cargo, of Baltimore, by the Dutch government, in 1800. | December 13, 1837 | Serial Set Vol. No. 314, Session Vol. No. 1, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 13 | 11 |
The Netherlands | Message from the President of the United States, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the 12th of October, 1837, in relation to the capture and sequestration of the ship Mary and cargo, of Baltimore, by the Dutch government, in 1800. | December 13, 1837 | Serial Set Vol. No. 314, Session Vol. No. 1, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 13 | 11 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the 16th October last, relative to the occupation of the territory of the United States west of the Rocky Mountains and bordering on the Pacific Ocean. | December 16, 1837 | Serial Set Vol. No. 314, Session Vol. No. 1, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 39 | 2 |
Germany | Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the 3rd February, 1837, in relation to consular certificates on invoices. | December 18, 1837 | Serial Set Vol. No. 314, Session Vol. No. 1, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 21 | 4 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the 16th October last, relative to the occupation of the territory of the United States west of the Rocky Mountains and bordering on the Pacific Ocean. | December 26, 1837 | Serial Set Vol. No. 314, Session Vol. No. 1, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 39 | 2 |
Germany | Joshua Dodge -- consuls' fees, &c. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 231.) | December 28, 1837 | Serial Set Vol. No. 333, Session Vol. No. 1, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 200 | 7 |
Great Britain | Neutrality -- Canadian frontier. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a letter from the Marshal of the Northern District of the State of New York, respecting disturbances on the Canadian frontier. | January 5, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 322, Session Vol. No. 2, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 64 | 2 |
Great Britain | Canada frontier. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of State, in reply to a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 5th instant, requiring information of any acts endangering the relations of friendship between the United States and Great Britain. | January 8, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 323, Session Vol. No. 3, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 76 | 1 |
Great Britain | Northern frontier. Message from the President of the United States, upon the subject of the disturbance on the northern frontier of the United States. | January 8, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 323, Session Vol. No. 3, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 73 | 6 |
Great Britain | Mexico -- Texas -- Canada. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 5th January instant, &c. | January 8, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 323, Session Vol. No. 3, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 74 | 54 |
France | Pensions to Indian fighters (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 369) | January 9, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 333, Session Vol. No. 1, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 327 | 3 |
France | French spoliations. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 449.) | January 20, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 334, Session Vol. No. 2, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 445 | 171 |
France | French spoliations. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 449.) | January 20, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 334, Session Vol. No. 2, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 445 | 171 |
Italy (Kingdom of Two Sicilies) | Neapolitan indemnity. | January 20, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 334, Session Vol. No. 2, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 441 | 3 |
Great Britain | Imprisonment of Mr. Greely, &c. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 9th instant, in relation to the imprisonment of Mr. Greely, at Frederickton, in the British Province of New Brunswick, &c. | January 29, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 326, Session Vol. No. 6, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 126 | 438 |
Russia | John Randolph Clay. (To Accompany Bill H. R. No. 526) | February 6, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 334, Session Vol. No. 2, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 534 | 1 |
Great Britain | Maine. Memorial of Jabez Mowry and sixty-four others, inhabitants of Lubec, Maine, praying Congress to make inquiry into the existing state of the trade with the British colonies under proclamation of the President of the United States made the 5th day of October, 1830. | February 14, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 327, Session Vol. No. 7, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 151, | 2 |
Italy (Kingdom of Two Sicilies) | Alexander Hammett. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 556.) | February 17, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 335, Session Vol. No. 3, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 566 | 2 |
Great Britain | Memorial of a number of citizens of Niagara County, New York, praying Congress to adopt measures for bringing to justice the persons engaged in the late outrage at Schlosser, in said county. | February 19, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 316, Session Vol. No. 3, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 215 | 4 |
Great Britain | Vermont. Petition and protest of 187 inhabitants of Montpelier, Vermont, protesting against the passage of Buchanan's neutrality bill; praying for a recall of all orders for the seizure of arms and ammunition; also, that Congress intercede in behalf of the prisoners at Montreal, Toronto, and other places. | March 1, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 327, Session Vol. No. 7, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 193 | 2 |
France | Resolutions of the Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce, in favor of satisfying claims on account of French spoliations committed prior to 1800. | March 2, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 316, Session Vol. No. 3, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 256 | 1 |
Great Britain | New York. Memorial adopted by a meeting of the citizens of Erie County, in the State of New York, held at Buffalo, February 12, 1838, praying that this government may obtain satisfaction for the outrage in burning the Caroline, &c., and that the Canadian frontier may be placed in a state of defence. | March 12, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 328, Session Vol. No. 8, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 248 | 6 |
France | French spoliations prior to 1800. Resolutions of the Chamber of Commerce of Philadelphia, relative to French spoliations prior to 1800. Referred to the Committee of the Whole House to which is committed the Bill H.R. No. 449, to provide for the payment of such claims. | March 12, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 328, Session Vol. No. 8, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 237 | 1 |
France | French spoliations. Memorial of citizens of Pennsylvania, upon the subject of spoliations on the commerce of the United States prior to the year 1800. | March 12, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 328, Session Vol. No. 8, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 238 | 2 |
France | French spoliations prior to 1800. Resolutions of the Chamber of Commerce of Philadelphia, relative to French spoliations prior to 1800. | March 12, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 328, Session Vol. No. 8, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 237 | 1 |
France | French spoliations. Memorial of citizens of Pennsylvania, upon the subject of spoliations on the commerce of the United States prior to the year 1800. | March 12, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 328, Session Vol. No. 8, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 238 | 2 |
France | New York -- French spoliations. Petition of a convention of delegates on the subject of French spoliations, prior to September, in the year 1800. | March 12, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 328, Session Vol. No. 8, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 239 | 6 |
The Netherlands | Isthmus of Darien -- ship canal. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 17th ultimo, in relation to a ship canal across the isthmus of Darien | March 14, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 328, Session Vol. No. 8, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 228 | 103 |
Austria-Hungary | Tobacco. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives of 28th February, 1837, in relation to the high duties and restrictions on tobacco imported into foreign countries from the United States, &c | March 19, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 328, Session Vol. No. 8, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 258 | 22 |
France | Tobacco. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives of 28th February, 1837, in relation to the high duties and restrictions on tobacco imported into foreign countries from the United States, &c. | March 19, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 328, Session Vol. No. 8, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 258 | 22 |
Germany | Tobacco. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives of 28th February, 1837, in relation to the high duties and restrictions on tobacco imported into foreign countries from the United States, &c. | March 19, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 328, Session Vol. No. 8, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 258 | 22 |
France | Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the 16th February last, in relation to the payment of the French and Neapolitan indemnities. | April 2, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 317, Session Vol. No. 4, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 351 | 167 |
Italy (Kingdom of Two Sicilies) | Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the 16th February last, in relation to the payment of the French and Neapolitan indemnities. | April 2, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 317, Session Vol. No. 4, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 351 | 167 |
Great Britain | Northeastern boundary. Message of the Governor, and resolutions of the Legislature of the State of Maine, upon the subject of the northeastern boundary, &c. Mr. Evans presented the following message from the Governor of the State of Maine to the legislature thereof, upon the subject of the northeastern boundary, &c.; which was referred to the Committee of the Whole House upon the State of the Union. | April 28, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 330, Session Vol. No. 10, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 354 | 7 |
Great Britain | Commerce of the United States with Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Resolutions of the Legislature of the State of Maine, in relation to the commercial intercourse between the United States and the British provinces of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. | April 28, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 330, Session Vol. No. 10, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 355 | 2 |
Great Britain | Northeastern boundary. Message of the Governor, and resolutions of the Legislature of the State of Maine, upon the subject of the northeastern boundary, &c. | April 28, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 330, Session Vol. No. 10, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 354 | 7 |
Great Britain | Resolutions of the Legislature of Maine, in relation to the commercial intercourse between the United States and the British provinces of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. | May 7, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 318, Session Vol. No. 5, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 243 | 2 |
Germany | Foreign paupers. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting information required by the resolution of the House of Representatives of the 30th ultimo, in relation to the introduction of foreign paupers into the United States. | May 15, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 330, Session Vol. No. 10, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 370 | 18 |
Great Britain | Claims of Maine -- northeastern boundary. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting documents in relation to the claims of the State of Maine, and the northeastern boundary. | May 23, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 330, Session Vol. No. 10, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 380 | 9 |
France | French spoliations prior to 1800. Resolutions of the Legislature of the State of Connecticut, for indemnity for losses sustained by French spoliations prior to 1800. | June 4, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 330, Session Vol. No. 10, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 414 | 1 |
France | Moneys received under treaty with France. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of the 28th ultimo, respecting the amount of money received from the French government under the treaty of the 4th July, 1831. | June 5, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 330, Session Vol. No. 10, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 417 | 3 |
Great Britain | In Senate of the United States. Mr. Linn submitted the following report: (To accompany Senate Bill No. 206.) The Select Committee, to which was referred a bill to authorize the President of the United States to occupy the Oregon Territory... | June 6, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 318, Session Vol. No. 5, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 470 | 25 |
Great Britain | In Senate of the United States. June 6, 1838. Submitted, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Linn submitted the following report: (To accompany Senate Bill No. 206.) The Select Committee, to which was referred a bill to authorize the President of the United States to occupy the Oregon Territory... | June 6, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 318, Session Vol. No. 5, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 470 | 23 |
Great Britain | British steamboat Sir Robert Peel and American steamboat Telegraph. Message from the President of the United States, upon the subject of outrages committed upon the British steamboat Sir Robert Peel, and the American steamboat Telegraph, on the waters of the northern frontier of the United States. | June 20, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 331-1, Session Vol. No. 11, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 440 | 27 |
France | Ship Mary and cargo -- Baltimore. July 3, 1838. Read, and the resolution therein contained concurred in by the House. | July 3, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 336, Session Vol. No. 4, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 1041 | 2 |
The Netherlands | Ship Mary and cargo -- Baltimore. | July 3, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 336, Session Vol. No. 4, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 1041 | 2 |
The Netherlands | Ship Mary and cargo -- Baltimore. | July 3, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 336, Session Vol. No. 4, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 1041 | 2 |
Great Britain | Boundary between the United States and Great Britain. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 28th May last, in relation to the boundary between the United States and Great Britain. | July 3, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 331-1, Session Vol. No. 11, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 451 | 132 |
Great Britain | In the Senate of the United States. Mr. Buchanan submitted the following report: The Committee on Foreign Relations, to which was referred the "Bill To Provide for Surveying the Northeastern Boundary Line of the United States, According to the Provisions of the Treaty of Peace of Seventeen Hundred and Eighty-three," have had the same under consideration, and now report... | July 4, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 319, Session Vol. No. 6, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 502 | 19 |
France | Territory south of 31 of north latitude, &c. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting information in relation to the claim of Spain, France, and the United States, to the sovereignty of the territory south of the 31 of north latitude, and east and north of the Island of Orleans, lying between the Mississippi and Perdido Rivers, &c. | July 7, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 331-1, Session Vol. No. 11, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 463 | 20 |
Great Britain | Violation of the revenue laws. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury to the chairman of the Committee on Commerce, on the subject of violations of the revenue laws, at the mouth of the Sabine River. | July 9, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 331-1, Session Vol. No. 11, 25th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 466 | 2 |
Russia | Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the third session of the Twenty-fifth Congress. | December 4, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 338, Session Vol. No. 1, 25th Congress, 3rd Session, S. Doc. 1 | 669 |
Russia | Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the third session of the Twenty-fifth Congress | December 4, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 344, Session Vol. No. 1, 25th Congress, 3rd Session, H. Doc. 2 | 619 |
France | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the third session of the Twenty-fifth Congress. | December 4, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 344, Session Vol. No. 1, 25th Congress, 3rd Session, H. Doc. 2 | 619 |
France | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the third session of the Twenty-fifth Congress. | December 4, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 338, Session Vol. No. 1, 25th Congress, 3rd Session, S. Doc. 1 | 669 |
Greece | Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the third session of the Twenty-fifth Congress. | December 4, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 338, Session Vol. No. 1, 25th Congress, 3rd Session, S. Doc. 1 | 669 |
Greece | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the third session of the Twenty-fifth Congress | December 4, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 344, Session Vol. No. 1, 25th Congress, 3rd Session, H. Doc. 2 | 619 |
Russia | Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the third session of the Twenty-fifth Congress. | December 4, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 338, Session Vol. No. 1, 25th Congress, 3rd Session, S. Doc. 1 | 669 |
Russia | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the third session of the Twenty-fifth Congress. | December 4, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 344, Session Vol. No. 1, 25th Congress, 3rd Session, H. Doc. 2 | 619 |
Great Britain | Report from the Secretary of War, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, in reference to the defence of the frontier of Maine. | December 21, 1838 | Serial Set Vol. No. 339, Session Vol. No. 2, 25th Congress, 3rd Session, S. Doc. 35 | 16 |
France | Memorial of a number of members of the New York Peace Society, praying Congress to interpose as mediator between France and Mexico, and to propose the formation of a Congress of Nations for the adjustment of international disputes. | January 2, 1839 | Serial Set Vol. No. 339, Session Vol. No. 2, 25th Congress, 3rd Session, S. Doc. 40 | 13 |
France | National foundry. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 1032.) | January 12, 1839 | Serial Set Vol. No. 351, Session Vol. No. 1, 25th Congress, 3rd Session, H. Rpt. 168 | 203 |
France | Fauvel Gourand de la Martinique. | January 23, 1839 | Serial Set Vol. No. 351, Session Vol. No. 1, 25th Congress, 3rd Session, H. Rpt. 217 | 2 |
France | Registry of steam-ships. (To accompany Bill. H.R. No. 1098.) | February 6, 1839 | Serial Set Vol. No. 347, Session Vol. No. 4, 25th Congress, 3rd Session, H. Doc. 159 | 2 |
Great Britain | Steamboat Caroline. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting, in compliance with the resolution of the House of Representatives of the 28th ultimo, information in relation to the destruction of the steamboat Caroline, &c. | February 11, 1839 | Serial Set Vol. No. 347, Session Vol. No. 4, 25th Congress, 3rd Session, H. Doc. 183 | 10 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, in relation to the seizure and detention of the brigs Enterprise, Encomium, and Come | February 14, 1839 | Serial Set Vol. No. 340, Session Vol. No. 3, 25th Congress, 3rd Session, S. Doc. 216 | 55 |
Great Britain | Vermont -- Canadian frontier. Memorial of inhabitants of St. Alban's, Vermont, upon the subject of the attack on the steamer Caroline, the Neutrality Law, and the disturbances on the Canadian frontier. | February 19, 1839 | Serial Set Vol. No. 348, Session Vol. No. 5, 25th Congress, 3rd Session, H. Doc. 214 | 2 |
France | Blockades -- Mexico and Rio de la Plata. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report upon the subject of the blockades of the Mexican coast and the Rio de la Plata. | February 22, 1839 | Serial Set Vol. No. 348, Session Vol. No. 5, 25th Congress, 3rd Session, H. Doc. 211 | 70 |
Great Britain | Trade with Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, &c. | February 25, 1839 | Serial Set Vol. No. 352, Session Vol. No. 2, 25th Congress, 3rd Session, H. Rpt. 301 | 4 |
German Customs Union | Tobacco trade. | February 25, 1839 | Serial Set Vol. No. 352, Session Vol. No. 2, 25th Congress, 3rd Session, H. Rpt. 310 | 11 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, in relation to the dispute between the State of Maine and the British Province of New Brunswick. | February 26, 1839 | Serial Set Vol. No. 341, Session Vol. No. 4, 25th Congress, 3rd Session, S. Doc. 270 | 32 |
Great Britain | Maine and New Brunswick. Message from the President of the United States, upon the subject of the present state of affairs between the State of Maine and the British Province of New Brunswick. | February 26, 1839 | Serial Set Vol. No. 348, Session Vol. No. 5, 25th Congress, 3rd Session, H. Doc. 222 | 50 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting additional documents in relation to the dispute between the State of Maine and the British Province of New Brunswick | February 27, 1839 | Serial Set Vol. No. 341, Session Vol. No. 4, 25th Congress, 3rd Session, S. Doc. 271 | 8 |
Great Britain | In Senate of the United States Read, made the special order for to-morrow, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Buchanan made the following report: The Committee on Foreign Relations, to which was referred the messages of the President of the United States of the 26th and the 27th instant, and the accompanying document, in relation to the existing difficulties on the northeastern frontier of the United States, report the following resolutions... | February 28, 1839 | Serial Set Vol. No. 341, Session Vol. No. 4, 25th Congress, 3rd Session, S. Doc. 272 | 2 |
Great Britain | Disturbance in Maine. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 1176. | February 28, 1839 | Serial Set Vol. No. 352, Session Vol. No. 2, 25th Congress, 3rd Session, H. Rpt. 314 | 7 |
Great Britain | In Senate of the United States. in relation to the northeastern boundary of the United States, and unanimously adopted by the Senate on the 4th day of July, 1838, be printed for the use of the Senate. In Senate of the United States. July 4, 1838 | March 1, 1839 | Serial Set Vol. No. 342, Session Vol. No. 5, 25th Congress, 3rd Session, S. Doc. 287 | 18 |
Great Britain | Memorial of a number of citizens of Portage County, Ohio, praying the repeal or modification of the neutrality law, and that Congress demand redress for the destruction of the steamboat Caroline | March 2, 1839 | Serial Set Vol. No. 342, Session Vol. No. 5, 25th Congress, 3rd Session, S. Doc. 303 | 2 |
The Netherlands | Canal -- Atlantic to Pacific. | March 2, 1839 | Serial Set Vol. No. 352, Session Vol. No. 2, 25th Congress, 3rd Session, H. Rpt. 322 | 167 |
France | Payments under treaty with France. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, in reply to a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 28th of January, respecting payments under the treaty of indemnity with France, &c. | March 3, 1839 | Serial Set Vol. No. 349, Session Vol. No. 6, 25th Congress, 3rd Session, H. Doc. 246 | 3 |
France | Payments under treaty with France. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, in reply to a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 28th of January, respecting payments under the treaty of indemnity with France, &c | March 3, 1839 | Serial Set Vol. No. 349, Session Vol. No. 6, 25th Congress, 3rd Session, H. Doc. 246 | 3 |
The Netherlands | Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Twenty-sixth Congress | December 24, 1839 | Serial Set Vol. No. 354, Session Vol. No. 1, 26th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 1 | 622 |
The Netherlands | Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress at the commencement of the first session of the Twenty-sixth Congress. | December 27, 1839 | Serial Set Vol. No. 363, Session Vol. No. 1, 26th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 2 | 893 |
Great Britain | Trade with the British colonial ports. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a report on the effect and operations of the existing arrangements between the United States and Great Britain, regulating the trade with the British American colonies. | December 30, 1839 | Serial Set Vol. No. 364, Session Vol. No. 2, 26th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 14 | 31 |
Great Britain | Motion submitted by Mr. Linn, in relation to the occupation and settlement of the Oregon Territory. December 18, 1839. | December 30, 1839 | Serial Set Vol. No. 355, Session Vol. No. 2, 26th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 25 | 1 |
Great Britain | Motion submitted by Mr. Linn, in relation to the occupation and settlement of the Oregon Territory. December 18, 1839. | December 30, 1839 | Serial Set Vol. No. 355, Session Vol. No. 2, 26th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 25 | 1 |
France | French vessels from Guiana and Senegal, and French ship Alexandre. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report from the Secretary of State, in relation to French vessels from Guiana and Senegal, and to duties levied in Newport upon the French ship Alexandre. | December 31, 1839 | Serial Set Vol. No. 364, Session Vol. No. 2, 26th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 37 | 14 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, recommending the extension to French vessels coming from Guiana and Senegal of the benefits granted by the act of 9th of May, 1828, to French vessels from the islands of Gaudaloupe and Martinique; and also the repayment of the duties levied on the French ship Alexandre. | January 3, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 355, Session Vol. No. 2, 26th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 37 | 15 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, copies of correspondence in relation to the northeastern boundary and the jurisdiction of the disputed territory; and, also, in relation to the establishment of military posts in the State of Maine | January 23, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 356, Session Vol. No. 3, 26th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 107 | 66 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, in relation to the seizure and detention of the brigs Enterprise, Encomium, and Comet. | January 27, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 356, Session Vol. No. 3, 26th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 119 | 11 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, communicating additional correspondence in relation to the adjustment of the northeastern boundary, and occupation of the disputed territory. | January 29, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 357, Session Vol. No. 4, 26th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 129 | 4 |
Great Britain | Memoir, historical and political, of the northwest coast of North America, and the adjacent territories; illustrated by a map and geographical view of those countries. By Robert Greenhow, translator and librarian to the Department of State. | February 10, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 357, Session Vol. No. 4, 26th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 174 | 228 |
Great Britain | Memoir, historical and political, of the northwest coast of North America, and the adjacent territories; illustrated by a map and geographical view of those countries. By Robert Greenhow, translator and librarian to the Department of State. | February 10, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 357, Session Vol. No. 4, 26th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 174 | 228 |
Great Britain | Memoir, historical and political, of the northwest coast of North America, and the adjacent territories; illustrated by a map and geographical view of those countries. By Robert Greenhow, translator and librarian to the Department of State. | February 10, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 357, Session Vol. No. 4, 26th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 174 | 228 |
Russia | Memoir, historical and political, of the northwest coast of North America, and the adjacent territories; illustrated by a map and geographical view of those countries. By Robert Greenhow, translator and librarian to the Department of State. | February 10, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 357, Session Vol. No. 4, 26th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 174 | 228 |
Russia | Memoir, historical and political, of the northwest coast of North America, and the adjacent territories; illustrated by a map and geographical view of those countries. By Robert Greenhow, translator and librarian to the Department of State. | February 10, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 357, Session Vol. No. 4, 26th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 174 | 228 |
Great Britain | Motion submitted by Mr. Calhoun, in relation to the national rights of vessels forced by stress of weather into friendly ports, and the seizure of the brig Enterprise under those circumstances. | March 4, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 358, Session Vol. No. 5, 26th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 248 | 1 |
France | Refund duties on French ship Alexandre. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 110.) | March 5, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 370, Session Vol. No. 1, 26th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 106 | 1 |
Great Britain | Two messages from the President of the United States, communicating additional correspondence in relation to the adjustment of the northeastern boundary, and the occupation of the disputed territory. | March 9, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 358, Session Vol. No. 5, 26th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 266 | 14 |
Great Britain | Northeastern boundary. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a communication from the Secretary of State, upon the subject of the boundary between the United States and the British Province of New Brunswick, called for by a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 9th instant. | March 14, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 365, Session Vol. No. 3, 26th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 134 | 1 |
France | Admiral Baudin and Commodore Shubrick. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting a copy of the correspondence between Admiral Baudin and Commodore Shubrick | March 19, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 366, Session Vol. No. 4, 26th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 150 | 15 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, communicating additional correspondence in relation to the adjustment of the northeastern boundary, and the occupation of the disputed territory. | March 26, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 359, Session Vol. No. 6, 26th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 319 | 7 |
France | French spoliations prior to 1800. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 319.) | April 4, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 371, Session Vol. No. 2, 26th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 343 | 67 |
France | French spoilations prior to 1800. (To accompany Bill H. R. No. 319) | April 4, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 371, Session Vol. No. 2, 26th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 343 | 67 |
France | French spoliations prior to 1800. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 319.) | April 4, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 371, Session Vol. No. 2, 26th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 343 | 67 |
Italy (Kingdom of Two Sicilies) | Alexander Hammett. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 318.) | April 4, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 371, Session Vol. No. 2, 26th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 342 | 2 |
Great Britain | Resolutions of the General Assembly of Indiana, in relation to the northeastern boundary | April 10, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 359, Session Vol. No. 6, 26th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 371 | 2 |
Great Britain | Indians on northwest frontier. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting information of the assemblage of Indians on the northwestern frontier, &c | April 10, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 366, Session Vol. No. 4, 26th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 178 | 18 |
Great Britain | Maine -- northeastern boundary. Resolutions of the Legislature of the State of Maine, in relation to the northeastern boundary | April 10, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 366, Session Vol. No. 4, 26th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 189 | 2 |
Great Britain | In Senate of the United States. . Submitted, made the special order of the day for the 15th instant, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Buchanan made the following report: The Committee on Foreign Relations, to whom were referred certain resolutions "in relation to the national rights of vessels forced by stress of weather into friendly ports, and the seizure of the brig Enterprise under these circumstances,"... | April 13, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 359, Session Vol. No. 6, 26th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 378 | 1 |
Great Britain | In Senate of the United States. Submitted, and ordered to be printed, and that 10,000 additional copies be sent to the Senate. Mr. Buchanan made the following report: The Committee on Foreign Relations, to which were referred the several messages of the President of the United States, communicating to Congress, at its present session, certain official correspondence in relation to the question of the territory in dispute with Great Britain on our northeastern frontier... | April 14, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 359, Session Vol. No. 6, 26th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 382 | 2 |
France | Receipts--treaty of indemnity with France, &c. Letter from the Secretary of Treasury, transmitting statements of the amount received under the treaty of indemnity with France, and the dividends payable on each, &c. | April 14, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 366, Session Vol. No. 4, 26th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 183 | 4 |
France | Receipts -- treaty of indemnity with France, &c. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting statements of the amount received under the treaty of indemnity with France, and the dividends payable on each, &c. | April 14, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 366, Session Vol. No. 4, 26th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 183 | 4 |
Denmark | Tobacco-trade. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of State upon the subject of the tobacco-trade between the United States and foreign countries. | April 16, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 368, Session Vol. No. 6, 26th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 229 | 210 |
Great Britain | In Senate of the United States. Mr. Benton made the following report: (To accompany Bill S. No. 325.) The Committee of Military Affairs, to whom was referred a resolution of the Senate, directing them to inquire into the expediency of providing for the settlement and payment of the claim of the State of Maine, for services of her militia in the protection of the northeastern frontier of the United States, in the year 1839, report... | April 24, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 359, Session Vol. No. 6, 26th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 419 | 4 |
Austria-Hungary | Tobacco statistics, taken from official documents and such other data as can be most relied on, submitted to the serious consideration of the tobacco planters of the United States. | April 27, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 366, Session Vol. No. 4, 26th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 195 | 5 |
Denmark | Tobacco statistics, taken from official documents and such other data as can be most relied on, submitted to the serious consideration of the tobacco planters of the United States. | April 27, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 366, Session Vol. No. 4, 26th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 195 | 5 |
France | Tobacco statistics, taken from official documents and such other data as can be most relied on, submitted to the serious consideration of the tobacco planters of the United States. | April 27, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 366, Session Vol. No. 4, 26th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 195 | 5 |
Germany | Tobacco statistics, taken from official documents and such other data as can be most relied on, submitted to the serious consideration of the tobacco planters of the United States. | April 27, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 366, Session Vol. No. 4, 26th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 195 | 5 |
Italy (Kingdom of Two Sicilies) | Tobacco statistics, taken from official documents and such other data as can be most relied on, submitted to the serious consideration of the tobacco planters of the United States. | April 27, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 368, Session Vol. No. 4, 26th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 195 | 5 |
The Netherlands | Tobacco statistics, taken from official documents and such other data as can be most relied on, submitted to the serious consideration of the tobacco planters of the United States. | April 27, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 366, Session Vol. No. 4, 26th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 195 | 5 |
Norway | Tobacco statistics, taken from official documents and such other data as can be most relied on, submitted to the serious consideration of the tobacco planters of the United States. | April 27, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 366, Session Vol. No. 4, 26th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 195 | 5 |
Sweden | Tobacco statistics, taken from official documents and such other data as can be most relied on, submitted to the serious consideration of the tobacco planters of the United States. | April 27, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 366, Session Vol. No. 4, 26th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 195 | 5 |
Denmark | Piracy and murder. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 23d of March, in relation to the surrender to the government of the United States of persons charged with piracy and murder on board the United States schooner Plattsburg, in the year 1817; and a demand by the British Government of the surrender of a mutineer in the British armed ship Lee, In 1819. | May 12, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 366, Session Vol. No. 4, 26th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 199 | 76 |
France | Piracy and murder. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 23d of March, in relation to the surrender to the government of the United States of persons charged with piracy and murder on board the United States schooner Plattsburg, in the year 1817; and a demand by the British Government of the surrender of a mutineer in the British armed ship Lee, In 1819. | May 12, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 366, Session Vol. No. 4, 26th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 199 | 76 |
Sweden | Piracy and murder. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 23d of March, in relation to the surrender to the government of the United States of persons charged with piracy and murder on board the United States schooner Plattsburg, in the year 1817; and a demand by the British Government of the surrender of a mutineer in the British armed ship Lee, In 1819. | May 12, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 366, Session Vol. No. 4, 26th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 199 | 76 |
Great Britain | Indiana. Resolutions of the General Assembly of Indiana, concerning the northeastern boundary. | May 19, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 368, Session Vol. No. 6, 26th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 223 | 2 |
Great Britain | Settlement of the claim of Maine for militia services. (To accompany Bill S. No. 325.) | May 25, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 372, Session Vol. No. 3, 26th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 566 | 4 |
Austria-Hungary | Tobacco-trade. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of State upon the subject of the tobacco-trade between the United States and foreign countries. | May 29, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 368, Session Vol. No. 6, 26th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 229 | 210 |
Belgium | Tobacco-trade. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of State upon the subject of the tobacco-trade between the United States and foreign countries. | May 29, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 368, Session Vol. No. 6, 26th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 229 | 206 |
France | Tobacco-trade. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of State upon the subject of the tobacco-trade between the United States and foreign countries. April 16, 1840 | May 29, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 368, Session Vol. No. 6, 26th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 229 | 210 |
Germany | Tobacco-trade. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of State upon the subject of the tobacco-trade between the United States and foreign countries. April 16, 1840. Referred to the select committee, appointed on the 6th of February last, upon the subject. | May 29, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 368, Session Vol. No. 6, 26th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 229 | 210 |
Switzerland | Tobacco-trade. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of State upon the subject of the tobacco-trade between the United States and foreign countries. | May 29, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 368, Session Vol. No. 6, 26th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 229 | 210 |
Hungary | Tobacco-trade. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of State upon the subject of the tobacco-trade between the United States and foreign countries. April 16, 1840. Referred to the select committee, appointed on the 6th of February last, upon the subject. | May 29, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 368, Session Vol. No. 6, 26th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 229 | 210 |
Italy (Kingdom of Two Sicilies) | Tobacco-trade. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of State upon the subject of the tobacco-trade between the United States and foreign countries. | May 29, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 368, Session Vol. No. 6, 26th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 229 | 210 |
The Netherlands | Tobacco-trade. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of State upon the subject of the tobacco-trade between the United States and foreign countries. April 16, 1840. | May 29, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 368, Session Vol. No. 6, 26th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 229 | 210 |
Norway | Tobacco-trade. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of State upon the subject of the tobacco-trade between the United States and foreign countries. | May 29, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 368, Session Vol. No. 6, 26th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 229 | 210 |
Poland | Tobacco-trade. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of State upon the subject of the tobacco-trade between the United States and foreign countries. | May 29, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 368, Session Vol. No. 6, 26th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 229 | 210 |
Russia | Tobacco-trade. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of State upon the subject of the tobacco-trade between the United States and foreign countries. April 16, 1840 | May 29, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 368, Session Vol. No. 6, 26th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 229 | 210 |
Switzerland | Tobacco-trade. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of State upon the subject of the tobacco-trade between the United States and foreign countries. April 16, 1840. Referred to the select committee, appointed on the 6th of February last, upon the subject. | May 29, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 368, Session Vol. No. 6, 26th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 229 | 210 |
Spain | Spanish tonnage duties. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 463.) | July 2, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 373, Session Vol. No. 4, 26th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 632 | 2 |
France | French spoliations. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 319.) Memorial of citizens of Pennsylvania, upon the subject of spoliations on the commerce of the United States prior to the year 1800. | July 3, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 369, Session Vol. No. 7, 26th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 252 | 4 |
France | Communication from the President of the United States, transmitting in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, a copy of the report of Captain M.C. Perry, in relation to the light-houses of England and France | July 20, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 361, Session Vol. No. 8, 26th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 619 | 12 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Twenty-sixth Congress. | December 9, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 382, Session Vol. No. 1, 26th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 2 | 541 |
Great Britain | Memorial of a number of citizens of Newburyport, Mass., praying the modification or repeal of the act of May 29, 1830, "To Amend the Acts Regulating the Commercial Intercourse Between the United States and Certain Colonies of Great Britain." | December 28, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 376, Session Vol. No. 2, 26th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 31 | 2 |
Great Britain | Burning of the Caroline. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting correspondence in relation to the burning of the steamboat Caroline | December 31, 1840 | Serial Set Vol. No. 383, Session Vol. No. 2, 26th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 33 | 8 |
France | French spoliations previous to 1800 | January 4, 1841 | Serial Set Vol. No. 388, Session Vol. No. 1, 26th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 53 | 2 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a copy of the report of the commissioners for the exploration and survey of the northeastern boundary. | February 9, 1841 | Serial Set Vol. No. 378, Session Vol. No. 4, 26th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 173 | 13 |
Great Britain | Northeastern boundary. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a copy of the report of the commissioners for the exploration and survey of the northeastern boundary, &c. &c. | February 12, 1841 | Serial Set Vol. No. 384, Session Vol. No. 3, 26th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 102 | 13 |
Great Britain | Burning of the steamboat Caroline, and the imprisonment of McLeod. | February 13, 1841 | Serial Set Vol. No. 388, Session Vol. No. 1, 26th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 162 | 6 |
France | Resolutions of the Legislature of Massachusetts, in relation to the claims for French spoliations committed prior to the 31st day of July, 1801. | February 24, 1841 | Serial Set Vol. No. 378, Session Vol. No. 4, 26th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 218 | 6 |
Great Britain | Report of a committee of the Boston Chamber of Commerce, in relation to the present commercial arrangements with Great Britain. | March 2, 1841 | Serial Set Vol. No. 378, Session Vol. No. 4, 26th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 234 | 5 |
Sweden | Documents relating to the improvement of the system of artillery. | March 2, 1841 | Serial Set Vol. No. 378, Session Vol. No. 4, 26th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 229 | 111 |
German Customs Union | Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Twenty-seventh Congress. | June 1, 1841 | Serial Set Vol. No. 392, Session Vol. No. 1, 27th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 1 | 75 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, copies of correspondence in relation to the return of the Mediterranean squadron to the United States. | June 21, 1841 | Serial Set Vol. No. 390, Session Vol. No. 1, 27th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 33 | 8 |
Switzerland | Consuls -- United States. Memorial of Stephen Powers, Basle, Switzerland, and Dr. J.G. Flugel, Leipsic, Saxony. | June 21, 1841 | Serial Set Vol. No. 392, Session Vol. No. 1, 27th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 20 | 5 |
Switzerland | Consuls -- United States. Memorial of Stephen Powers, Basle, Switzerland, and Dr. J.G. Flugel, Leipsic, Saxony. | June 21, 1841 | Serial Set Vol. No. 392, Session Vol. No. 1, 27th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 20 | 5 |
German Customs Union | Message from the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, copies of correspondence with the Prussian government, in relation to the duties levied on tobacco in the German states of the Custom Union. | July 3, 1841 | Serial Set Vol. No. 390, Session Vol. No. 1, 27th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 55 | 27 |
Great Britain | Proceedings of a number of citizens of the City of New York, in behalf of certain American citizens, who were captured by the military forces of Great Britain in the Canadas, and are now prisoners at Van Dieman's land. | July 15, 1841 | Serial Set Vol. No. 390, Session Vol. No. 1, 27th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 65 | 2 |
Great Britain | American citizens -- prisoners in Van Dieman's land. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the information required by the resolution of the House of Representatives of the 21st ultimo, in relation to the American citizens now British prisoners of state in Van Dieman's land. | July 20, 1841 | Serial Set Vol. No. 392, Session Vol. No. 1, 27th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 39 | 7 |
France | Commerce and navigation with France. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the subject of the commerce and navigation with France. | August 4, 1841 | Serial Set Vol. No. 392, Session Vol. No. 1, 27th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 46 | 20 |
France | French spoliations prior to 1800. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 57.) | December 29, 1841 | Serial Set Vol. No. 407, Session Vol. No. 1, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 16 | 71 |
France | French spoliations prior to 1800. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 57.) | December 29, 1841 | Serial Set Vol. No. 407, Session Vol. No. 1, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 16 | 71 |
France | French spoliations prior to 1800. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 57.) | December 29, 1841 | Serial Set Vol. No. 407, Session Vol. No. 1, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 16 | 71 |
Austria-Hungary | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with foreign nations: comparative tariffs; tabular statements of the domestic exports of the United States; duties on importation of the staple or principal productions of the United States into foreign countries, &c. Prepared under the direction of the Secretary of State, in compliance with the resolutions of the House of Representatives of September 3, 1841, and January 30, 1842. | 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 403, Session Vol. No. 3, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 163 | 718 |
Great Britain | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with foreign nations: comparative tariffs; tabular statements of the domestic exports of the United States; duties on importation of the staple or principal productions of the United States into foreign countries, &c. Prepared under the direction of the Secretary of State, in compliance with the resolutions of the House of Representatives of September 3, 1841, and January 30, 1842. | 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 403, Session Vol. No. 3, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 163 | 718 |
Great Britain | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with foreign nations: comparative tariffs; tabular statements of the domestic exports of the United States; duties on importation of the staple or principal productions of the United States into foreign countries, &c. Prepared under the direction of the Secretary of State, in compliance with the resolutions of the House of Representatives of September 3, 1841, and January 30, 1842. | 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 403, Session Vol. No. 3, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 163 | 718 |
Great Britain | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with foreign nations: comparative tariffs; tabular statements of the domestic exports of the United States; duties on importation of the staple or principal productions of the United States into foreign countries, &c. Prepared under the direction of the Secretary of State, in compliance with the resolutions of the House of Representatives of September 3, 1841, and January 30, 1842. | 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 403, Session Vol. No. 3, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 163 | 718 |
Denmark | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with foreign nations: comparative tariffs; tabular statements of the domestic exports of the United States; duties on importation of the staple or principal productions of the United States into foreign countries, &c. Prepared under the direction of the Secretary of State, in compliance with the resolutions of the House of Representatives of September 3, 1841, and January 30, 1842. | 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 403, Session Vol. No. 3, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 163 | 718 |
France | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with foreign nations: comparative tariffs; tabular statements of the domestic exports of the United States; duties on importation of the staple or principal productions of the United States into foreign countries, &c. Prepared under the direction of the Secretary of State, in compliance with the resolutions of the House of Representatives of September 3, 1841, and January 30, 1842. | 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 403, Session Vol. No. 3, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 163 | 718 |
Italy (Kingdom of Two Sicilies) | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with foreign nations; comparative tariffs; tabular statements of the domestic exports of the United States; duties on importation of the staple or principal productions of the United States into foreign countries, &c. Prepared under the direction of the Secretary of State, in compliance with the resolutions of the House of Representatives of September 3, 1841, and January 30, 1842. | 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 403, Session Vol. No. 3, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 163 | 720 |
Russia | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with foreign nations; comparative tariffs; tabular statements of the domestic exports of the United States; duties on importation of the staple or principal productions of the United States into foreign countries, &c. Prepared under the direction of the Secretary of State, in compliance with the resolutions of the House of Representatives of September 3, 1841, and January 30, 1842. | 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 403, Session Vol. No. 3, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 163 | 720 |
Sweden | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with foreign nations; comparative tariffs; tabular statements of the domestic exports of the United States; duties on importation of the staple or principal productions of the United States into foreign countries, &c. Prepared under the direction of the Secretary of State, in compliance with the resolutions of the House of Representatives of September 3, 1841, and January 30, 1842. | 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 403, Session Vol. No. 3, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 163 | 720 |
Spain | Spanish tonnage duties. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 71.) | January 8, 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 407, Session Vol. No. 1, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 42 | 2 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, copies of correspondence in relation to the mutiny on board the brig Creole, and the liberation of the slaves who were passengers in the said vessel. | January 21, 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 396, Session Vol. No. 2, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 51 | 46 |
Great Britain | Maine. Memorial of inhabitants of Portland, on the subject of the colonial trade with Great Britain. | February 8, 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 402, Session Vol. No. 2, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 68 | 3 |
Great Britain | Northeastern boundary -- United States. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the commissioners for the exploration and survey of the boundary line between the States of Maine and New Hampshire, and the conterminous British provinces, &c. | February 8, 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 402, Session Vol. No. 2, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 70 | 11 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, communicating copies of a report and letter from the commissioners appointed for the exploration and survey of the northeastern boundary | February 8, 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 396, Session Vol. No. 2, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 97 | 10 |
France | French spoliations prior to 1800. Resolution of the Legislature of New Hampshire, in relation to French spoliations prior to 1800. Referred to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union to which Bill H.R. No. 57 is committed. | February 14, 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 402, Session Vol. No. 2, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 96 | 1 |
France | French spoliations prior to 1800. Resolution of the Legislation of New Hampshire, in relation to French spoliations prior to 1800. | February 14, 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 402, Session Vol. No. 2, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 96 | 1 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, communicating in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, the proceedings adopted by the Executive in reference to the case of the brig Creole. | February 23, 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 397, Session Vol. No. 3, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 137 | 7 |
France | Colonial history of New York. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of State, in relation to the colonial history of the State of New York. | February 23, 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 402, Session Vol. No. 2, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 108 | 5 |
The Netherlands | Colonial history of New York. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of State, in relation to the colonial history of the State of New York | February 23, 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 402, Session Vol. No. 2, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 108 | 5 |
Great Britain | Northeastern boundary. Message from the President of the United States, in reply to the resolution of the House of Representatives of the 21st instant, in relation to the negotiation between the United States and Great Britain, upon the subject of the northeastern boundary of the State of Maine. | February 26, 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 402, Session Vol. No. 2, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 109 | 1 |
Great Britain | Militia claims of Maine. (To accompany Senate Bill No. 4.) | March 8, 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 408, Session Vol. No. 2, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 363 | 5 |
Portugal | Duties -- Spanish vessels Maria and Lancero. Message from the President of the United States, concerning the remission of the duties on the cargoes of the Spanish vessels Maria and Lancero, which vessels sailed from Malaga before information of the tariff of September, 1841, had been received at that port. | March 19, 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 403, Session Vol. No. 3, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 146 | 111 |
Great Britain | Defence of Maine. Resolutions of the Legislature of Maine, relative to the defence of the seacoast and inland frontier of that state. | March 29, 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 404, Session Vol. No. 4, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 171 | 2 |
France | Duties on tobacco -- France and Great Britain. Resolutions of the Legislature of Kentucky, in relation to the duties imposed on tobacco by France and England | April 8, 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 404, Session Vol. No. 4, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 182 | 1 |
Great Britain | Boundary between Maine and New Hampshire and the adjoining British provinces. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Board of Commissioners appointed to survey the northeastern boundary. | April 12, 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 420, Session Vol. No. 3, 27th Congress, 3rd Session, H. Doc. 31 | 49 |
Austria-Hungary | Message from the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, copies of correspondence of the Agent and Minister of the United States at the Court of Austria, in relation to the commercial interests of the United States. | April 14, 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 398, Session Vol. No. 4, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 246 | 77 |
Great Britain | Colonial trade -- Great Britain. | April 14, 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 409, Session Vol. No. 3, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 650 | 218 |
Great Britain | Colonial trade -- Great Britain. | April 14, 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 409, Session Vol. No. 3, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 650 | 215 |
Great Britain | Colonial trade--Great Britain. | April 14, 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 409, Session Vol. No. 3, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 650 | 218 |
Great Britain | Resolutions of the Legislature of Mississippi, on the subject of the right of search, and the case of the brig Creole. | April 29, 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 398, Session Vol. No. 4, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 278 | 2 |
Great Britain | In Senate of the United States. Mr. Tappan submitted the following report: The Committee on Private Land Claims, who were instructed by the Senate "to inquire into the propriety of authorizing Robert Graham to locate certain lands confirmed to him by the Governor of the Western Territory," have examined the papers referred to them... | May 4, 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 398, Session Vol. No. 4, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 289 | 2 |
Great Britain | Mississippi Legislature -- right of search, and case of the brig Creole. Resolutions of the Legislature of the State of Mississippi in reference to the right of search, and the case of the American brig Creole | May 10, 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 404, Session Vol. No. 4, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 215 | 2 |
France | Light-house establishment. (To accompany Bill H. R. No. 432). | May 25, 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 410, Session Vol. No. 4, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 811 | 111 |
Ireland | Light-house establishment. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 432.) | May 25, 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 410, Session Vol. No. 4, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 811 | 111 |
Russia | Military posts -- Council Bluffs to the Pacific Ocean. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 465.) | May 27, 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 410, Session Vol. No. 4, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 830 | 65 |
Russia | Military posts -- Council Bluffs to the Pacific Ocean. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 465.) | May 27, 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 410, Session Vol. No. 4, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 830 | 64 |
Great Britain | Commerce and navigation | May 28, 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 410, Session Vol. No. 4, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 835 | 63 |
Great Britain | Commerce and navigation | May 28, 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 410, Session Vol. No. 4, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 835 | 63 |
The Netherlands | In the Senate of the United States. To accompany Joint Resolution No. 14. Mr. Young submitted the following report: The Committee on Roads and Canals to whom was referred the application of the State of Maryland for a surrender and transfer of the stock held by the United States in the 'Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company,' report | June 2, 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 398, Session Vol. No. 4, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 313 | 4 |
Great Britain | Indemnities for slaves on board the Comet and Encomium. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 483.) | June 10, 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 405, Session Vol. No. 5, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 242 | 5 |
Austria-Hungary | Quintuple Treaty -- African slave trade. Message from the President of the United States, in reply to a resolution of the House of Representatives, calling for a copy of the Quintuple Treaty between the five principal powers of Europe, for the suppression of the African slave trade, &c. | June 21, 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 405, Session Vol. No. 5, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 249 | 1 |
France | Quintuple Treaty -- African slave trade. Message from the President of the United States, in reply to a resolution of the House of Representatives, calling for a copy of the Quintuple Treaty between the five principal powers of Europe, for the suppression of the African slave trade, &c. | June 21, 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 405, Session Vol. No. 5, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 429 | 1 |
Russia | Quintuple Treaty -- African slave trade. Message from the President of the United States, in reply to a resolution of the House of Representatives, calling for a copy of the Quintuple Treaty between the five principal powers of Europe, for the suppression of the African slave trade, &c. June 21, 1842. | June 21, 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 405, Session Vol. No. 5, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 249 | 1 |
Ireland | Memorial of Joshua Leavitt, praying that, in the revision of the tariff laws, the principle of discrimination may be inserted in favor of those countries in which American grain, flour, and salted meat, are admitted duty free. | June 23, 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 399, Session Vol. No. 5, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 339 | 160 |
France | Steamers between Havre and New York. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a communication from the Minister of France to the Secretary of State, upon the subject of a line of steam vessels between the ports of Havre and New York. | June 24, 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 405, Session Vol. No. 5, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 251 | 2 |
France | Laws and resolutions of France as to the importation of tobacco. Report of the Secretary of State, in answer to a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 27th of April last, calling for information in relation to laws and regulations of the Kingdom of France on the subject of the importation of tobacco into France | July 23, 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 405, Session Vol. No. 5, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 272 | 3 |
France | Light-house establishment in France. | July 23, 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 405, Session Vol. No. 5, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 274 | 26 |
France | Line of steamers between Havre and New York. | July 27, 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 410, Session Vol. No. 4, 27th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 944 | 1 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the third session of the Twenty-seventh Congress. | December 7, 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 413, Session Vol. No. 1, 27th Congress, 3rd Session, S. Doc. 1 | 767 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the third session of the Twenty-seventh Congress. | December 7, 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 418, Session Vol. No. 1, 27th Congress, 3rd Session, H. Doc. 2 | 767 |
Great Britain | Boundary between Maine and New Hampshire and the adjoining British provinces. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Board of Commissioners appointed to survey the northeastern boundary. | December 29, 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 420, Session Vol. No. 3, 27th Congress, 3rd Session, H. Doc. 31 | 49 |
Great Britain | Boundary between Maine and New Hampshire and the adjoining British provinces. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Board of Commissioners appointed to survey the northeastern boundary | December 29, 1842 | Serial Set Vol. No. 420, Session Vol. No. 3, 27th Congress, 3rd Session, H. Doc. 31 | 49 |
France | Military posts -- Council Bluffs to the Pacific Ocean. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 465.) | January 4, 1843 | Serial Set Vol. No. 426, Session Vol. No. 1, 27th Congress, 3rd Session, H. Rpt. 31 | 78 |
Russia | Military posts -- Council Bluffs to the Pacific Ocean. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 465.) | January 4, 1843 | Serial Set Vol. No. 426, Session Vol. No. 1, 27th Congress, 3rd Session, H. Rpt. 31 | 78 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate in relation to grants, by the British government, of portions of the Oregon Territory | January 23, 1843 | Serial Set Vol. No. 415, Session Vol. No. 3, 27th Congress, 3rd Session, S. Doc. 102 | 4 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, copies of correspondence in relation to the destruction of the steamboat Caroline | January 23, 1843 | Serial Set Vol. No. 415, Session Vol. No. 3, 27th Congress, 3rd Session, S. Doc. 99 | 17 |
Great Britain | Export of coal from Nova Scotia. | January 25, 1843 | Serial Set Vol. No. 420, Session Vol. No. 3, 27th Congress, 3rd Session, H. Doc. 91 | 1 |
Great Britain | Settle Oregon. (To accompany Bill H. R. No. 771) | February 9, 1843 | Serial Set Vol. No. 427, Session Vol. No. 2, 27th Congress, 3rd Session, H. Doc. 157 | 8 |
Great Britain | Settle Oregon. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 771.) | February 9, 1843 | Serial Set Vol. No. 427, Session Vol. No. 2, 27th Congress, 3rd Session, H. Rpt. 157 | 8 |
Great Britain | Resolutions of the General Assembly of Indiana, in favor of the adoption of measures to effect the occupation and settlement of the Oregon Territory | February 10, 1843 | Serial Set Vol. No. 415, Session Vol. No. 3, 27th Congress, 3rd Session, S. Doc. 180 | 1 |
Russia | National foundry. | February 23, 1843 | Serial Set Vol. No. 427, Session Vol. No. 2, 27th Congress, 3rd Session, H. Rpt. 229 | 353 |
Sweden | National foundry. | February 23, 1843 | Serial Set Vol. No. 427, Session Vol. No. 2, 27th Congress, 3rd Session, H. Rpt. 229 | 353 |
Austria-Hungary | Message from the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with resolutions of the Senate, copies of correspondence in relation to the Quintuple Treaty | February 24, 1843 | Serial Set Vol. No. 416, Session Vol. No. 4, 27th Congress, 3rd Session, S. Doc. 223 | 48 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with resolutions of the Senate, copies of correspondence in relation to the Quintuple Treaty | February 24, 1843 | Serial Set Vol. No. 416, Session Vol. No. 4, 27th Congress, 3rd Session, S. Doc. 223 | 48 |
Russia | Message from the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with resolutions of the Senate, copies of correspondence in relation to the Quintuple Treaty. | February 24, 1843 | Serial Set Vol. No. 416, Session Vol. No. 4, 27th Congress, 3rd Session, S. Doc. 223 | 48 |
France | Examination -- light-house establishment. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a report from I.W.P. Lewis, civil engineer, upon the condition of the light-houses, beacons, buoys, and navigation, upon the coasts of Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts. | February 25, 1843 | Serial Set Vol. No. 422, Session Vol. No. 5, 27th Congress, 3rd Session, H. Doc. 183 | 303 |
Austria-Hungary | African colonization -- slave trade -- commerce. Report of Mr. Kennedy, of Maryland, from the Committee on Commerce of the House of Representatives of the United States, on the memorial of the Friends of African Colonization, assembled in convention in the City of Washington, May, 1842. To which is appended, collection of the most interesting papers on the subject of African colonization, and the commerce, etc., of western Africa, together with all the diplomatic correspondence between the United States and Great Britain, on the subject of the African slave trade. | February 28, 1843 | Serial Set Vol. No. 428, Session Vol. No. 3, 27th Congress, 3rd Session, H. Rpt. 283 | 1102 |
France | African colonization -- slave trade -- commerce. Report of Mr. Kennedy, of Maryland, from the Committee on Commerce of the House of Representatives of the United States, on the memorial of the Friends of African Colonization, assembled in convention in the City of Washington, May, 1842. To which is appended, collection of the most interesting papers on the subject of African colonization, and the commerce, etc., of western Africa, together with all the diplomatic correspondence between the United States and Great Britain, on the subject of the African slave trade. | February 28, 1843 | Serial Set Vol. No. 428, Session Vol. No. 3, 27th Congress, 3rd Session, H. Rpt. 283 | 1102 |
Russia | African colonization -- slave trade -- commerce. Report of Mr. Kennedy, of Maryland, from the Committee on Commerce of the House of Representatives of the United States, on the memorial of the Friends of African Colonization, assembled in convention in the City of Washington, May, 1842. To which is appended, collection of the most interesting papers on the subject of African colonization, and the commerce, etc., of western Africa, together with all the diplomatic correspondence between the United States and Great Britain, on the subject of the African slave trade. February 28, 1843. Printed by order of the House of Representatives. | February 28, 1843 | Serial Set Vol. No. 428, Session Vol. No. 3, 27th Congress, 3rd Session, H. Rpt. 283 | 1102 |
Austria-Hungary | Tariff -- foreign correspondence. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report from the Secretary of State, in compliance with a resolution of the 19th instant, enclosing correspondence between the representatives of foreign governments and the government of the United States, in relation to the operation of the present tariff. March | March 1, 1843 | Serial Set Vol. No. 423, Session Vol. No. 6, 27th Congress, 3rd Session, H. Doc. 202 | 45 |
Belgium | Tariff -- foreign correspondence. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report from the Secretary of State, in compliance with a resolution of the 19th instant, enclosing correspondence between the representatives of foreign governments and the government of the United States, in relation to the operation of the present tariff. | March 1, 1843 | Serial Set Vol. No. 423, Session Vol. No. 6, 27th Congress, 3rd Session, H. Doc. 202 | 45 |
Portugal | Tariff -- foreign correspondence. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report from the Secretary of State, in compliance with a resolution of the 19th instant, enclosing correspondence between the representatives of foreign governments and the government of the United States, in relation to the operation of the present tariff. | March 1, 1843 | Serial Set Vol. No. 423, Session Vol. No. 6, 27th Congress, 3rd Session, H. Doc. 202 | 45 |
Austria-Hungary | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Twenty-eighth Congress. | December 5, 1843 | Serial Set Vol. No. 431, Session Vol. No. 1, 28th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 1 | 703 |
Austria-Hungary | Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Twenty-eighth Congress. | December 5, 1843 | Serial Set Vol. No. 439, Session Vol. No. 1, 28th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 2 | 726 |
German Customs Union | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Twenty-eighth Congress. | December 5, 1843 | Serial Set Vol. No. 431, Session Vol. No. 1, 28th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 1 | 703 |
German Customs Union | Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Twenty-eighth Congress. | December 5, 1843 | Serial Set Vol. No. 439, Session Vol. No. 1, 28th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 2 | 726 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Twenty-eighth Congress. | December 5, 1843 | Serial Set Vol. No. 439, Session Vol. No. 1, 28th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 2 | 726 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Twenty-eighth Congress. | December 5, 1843 | Serial Set Vol. No. 431, Session Vol. No. 1, 28th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 1 | 703 |
Russia | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Twenty-eighth Congress. | December 5, 1843 | Serial Set Vol. No. 431, Session Vol. No. 1, 28th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 1 | 703 |
Russia | Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Twenty-eighth Congress. | December 5, 1843 | Serial Set Vol. No. 439, Session Vol. No. 1, 28th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 2 | 726 |
Belgium | Report from the Secretary of State, showing the changes and modifications in the commercial systems of foreign nations. | December 22, 1843 | Serial Set Vol. No. 435, Session Vol. No. 5, 28th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 339 | 104 |
Belgium | Commercial systems. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting an account of such changes and modifications in the commercial systems of other nations as have come to the knowledge of the Department since the last annual report. | December 22, 1843 | Serial Set Vol. No. 441, Session Vol. No. 3, 28th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 24 | 119 |
France | French spoliations. Resolutions of the Legislature of Connecticut, relating to French spoliations prior to the year 1800. | December 22, 1843 | Serial Set Vol. No. 441, Session Vol. No. 3, 28th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 28 | 2 |
German Customs Union | Report from the Secretary of State, showing the changes and modifications in the commercial systems of foreign nations. December 20, 1843. | December 22, 1843 | Serial Set Vol. No. 435, Session Vol. No. 5, 28th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 339 | 104 |
German Customs Union | Commercial systems. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting an account of such changes and modifications in the commercial systems of other nations as have come to the knowledge of the Department since the last annual report. | December 22, 1843 | Serial Set Vol. No. 441, Session Vol. No. 3, 28th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 24 | 119 |
France | French spoliations. Resolutions of the legislature of Connecticut, relating to French spoliations prior to the year 1800. | December 22, 1843 | Serial Set Vol. No. 441, Session Vol. No. 3, 28th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 28 | 2 |
France | Commercial systems. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting an account of such changes and modifications in the commercial systems of other nations as have come to the knowledge of the Department since the last annual report. | December 22, 1843 | Serial Set Vol. No. 441, Session Vol. No. 3, 28th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 24 | 119 |
France | Report from the Secretary of State, showing the changes and modifications in the commercial systems of foreign nations. | December 22, 1843 | Serial Set Vol. No. 435, Session Vol. No. 5, 28th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 339 | 104 |
Portugal | Report from the Secretary of State, showing the changes and modifications in the commercial systems of foreign nations. | December 22, 1843 | Serial Set Vol. No. 435, Session Vol. No. 5, 28th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 339 | 104 |
Portugal | Commercial systems. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting an account of such changes and modifications in the commercial systems of other nations as have come to the knowledge of the Department since the last annual report. | December 22, 1843 | Serial Set Vol. No. 441, Session Vol. No. 3, 28th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 24 | 119 |
Russia | Report from the Secretary of State, showing the changes and modifications in the commercial systems of foreign nations. | December 22, 1843 | Serial Set Vol. No. 435, Session Vol. No. 5, 28th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 339 | 104 |
Russia | Commercial systems. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting an account of such changes and modifications in the commercial systems of other nations as have come to the knowledge of the Department since the last annual report. | December 22, 1843 | Serial Set Vol. No. 441, Session Vol. No. 3, 28th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 24 | 119 |
Great Britain | In Senate of the United States. January 8, 1844. Submitted. January 9, 1844. Considered, postponed to and made the order of the day for Monday next, the 15th instant. Mr. Semple submitted the following resolution: Resolved, that the President of the United States be requested to give notice to the British government... | January 9, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 432, Session Vol. No. 2, 28th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 34 | 1 |
Great Britain | In Senate of the United States. January 8, 1844. Considered, postponed to and made the order of the day for Monday next, the 15th instant. Mr. Semple submitted the following resolution: Resolved, that the President of the United States be requested to give notice to the British government... | January 9, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 432, Session Vol. No. 2, 28th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 34 | 1 |
Portugal | Correspondence between the Secretary of State and the Minister of Portugal. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a letter from the Secretary of State, and correspondence between that officer and the Minister of Portugal. | January 10, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 441, Session Vol. No. 3, 28th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 41 | 29 |
Portugal | Correspondence between the Secretary of State and the Minister of Portugal. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a letter from the Secretary of State, and correspondence between that officer and the Minister of Portugal | January 10, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 441, Session Vol. No. 3, 28th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 41 | 29 |
Great Britain | Report of the Secretary of War, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, in relation to the settlement of the title to the Pea Patch Island. | January 19, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 432, Session Vol. No. 2, 28th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 54 | 15 |
France | Light-houses. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting Fifth Auditor's report relative to light-houses and lights. | January 19, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 441, Session Vol. No. 3, 28th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 62 | 132 |
France | Resolutions of the General Assembly of Massachusetts, in favor of making indemnification for French depredations on the commerce of the United States prior to 1800. | January 23, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 432, Session Vol. No. 2, 28th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 60 | 1 |
France | Resolutions of the General Assembly of Massachusetts, in favor of making indemnification for French depredations on the commerce of the United States prior to 1800. | January 24, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 432, Session Vol. No. 2, 28th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 60 | 1 |
Great Britain | Resolutions of the General Assembly of Indiana, in relation to the occupation of the Oregon Territory. | February 5, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 432, Session Vol. No. 2, 28th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 82 | 1 |
Portugal | Duties of Portugal wines. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 118.) | February 9, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 445, Session Vol. No. 1, 28th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 124 | 3 |
Portugal | Duties of Portugal wines. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 118.) | February 9, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 445, Session Vol. No. 1, 28th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 124 | 3 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, communicating (in compliance with a resolution of the Senate) correspondence in relation to the tenth article of the Treaty of Washington, providing for the reciprocal surrender of fugitive criminals. | February 21, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 433, Session Vol. No. 3, 28th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 135 | 35 |
France | French spoliations. Resolutions of the legislature of Maine, relative to French spoliations. | February 21, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 442, Session Vol. No. 4, 28th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 148 | 2 |
France | French spoliations. Report and resolutions of the General Assembly of Rhode Island, relative to French spoliations. | February 23, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 442, Session Vol. No. 4, 28th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 152 | 12 |
France | French spoliations. Report and resolutions of the General Assembly of Rhod Island, relative to French spoliations. | February 23, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 442, Session Vol. No. 4, 28th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 152 | 12 |
France | Resolutions of the General Assembly of Rhode Island, on the subject of making indemnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. | February 23, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 433, Session Vol. No. 3, 28th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 164 | 12 |
Great Britain | Fugitive criminals. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of papers relative to certain fugitive criminals from Florida | March 5, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 442, Session Vol. No. 4, 28th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 160 | 8 |
France | Resolutions of the Legislature of Massachusetts, in relation to French spoliations prior to 1800. | March 5, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 433, Session Vol. No. 3, 28th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 158 | 1 |
France | Resolutions of the General Assembly of Rhode Island, on the subject of making indemnity for French spoliations prior to 1800. February 23, 1844. | March 5, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 433, Session Vol. No. 3, 28th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 164 | 12 |
Great Britain | Northeastern boundary. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting to the Committee of Ways and Means the letter of Albert Smith, Esq., relative to the northeastern boundary | March 9, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 442, Session Vol. No. 4, 28th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 169 | 6 |
Austria-Hungary | Tobacco. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting documents relative to the production, growth, or trade of tobacco. | March 12, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 442, Session Vol. No. 4, 28th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 173 | 162 |
Great Britain | Oregon Territory. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 21.) | March 12, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 445, Session Vol. No. 1, 28th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 308 | 24 |
Great Britain | Oregon Territory. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 21.) | March 12, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 445, Session Vol. No. 1, 28th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 308 | 24 |
France | Oregon Territory. (To accompany Bill H. R. No. 21) | March 12, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 445, Session Vol. No. 1, 28th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 308 | 24 |
Russia | Tobacco. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting documents relative to the production, growth, or trade of tobacco. | March 12, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 442, Session Vol. No. 4, 28th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 173 | 162 |
Russia | Oregon Territory (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 21.) | March 12, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 445, Session Vol. No. 1, 28th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 308 | 24 |
Portugal | Message from the President of the United States, communicating (in compliance with a resolution of the Senate) information in relation to the abuse of the flag of the United States in subservience to the African slave trade, and the taking away of slaves the property of Portuguese subjects. | March 21, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 434, Session Vol. No. 4, 28th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 217 | 51 |
Portugal | Message from the President of the United States, communicating (in compliance with a resolution of the Senate) information in relation to the abuse of the flag of the United States in subservience to the African slave trade, and the taking away of slaves the property of Portuguese subjects. | March 21, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 434, Session Vol. No. 4, 28th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 217 | 51 |
France | Tonnage duties on French vessels. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a letter from the Minister Plenipotentiary ad Interim of the King of France, relative to tonnage duties levied on French vessels coming into ports of the United States, &c. &c. &c. | March 30, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 443, Session Vol. No. 5, 28th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 215 | 2 |
Great Britain | Resolutions of the Legislature of the State of Maine, in relation to the British colonial trade. | April 1, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 434, Session Vol. No. 4, 28th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 246 | 1 |
Portugal | Portugal wines. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting a copy of a letter from Mr. Figaniere, relative to duties imposed on Portugal wines in the ports of the United States, &c | April 10, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 443, Session Vol. No. 5, 28th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 224 | 3 |
Portugal | Portugal wines. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting a copy of a letter from Mr. Figaniere, relative to duties imposed on Portugal wines in the ports of the United States, etc. | April 10, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 443, Session Vol. No. 5, 28th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 224 | 3 |
Great Britain | British colonial trade. Resolutions of the Legislature of Maine, relative to the British colonial trade | April 18, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 443, Session Vol. No. 5, 28th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 237 | 1 |
Belgium | Report from the Secretary of State, showing the changes and modifications in the commercial systems of foreign nations. December 20, 1843. | May 15, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 435, Session Vol. No. 5, 28th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 339 | 104 |
France | Texas -- annexation. Proceedings and resolutions of a public meeting of the citizens of Mobile County and City, relative to the annexation of Texas to the United States. | May 15, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 444, Session Vol. No. 6, 28th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 255 | 4 |
Denmark | DENMARK -- indemnity. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a communication from the Secretary of State, and copies of letters relative to obtaining from the government of DENMARK indemnity for three ships and their cargoes, &c. | May 22, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 444, Session Vol. No. 6, 28th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 264 | 10 |
Denmark | Denmark-- indemnity. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a communication from the Secretary of State, and copies of letters relative to obtaining from the government of DENMARK indemnity for three ships and their cargoes, &c. | May 22, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 444, Session Vol. No. 6, 28th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 264 | 10 |
France | Steamers between Havre and New York. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting documents relative to the establishment, in connexion with France, of a line of steamers between the ports of Havre and New York, &c. | May 22, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 444, Session Vol. No. 6, 28th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 265 | 5 |
Norway | DENMARK -- indemnity. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a communication from the Secretary of State, and copies of letters relative to obtaining from the government of DENMARK indemnity for three ships and their cargoes, &c. | May 22, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 444, Session Vol. No. 6, 28th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 264 | 10 |
The Netherlands | Coffee from the Netherlands. (To accompany Bill H. R. No. 410) | June 7, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 447, Session Vol. No. 3, 28th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 534 | 2 |
Great Britain | Rough rice. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of correspondence between this government and the government of Great Britain, relative to rough rice exported from this country. | June 15, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 444, Session Vol. No. 6, 28th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 278 | 48 |
France | Resolutions of the General Assembly of Connecticut, in relation to an adjustment of the claims for indemnity for French spoliations committed prior to 1800. | June 17, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 437, Session Vol. No. 7, 28th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 403 | 2 |
France | Resolutions of the General Assembly of Connecticut, in relation to an adjustment of the claims for indemnity for French spoliations committed prior to 1800. | June 17, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 437, Session Vol. No. 7, 28th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 403 | 2 |
Belgium | Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Twenty-eighth Congress. | December 3, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 463, Session Vol. No. 1, 28th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 2 | 698 |
Belgium | Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Twenty-eighth Congress. | December 3, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 449, Session Vol. No. 1, 28th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 1 | 702 |
German Customs Union | Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Twenty-eighth Congress. | December 3, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 449, Session Vol. No. 1, 28th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 1 | 702 |
Germany | Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Twenty-eighth Congress. | December 3, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 449, Session Vol. No. 1, 28th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 1 | 702 |
Germany | Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Twenty-eighth Congress. | December 3, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 463, Session Vol. No. 1, 28th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 2 | 698 |
France | French spoliations. Resolutions of the General Assembly of Connecticut, relative to French spoliations. | December 10, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 463, Session Vol. No. 1, 28th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 4 | 2 |
France | French spoliations. Resolutions of the General Assembly of Connecticut, relative to French spoliations. | December 10, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 453, Session Vol. No. 1, 28th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 4 | 2 |
France | French spoliations. Resolutions of the General Assembly of Connecticut, relative to French spoliations. | December 10, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 463, Session Vol. No. 1, 28th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 4 | 2 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, communicating (in compliance with a resolution of the Senate) copies of correspondence with the minister of the United States at France, in relation to the annexation of Texas to the United States. | December 23, 1844 | Serial Set Vol. No. 450, Session Vol. No. 2, 28th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 13 | 3 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, in reply to a resolution of the Senate of the 19th December, 1844, requesting information in relation to various treaty stipulations between Texas and other independent powers. | January 2, 1845 | Serial Set Vol. No. 450, Session Vol. No. 2, 28th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 30 | 11 |
Great Britain | Acts of Parliament extending the jurisdiction of Great Britain over certain parts of North America. | January 13, 1845 | Serial Set Vol. No. 450, Session Vol. No. 2, 28th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 38 | 8 |
Germany | Report of the Secretary of State, (in compliance with a resolution of the Senate,) in relation to the practice of foreign governments in transferring their criminals and paupers into the United States. | January 16, 1845 | Serial Set Vol. No. 450, Session Vol. No. 2, 28th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 42 | 8 |
Great Britain | Prisoners at Van Dieman's Land. | January 28, 1845 | Serial Set Vol. No. 468, Session Vol. No. 1, 28th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 85 | 1 |
Great Britain | Oregon territory. Resolution of the Legislature of Indiana, relative to the occupation of Oregon territory. | February 3, 1845 | Serial Set Vol. No. 465, Session Vol. No. 3, 28th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 91 | 1 |
Great Britain | Oregon territory. Resolution of the Legislature of Indiana, relative to the occupation of Oregon territory. | February 3, 1845 | Serial Set Vol. No. 465, Session Vol. No. 3, 28th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 91 | 1 |
France | Texas. Resolutions of the Legislature of Louisiana, relative to the annexation of Texas to the United States. | February 3, 1845 | Serial Set Vol. No. 465, Session Vol. No. 3, 28th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 90 | 1 |
Portugal | Armand T. Donnet. | February 3, 1845 | Serial Set Vol. No. 468, Session Vol. No. 1, 28th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 91 | 1 |
France | Texas boundaries. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report from the Secretary of State relative to the boundaries of Texas; and copies of treaties subsisting between Texas and the governments of France and Great Britain, &c. | February 4, 1845 | Serial Set Vol. No. 465, Session Vol. No. 3, 28th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 98 | 11 |
Great Britain | Fugitive criminals from Florida. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting report from the Secretary of State, and copies of documents relative to fugitive criminals from Florida | February 12, 1845 | Serial Set Vol. No. 465, Session Vol. No. 3, 28th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 114 | 12 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, (in response to a resolution of the Senate,) calling for copies of instructions to the American minister in England in relation to the occupation of the territory of Oregon. | February 20, 1845 | Serial Set Vol. No. 456, Session Vol. No. 7, 28th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 116 | 1 |
France | Resolutions of the General Assembly of Maine, in favor of making indemnity for French spoliations committed prior to 1800. | February 21, 1845 | Serial Set Vol. No. 456, Session Vol. No. 7, 28th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 120 | 2 |
Spain | Message from the President of the United States, communicating (in compliance with a resolution of the Senate) information relative to the operations of the United States squadron on the west coast of Africa, the condition of the American colonies there, and the commerce of the United States therewith. February 26, 1845. | February 28, 1845 | Serial Set Vol. No. 458, Session Vol. No. 9, 28th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 150 | 414 |
The Netherlands | Duties on coffee imported to the Netherlands. (To accompany Joint Resolution H.R. No. 78). | March 3, 1845 | Serial Set Vol. No. 468, Session Vol. No. 1, 28th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 188 | 9 |
Russia | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Twenty-ninth Congress. | December 2, 1845 | Serial Set Vol. No. 480, Session Vol. No. 1, 29th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 2 | 893 |
Russia | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Twenty-ninth Congress. December 2, 1845 ... Resolved, That ... there be printed, for the use of the Senate, 25,000 copies of the message, together with so much of the accompanying documents as relates to the negotiations between the United States and Great Britain... | December 3, 1845 | Serial Set Vol. No. 470, Session Vol. No. 1, 29th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 1 | 893 |
Portugal | Message from the President of the United States, communicating the information called for by a resolution of the Senate, in relation to the claim of the owners of the brig General Armstrong against the government of Portugal. | December 16, 1845 | Serial Set Vol. No. 472, Session Vol. No. 3, 29th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 14 | 58 |
Great Britain | Oregon -- Convention with Great Britain, &c. | January 5, 1846 | Serial Set Vol. No. 488, Session Vol. No. 1, 29th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 34 | 3 |
Great Britain | Oregon -- Convention with Great Britain, &c. | January 5, 1846 | Serial Set Vol. No. 488, Session Vol. No. 1, 29th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 34 | 3 |
Great Britain | Northeastern boundary. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting correspondence between this government and Great Britain, within the last two years, in relation to the "Washington Treaty," and to the free navigation of the River St. John, and to the disputed territory fund; in compliance with the resolution of the House of Representatives of 19th December last. | February 10, 1846 | Serial Set Vol. No. 483, Session Vol. No. 4, 29th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 110 | 78 |
Great Britain | Oregon territory. Resolutions of the Legislature of Michigan, relative to the Oregon territory. | February 10, 1846 | Serial Set Vol. No. 483, Session Vol. No. 4, 29th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 111 | 2 |
Great Britain | Resolution of the General Assembly of Illinois, concerning the Oregon territory. | March 2, 1846 | Serial Set Vol. No. 473, Session Vol. No. 4, 29th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 181 | 1 |
Russia | Treaties of the United States. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 297.) | March 14, 1846 | Serial Set Vol. No. 489, Session Vol. No. 2, 29th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 422 | 5 |
Great Britain | Excess of duties--refunding of, &c. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a communication between the Secretary of State of the United States and Mr. Pakenham, relative to the refunding of excess duties, &c. | March 23, 1846 | Serial Set Vol. No. 485, Session Vol. No. 6, 29th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 169 | 8 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, relative to the expediency of increasing the military and naval defences of the country | March 24, 1846 | Serial Set Vol. No. 474, Session Vol. No. 5, 29th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 248 | 3 |
France | Atlantic mail steamers. | March 27, 1846 | Serial Set Vol. No. 489, Session Vol. No. 2, 29th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 476 | 6 |
Germany | Atlantic mail steamers | March 27, 1846 | Serial Set Vol. No. 489, Session Vol. No. 2, 29th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 476 | 6 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, in answer to a resolution of the Senate, communicating the correspondence which took place between the government of Great Britain and that of the United States between the 20th of June, 1840, and the 4th of March, 1841, relative to the northeastern boundary. | April 3, 1846 | Serial Set Vol. No. 474, Session Vol. No. 5, 29th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 274 | 22 |
France | Report from the Secretary of State, in answer to a resolution of the Senate of the 13th instant, calling for information relative to the claims for French spoliations prior to 1800. | April 27, 1846 | Serial Set Vol. No. 476, Session Vol. No. 7, 29th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 313 | 8 |
France | Report from the Secretary of State, in answer to a resolution of the Senate of the 13th instant calling for information relative to the claims for French spoilations prior to 1800 | April 27, 1846 | Serial Set Vol. No. 476, Session Vol. No. 7, 29th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 313 | 8 |
France | Report from the Secretary of State, in answer to a resolution of the Senate of the 13th instant, calling for information relative to the claims for French spoliations prior to 1800. | April 27, 1846 | Serial Set Vol. No. 476, Session Vol. No. 7, 29th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 313 | 8 |
France | Resolutions of the Legislature of Rhode Island, in favor of the payment of the claims for French spoliations prior to 1800. | May 15, 1846 | Serial Set Vol. No. 476, Session Vol. No. 7, 29th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 347 | 2 |
Portugal | In Senate of the United States. Mr. Atherton made the following report: The Committee on Foreign Relations, to whom was referred the message of the President of the United States, communicating the information called for by a resolution of the Senate, in relation to the claim of the owners of the brig General Armstrong against the government of Portugal, respectfully submit the following report... | May 19, 1846 | Serial Set Vol. No. 476, Session Vol. No. 7, 29th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 349 | 7 |
France | French spoliations. Resolutions of the Legislature of Rhode Island, relative to the French spoliations. | May 20, 1846 | Serial Set Vol. No. 485, Session Vol. No. 6, 29th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 203 | 2 |
France | French spoliations. Resolutions of the Legislature of Rhode Island, relative to the French spoliations | May 20, 1846 | Serial Set Vol. No. 485, Session Vol. No. 6, 29th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 203 | 2 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, relative to the claims of the Governments of the United States and Great Britain for a return of duties levied in violation of the commercial convention of 1815. | May 28, 1846 | Serial Set Vol. No. 476, Session Vol. No. 7, 29th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 363 | 2 |
Great Britain | Claims for return of duties. Message from the President of the United States, relative to the claims for the return of duties between the government of the United States and that of Great Britain. | May 29, 1846 | Serial Set Vol. No. 485, Session Vol. No. 6, 29th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 208 | 2 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, information on the subject of the treaties concluded between the late Republic of Texas and the governments of France and Great Britain | June 5, 1846 | Serial Set Vol. No. 476, Session Vol. No. 7, 29th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 375 | 14 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, communicating, (in compliance with resolutions of the Senate,) copies of the correspondence between the Government of the United States and that of Great Britain, on the subject of the right of search; with copies of the protest of the American minister at Paris against the Quintuple Treaty, and the correspondence relating thereto. | June 11, 1846 | Serial Set Vol. No. 477, Session Vol. No. 8, 29th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 377 | 248 |
France | Ocean steamers. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 458.) | June 12, 1846 | Serial Set Vol. No. 490, Session Vol. No. 3, 29th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 685 | 15 |
France | Buenos Ayres correspondence. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the correspondence between G.J. Pendergrast and others and the Secretary of the Navy, in compliance with a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 4th of May last. | June 17, 1846 | Serial Set Vol. No. 486, Session Vol. No. 7, 29th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 212 | 51 |
Portugal | Portuguese wines. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting a communication from the minister of Portugal relative to duties on wines. | July 13, 1846 | Serial Set Vol. No. 486, Session Vol. No. 7, 29th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 219 | 10 |
Portugal | Portuguese wines. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting a communication from the minister of Portugal relative to duties on wines | July 13, 1846 | Serial Set Vol. No. 486, Session Vol. No. 7, 29th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 219 | 10 |
France | Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, on improvements in the light-house system and collateral aids to navigation | August 5, 1846 | Serial Set Vol. No. 478, Session Vol. No. 9, 29th Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 488 | 278 |
France | Light-house system. Letter from the Secretary of Treasury, transmitting a report relative to the light-house system of the United States | August 6, 1846 | Serial Set Vol. No. 486, Session Vol. No. 7, 29th Congress, 1st Session, H. Doc. 222 | 278 |
Portugal | Louis W. Tinelli. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting a memorial of Louis W. Tinelli, consul of the United States at Oporto, in Portugal. | December 28, 1846 | Serial Set Vol. No. 499, Session Vol. No. 3, 29th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Doc. 20 | 5 |
France | In Senate of the United States. February 10, 1847. Submitted, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Morehead made the following report: (To accompany Bill S. No. 156.) The Select Committee, to whom were referred the memorials and petitions from citizens of the United States, residing in all sections of the Union, who suffered by French spoliations on their property prior to the ratification of the convention with France of the 30th of September, 1800, report... | February 10, 1847 | Serial Set Vol. No. 495, Session Vol. No. 3, 29th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 144 | 10 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, in answer to a resolution of the Senate calling for information in relation to the importation of foreign criminals and paupers. | February 20, 1847 | Serial Set Vol. No. 495, Session Vol. No. 3, 29th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 161 | 2 |
Germany | Message from the President of the United States, in answer to a resolution of the Senate calling for information in relation to the importation of foreign criminals and paupers. | February 20, 1847 | Serial Set Vol. No. 495, Session Vol. No. 3, 29th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 161 | 3 |
Switzerland | Message from the President of the United States, in answer to a resolution of the Senate calling for information in relation to the importation of foreign criminals and paupers. | February 20, 1847 | Serial Set Vol. No. 495, Session Vol. No. 3, 29th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 161 | 3 |
Ireland | Message from the President of the United States, in answer to a resolution of the Senate calling for information in relation to the importation of foreign criminals and paupers. | February 20, 1847 | Serial Set Vol. No. 495, Session Vol. No. 3, 29th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 161 | 3 |
Switzerland | Message from the President of the United States, in answer to a resolution of the Senate calling for information in relation to the importation of foreign criminals and paupers. | February 20, 1847 | Serial Set Vol. No. 495, Session Vol. No. 3, 29th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 161 | 3 |
France | Resolutions of the Legislature of the State of Ohio, relative to French spoliations. | February 23, 1847 | Serial Set Vol. No. 495, Session Vol. No. 3, 29th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 175 | 1 |
France | Resolutions of the Legislature of the State of Ohio, relative to French spoliations. | February 23, 1847 | Serial Set Vol. No. 495, Session Vol. No. 3, 29th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Doc. 175 | 1 |
Austria-Hungary | Diplomatic intercourse with foreign nations. | January 12, 1848 | Serial Set Vol. No. 524, Session Vol. No. 1, 30th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 80 | 5 |
Belgium | Diplomatic intercourse. | January 12, 1848 | Serial Set Vol. No. 524, Session Vol. No. 1, 30th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 80 | 5 |
Denmark | Diplomatic intercourse with foreign nations | January 12, 1848 | Serial Set Vol. No. 524, Session Vol. No. 1, 30th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 80 | 5 |
Italy (Kingdom of Two Sicilies) | Diplomatic intercourse with foreign nations. | January 12, 1848 | Serial Set Vol. No. 524, Session Vol. No. 1, 30th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 80 | 5 |
The Netherlands | Diplomatic Intercourse with foreign nations. | January 12, 1848 | Serial Set Vol. No. 524, Session Vol. No. 1, 30th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 80 | 5 |
Norway | Diplomatic intercourse with foreign nations. | January 12, 1848 | Serial Set Vol. No. 524, Session Vol. No. 1, 30th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 80 | 5 |
Papal States | Diplomatic intercourse with foreign nations. | January 12, 1848 | Serial Set Vol. No. 524, Session Vol. No. 1, 30th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 80 | 5 |
Portugal | Diplomatic intercourse with foreign nations. | January 12, 1848 | Serial Set Vol. No. 524, Session Vol. No. 1, 30th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 80 | 5 |
Sweden | Diplomatic intercourse with foreign nations. | January 12, 1848 | Serial Set Vol. No. 524, Session Vol. No. 1, 30th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 80 | 5 |
France | Resolution of the Legislature of Louisiana, in favor of the indemnification of the sufferers by French spoliations prior to 1800. | February 2, 1848 | Serial Set Vol. No. 511, Session Vol. No. 1, 30th Congress, 1st Session, S. Misc. Doc. 40 | 1 |
France | Resolution of the Legislature of Louisiana, in favor of the indemnification of the sufferers by French spoliations prior to 1800. | February 2, 1848 | Serial Set Vol. No. 511, Session Vol. No. 1, 30th Congress, 1st Session, S. Misc. Doc. 40 | 1 |
Great Britain | Rough rice and paddy. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the correspondence not already published, relating to the final adjustment of the difficulties between the United States and Great Britain, concerning rough rice and paddy. | February 8, 1848 | Serial Set Vol. No. 516, Session Vol. No. 3, 30th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 38 | 24 |
Great Britain | Report of the Solicitor of the Treasury, in answer to a resolution of the Senate, calling for a copy of the award of the arbitrator and other papers, in the case of the Pea Patch Island. February 4, 1848. | February 15, 1848 | Serial Set Vol. No. 506, Session Vol. No. 4, 30th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 21 | 251 |
Great Britain | British North American products | February 29, 1848 | Serial Set Vol. No. 525, Session Vol. No. 2, 30th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 258 | 8 |
Russia | Memoir, geographical, political, and commercial, on the present state, productive resources, and capabilities for commerce, of Siberia, Manchuria, and the Asiatic islands of the northern Pacific Ocean; and on the importance of opening commercial intercourse with those countries, &c. Addressed to his Excellency James K. Polk, President of the United States, by Aaron H. Palmer, counsellor of the Supreme Court of the United States, corresponding member of the National Institute, Washington, &c. March 8, 1848. | March 8, 1848 | Serial Set Vol. No. 511, Session Vol. No. 1, 30th Congress, 1st Session, S. Misc. Doc. 80 | 78 |
Germany | Mail from New York to Bremen. Letter from the Postmaster General, transmitting a copy of the contract made with the Ocean Steam Navigation Company for taking the United States mail between New York and Bremen, upon the terms and conditions required by the Act of 3d March, 1845. | March 13, 1848 | Serial Set Vol. No. 518, Session Vol. No. 5, 30th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 50 | 6 |
France | In Senate of the United States. Message from the President of the United States, communicating a despatch from the American minister at Paris, announcing the overthrow of the French monarchy, and the establishment of a provisional government based on republican principles. | April 3, 1848 | Serial Set Vol. No. 507, Session Vol. No. 5, 30th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 32 | 6 |
Papal States | Resolution of the Legislature of Louisiana, commendatory of Pope Pius IX, and in favor of the establishment of diplomatic relations with the Court of Rome. | April 28, 1848 | Serial Set Vol. No. 511, Session Vol. No. 1, 30th Congress, 1st Session, S. Misc. Doc. 128 | 1 |
France | Resolutions of the Legislature of New York, in relation to French spoliation claims prior to 1800. | May 8, 1848 | Serial Set Vol. No. 511, Session Vol. No. 1, 30th Congress, 1st Session, S. Misc. Doc. 137 | 1 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, communicating the correspondence (not heretofore communicated) of the United States minister at Paris, since the recent change in the government of France | June 12, 1848 | Serial Set Vol. No. 509, Session Vol. No. 7, 30th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 53 | 30 |
Portugal | Message from the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, a report of the Secretary of State, in relation to the claim of the owners of the ship Miles, of Warren, Rhode Island, against the government of Portugal. | July 31, 1848 | Serial Set Vol. No. 509, Session Vol. No. 7, 30th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 64 | 20 |
Great Britain | Report of the Secretary of State, transmitting in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, reports of the commissioners under the treaty of Washington, of August 9, 1842. August 8, 1848. | August 10, 1848 | Serial Set Vol. No. 510, Session Vol. No. 8, 30th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 71 | 11 |
France | National Assembly of France. Message of the President of the United States, transmitting a copy of the decree of the National Assembly of France, in response to the resolution of Congress of the 13th of April, 1848. | August 10, 1848 | Serial Set Vol. No. 522, Session Vol. No. 9, 30th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 81 | 2 |
France | International exchange. Letter from A. Vattemare, on the subject of a system of international exchange | August 11, 1848 | Serial Set Vol. No. 523, Session Vol. No. 1, 30th Congress, 1st Session, H. Misc. Doc. 99 | 64 |
Germany | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Thirtieth Congress. | December 5, 1848 | Serial Set Vol. No. 537, Session Vol. No. 1, 30th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Exec. Doc. 1 | 1275 |
Germany | Reduced postage. Letter from the Postmaster General, transmitting in compliance with a resolution of the House of the 21st instant, a communication from the First Assistant Postmaster General in regard to a system of reduced postages, &c. | December 22, 1848 | Serial Set Vol. No. 540, Session Vol. No. 4, 30th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Exec. Doc. 17 | 29 |
Ireland | American citizens imprisoned in Ireland. Message from the President of the United States, in answer to a resolution of the House of Representatives, transmitting a report of the Secretary of State, and accompanying papers, in relation to the imprisonment of American citizens in Ireland. | December 28, 1848 | Serial Set Vol. No. 540, Session Vol. No. 4, 30th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Exec. Doc. 19 | 28 |
Ireland | American citizens imprisoned in Ireland. Message from the President of the United States, in answer to a resolution of the House of Representatives, transmitting a report of the Secretary of State, and accompanying papers, in relation to the imprisonment of American citizens in Ireland. | December 28, 1848 | Serial Set Vol. No. 540, Session Vol. No. 4, 30th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Exec. Doc. 19 | 28 |
Germany | Report of the Postmaster General, communicating the particulars of the postal arrangement with Bremen | February 6, 1849 | Serial Set Vol. No. 531, Session Vol. No. 3, 30th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Exec. Doc. 25 | 19 |
Belgium | Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, on the warehousing system. | February 22, 1849 | Serial Set Vol. No. 532, Session Vol. No. 4, 30th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Exec. Doc. 32 | 341 |
France | Ocean steamers. Letter from the Postmaster General, in answer to a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 28th February, 1849, relative to the amount of money paid for transmission of the mail in ocean steamers to foreign countries. | March 2, 1849 | Serial Set Vol. No. 543, Session Vol. No. 7, 30th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Exec. Doc. 63 | 4 |
Germany | Ocean steamers. Letter from the Postmaster General, in answer to a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 28th February, 1849, relative to the amount of money paid for transmission of the mail in ocean steamers to foreign countries. | March 2, 1849 | Serial Set Vol. No. 543, Session Vol. No. 7, 30th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Exec. Doc. 63 | 4 |
Austria-Hungary | Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Thirty-first Congress. | December 24, 1849 | Serial Set Vol. No. 549, Session Vol. No. 1, 31st Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 1 pt. 1 | 850 |
Austria-Hungary | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Thirty-first Congress. | December 24, 1849 | Serial Set Vol. No. 569, Session Vol. No. 3, 31st Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 5, pt. 1 | 850 |
Denmark | Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Thirty-first Congress. | December 24, 1849 | Serial Set Vol. No. 549, Session Vol. No. 1, 31st Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 1 pt. 1 | 850 |
Germany | Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Thirty-first Congress. | December 24, 1849 | Serial Set Vol. No. 549, Session Vol. No. 1, 31st Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 1 pt. 1 | 850 |
Papal States | Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Thirty-first Congress. | December 24, 1849 | Serial Set Vol. No. 549, Session Vol. No. 1, 31st Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 1 pt. 1 | 850 |
Portugal | Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Thirty-first Congress. | December 24, 1849 | Serial Set Vol. No. 549, Session Vol. No. 1, 31st Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 1 pt. 1 | 850 |
Portugal | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Thirty-first Congress. | December 24, 1849 | Serial Set Vol. No. 569, Session Vol. No. 3, 31st Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 5 pt. 1 | 850 |
Denmark | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Thirty-first Congress. December 24, 1849. | December 27, 1849 | Serial Set Vol. No. 569, Session Vol. No. 3, 31st Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 5, pt. 1 | 850 |
Germany | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Thirty-first Congress. December 24, 1849 | December 27, 1849 | Serial Set Vol. No. 569, Session Vol. No. 3, 31st Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 5, pt. 1 | 850 |
Papal States | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Thirty-first Congress. December 24, 1849. | December 27, 1849 | Serial Set Vol. No. 569, Session Vol. No. 3, 31st Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 5, pt. 1 | 850 |
Austria-Hungary | In Senate of the United States. December 24, 1849. Mr. Cass submitted for consideration the following resolution: Resolved, that the Committee on Foreign Relations be instructed to inquire into the expediency of suspending diplomatic relations with Austria. | January 3, 1850 | Serial Set Vol. No. 563, Session Vol. No. 1, 31st Congress, 1st Session, S. Misc. Doc. 13 | 2 |
Hungary | In Senate of the United States. December 24, 1849. Mr. Cass submitted for consideration the following resolution: Resolved, that the Committee on Foreign Relations be instructed to inquire into the expediency of suspending diplomatic relations with Austria. | January 3, 1850 | Serial Set Vol. No. 563, Session Vol. No. 1, 31st Congress, 1st Session, S. Misc. Doc. 35 | 2 |
Hungary | Resolutions of the Legislature of New York, in favor of granting land to the exiles of Hungary and other European countries, and also to certain citizens of the United States. | January 28, 1850 | Serial Set Vol. No. 563, Session Vol. No. 1, 31st Congress, 1st Session, S. Misc. Doc. 35 | 2 |
France | Report of the Select Committee on French Spoliations Prior to 1800, with the views of the minority of that Committee. | February 5, 1850 | Serial Set Vol. No. 565, Session Vol. No. 1, 31st Congress, 1st Session, S. Rpt. 44 | 33 |
France | Report of the Select Committee on French Spoliations Prior to 1800, with the views of the minority of that Committee. | February 5, 1850 | Serial Set Vol. No. 565, Session Vol. No. 1, 31st Congress, 1st Session, S. Rpt. 44 | 33 |
France | Report of the Select Committee on French Spoliations Prior to 1800, with the views of the minority of that Committee. | February 5, 1850 | Serial Set Vol. No. 565, Session Vol. No. 1, 31st Congress, 1st Session, S. Rpt. 44 | 33 |
Austria-Hungary | Kossuth and his fellow-prisoners. Resolutions of the Legislature of Ohio, relative to affording relief to Kossuth and his fellow-prisoners. | February 25, 1850 | Serial Set Vol. No. 581, Session Vol. No. 1, 31st Congress, 1st Session, H. Misc. Doc. 38 | 2 |
Hungary | Kossuth and his fellow-prisoners. Resolutions of the Legislature of Ohio, relative to affording relief to Kossuth and his fellow-prisoners. | February 25, 1850 | Serial Set Vol. No. 581, Session Vol. No. 1, 31st Congress, 1st Session, H. Misc. Doc. 38 | 2 |
Russia | Kossuth and his fellow-prisoners. Resolutions of the Legislature of Ohio, relative to affording relief to Kossuth and his fellow-prisoners. | February 25, 1850 | Serial Set Vol. No. 581, Session Vol. No. 1, 31st Congress, 1st Session, H. Misc. Doc. 38 | 2 |
France | Resolutions of the Chamber of Commerce of New York, in relation to claims for French spoliations prior to 1800. | March 15, 1850 | Serial Set Vol. No. 563, Session Vol. No. 1, 31st Congress, 1st Session, S. Misc. Doc. 69 | 1 |
France | Resolutions of the Chamber of Commerce of New York, in relation to claims for French spoliations prior to 1800. | March 15, 1850 | Serial Set Vol. No. 563, Session Vol. No. 1, 31st Congress, 1st Session, S. Misc. Doc. 69 | 1 |
Austria-Hungary | Message from the President of the United States, communicating copies of the correspondence with the agent employed to visit Hungary during the recent war between that country and Austria. | April 3, 1850 | Serial Set Vol. No. 558, Session Vol. No. 10, 31st Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 43 | 19 |
Hungary | Message from the President of the United States, communicating copies of the correspondence with the agent employed to visit Hungary during the recent war between that country and Austria | April 3, 1850 | Serial Set Vol. No. 558, Session Vol. No. 10, 31st Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 43 | 19 |
Russia | Message from the President of the United States, communicating copies of the correspondence with the agent employed to visit Hungary during the recent war between that country and Austria. | April 3, 1850 | Serial Set Vol. No. 558, Session Vol. No. 10, 31st Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 43 | 19 |
Austria-Hungary | Resolution of the Legislature of Indiana, in relation to Hungary. | April 8, 1850 | Serial Set Vol. No. 563, Session Vol. No. 1, 31st Congress, 1st Session, S. Misc. Doc. 88 | 2 |
Hungary | Resolution of the Legislature of Indiana, in relation to Hungary. | April 8, 1850 | Serial Set Vol. No. 563, Session Vol. No. 1, 31st Congress, 1st Session, S. Misc. Doc. 88 | 2 |
Russia | Resolution of the Legislature of Indiana, in relation to Hungary. | April 8, 1850 | Serial Set Vol. No. 563, Session Vol. No. 1, 31st Congress, 1st Session, S. Misc. Doc. 88 | 2 |
Great Britain | Free navigation of the St. Lawrence. (To accompany Joint Resolution No. 19.) | May 2, 1850 | Serial Set Vol. No. 584, Session Vol. No. 2, 31st Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 295 | 21 |
Canada | Reciprocal trade with Canada. Message from the President of the United States, relative to the reciprocal admission of the natural products of the United States and Canada free of duty. | May 16, 1850 | Serial Set Vol. No. 577, Session Vol. No. 8, 31st Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 64 | 37 |
Poland | Report of the Secretary of State, in answer to a resolution of the Senate of inquiry as to the measures taken by him upon the memorial of Ladislaus Wankowicz, great-grandnephew of General Kosciusko, and Gaspard Tochman, attorney of the heirs of General Kosciusko, against Alexandre de Bodisco, the Russian minister. | May 23, 1850 | Serial Set Vol. No. 561, Session Vol. No. 13, 31st Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 50 | 31 |
France | French spoliations. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 318.) | June 14, 1850 | Serial Set Vol. No. 584, Session Vol. No. 2, 31st Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 355 | 20 |
France | French spoliations. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 318.) | June 14, 1850 | Serial Set Vol. No. 584, Session Vol. No. 2, 31st Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 355 | 20 |
Austria-Hungary | John George Schwarz, consul at Vienna. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of the correspondence of John George Schwarz, consul of the United States at Vienna | July 22, 1850 | Serial Set Vol. No. 578, Session Vol. No. 9, 31st Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 71 | 85 |
Germany | John George Schwarz, consul at Vienna. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of the correspondence of John George Schwarz, consul of the United States at Vienna. | July 22, 1850 | Serial Set Vol. No. 578, Session Vol. No. 9, 31st Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 71 | 85 |
Hungary | John George Schwarz, consul at Vienna. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of the correspondence of John George Schwarz, consul of the United States at Vienna. | July 22, 1850 | Serial Set Vol. No. 578, Session Vol. No. 9, 31st Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 71 | 85 |
Great Britain | Extract of a letter from the United States minister at London to the Secretary of State, relative to the boundary line between the British and French possessions in North America, as fixed by the Treaty of Utrecht. September 6, 1850 | September 9, 1850 | Serial Set Vol. No. 562, Session Vol. No. 14, 31st Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 71 | 1 |
France | Extract of a letter from the United States minister at London to the Secretary of State, relative to the boundary line between the British and French possessions in North America, as fixed by the Treaty of Utrecht. September 6, 1850 | September 9, 1850 | Serial Set Vol. No. 562, Session Vol. No. 14, 31st Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 71 | 1 |
Austria-Hungary | Message from the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, a copy of the correspondence between the Department of State and the Turkish government on the subject of the Hungarian exiles. | September 27, 1850 | Serial Set Vol. No. 562, Session Vol. No. 14, 31st Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 81 | 5 |
Hungary | Message from the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, a copy of the correspondence between the Department of State and the Turkish government on the subject of the Hungarian exiles | September 27, 1850 | Serial Set Vol. No. 562, Session Vol. No. 14, 31st Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 81 | 5 |
The Netherlands | Petition of William A. Seely, asking the interposition of the United States to enable him to obtain from the government of Holland the reward offered for the recovery of certain crown jewels. | September 30, 1850 | Serial Set Vol. No. 563, Session Vol. No. 1, 31st Congress, 1st Session, S. Misc. Doc. 127 | 84 |
Portugal | Message from the President of the United states, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Thirty-first Congress. | December 2, 1850 | Serial Set Vol. No. 587, Session Vol. No. 1, 31st Congress, 2nd Session, S. Exec. Doc. 1 | 932 |
Portugal | Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Thirty-first Congress. | December 2, 1850 | Serial Set Vol. No. 595, Session Vol. No. 1, 31st Congress, 2nd Session, H. Exec. Doc. 1 | 932 |
Austria-Hungary | Message of the President of the United States, communicating, in answer to a resolution of the Senate, a report of the Secretary of State, containing the correspondence between that Department and the Austrian charge d'affaires respecting the agent sent to Hungary during the recent struggle for independence. | December 30, 1850 | Serial Set Vol. No. 589, Session Vol. No. 3, 31st Congress, 2nd Session, S. Exec. Doc. 9 | 13 |
Hungary | Message of the President of the United States, communicating, in answer to a resolution of the Senate, a report of the Secretary of State, containing the correspondence between that Department and the Austrian charge d'affaires respecting the agent sent to Hungary during the recent struggle for independence. | December 30, 1850 | Serial Set Vol. No. 589, Session Vol. No. 3, 31st Congress, 2nd Session, S. Exec. Doc. 9 | 13 |
Great Britain | Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, in answer to a resolution of the Senate calling for information in relation to the trade and commerce of the British American colonies with the United States and other countries since 1829. February 6, 1851 | February 8, 1851 | Serial Set Vol. No. 590, Session Vol. No. 4, 31st Congress, 2nd Session, S. Exec. Doc. 23 | 776 |
Belgium | Steamers between California and China. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 472.) | February 19, 1851 | Serial Set Vol. No. 606, Session Vol. No. 1, 31st Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 34 | 6 |
Portugal | Portugal -- wines, &c. | March 3, 1851 | Serial Set Vol. No. 606, Session Vol. No. 1, 31st Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 107 | 6 |
Portugal | Portugal -- wines, etc. | March 3, 1851 | Serial Set Vol. No. 606, Session Vol. No. 1, 31st Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 107 | 6 |
Austria-Hungary | Message of the President of the United States, communicating in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the 8th instant, correspondence between the State Department and the United States Minister at Constantinople, respecting the liberation of Kossuth and his companions. | March 11, 1851 | Serial Set Vol. No. 607, Session Vol. No. 1, 32nd Congress, Special Senate Session, S. Exec. Doc. 2 | 15 |
Hungary | Message of the President of the United States, communicating in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the 8th instant, correspondence between the State Department and the United States Minister at Constantinople, respecting the liberation of Kossuth and his companions. | March 11, 1851 | Serial Set Vol. No. 607, Session Vol. No. 1, 32nd Congress, Special Senate Session, S. Exec. Doc. 2 | 15 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress at the commencement of the first session of the Thirty-second Congress. | December 2, 1851 | Serial Set Vol. No. 611, Session Vol. No. 1, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 1 pt. 1 | 469 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress at the commencement of the first session of the Thirty-second Congress. | December 2, 1851 | Serial Set Vol. No. 634, Session Vol. No. 2, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 2, pt. 1 | 469 |
France | Squadrons -- West India Seas. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting information as to the relative strength of the British, French and United States Squadrons in the West India Seas, &c. | December 23, 1851 | Serial Set Vol. No. 637, Session Vol. No. 3, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 9 | 2 |
Great Britain | British West Indies. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting information relative to the proposed employment, in the British West Indian colonies, of free blacks from the United States. | January 13, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 640, Session Vol. No. 5, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 29 | 4 |
France | In the Senate of the United States | January 14, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 630, Session Vol. No. 1, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, S. Rpt. 26 | 29 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, communicating the correspondence between the Department of State and the United States Minister at Paris, respecting the late political occurrences in France. | January 21, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 640, Session Vol. No. 5, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 34 | 20 |
France | France. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting correspondence between the United States minister in Paris and the Secretary of State of the United States, in reference to events which have recently occurred in France. | January 23, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 640, Session Vol. No. 5, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 34 | 20 |
Austria-Hungary | Resolutions of the Legislature of Maine, in relation to Louis Kossuth, and the doctrine of non-intervention. | February 2, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 629, Session Vol. No. 1, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, S. Misc. Doc. 25 | 1 |
Austria-Hungary | Resolutions of Legislature of New Jersey, in relation to Louis Kossuth, and the doctrine of non-intervention | February 2, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 629, Session Vol. No. 1, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, S. Misc. Doc. 26 | 2 |
Austria-Hungary | Kossuth and non-intervention. Resolutions of the Legislature of New Jersey, in relation to Governor Kossuth and the doctrine of national non-intervention. | February 2, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 62, Session Vol. No. 1, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Misc. Doc. 6 | 1 |
Hungary | Kossuth and non-intervention. Resolutions of the Legislature of New Jersey, in relation to Governor Kossuth and the doctrine of national non-intervention. | February 2, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 652, Session Vol. No. 1, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Misc. Doc. 6 | 2 |
Hungary | Resolutions of the Legislature of Maine, in relation to Louis Kossuth, and the doctrine of non-intervention. | February 2, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 629, Session Vol. No. 1, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, S. Misc. Doc. 25 | 1 |
Hungary | Resolutions of the Legislature of New Jersey, in relation to Louis Kossuth, and the doctrine of non-intervention. | February 2, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 629, Session Vol. No. 1, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, S. Misc. Doc. 26 | 2 |
Russia | Resolutions of the Legislature of Maine, in relation to Louis Kossuth, and the doctrine of non-intervention. | February 2, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 629, Session Vol. No. 1, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, S. Misc. Doc. 25 | 1 |
Russia | Resolutions of the Legislature of New Jersey, in relation to Louis Kossuth, and the doctrine of non-intervention. | February 2, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 629, Session Vol. No. 1, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, S. Misc. Doc. 26 | 2 |
Russia | Kossuth and non-intervention. Resolutions of the Legislature of New Jersey, in relation to Governor Kossuth and the doctrine of national non-intervention. | February 2, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 652, Session Vol. No. 1, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Misc. Doc. 6 | 2 |
Austria-Hungary | Kossuth and intervention. Resolutions of the Legislature of Maine, relating to Kossuth, Hungary and intervention. | February 3, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 652, Session Vol. No. 1, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Misc. Doc. 8 | 1 |
Hungary | Kossuth and intervention. Resolutions of the Legislature of Maine, relating to Kossuth, Hungary and intervention. | February 3, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 652, Session Vol. No. 1, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Misc. Doc. 8 | 1 |
Russia | Kossuth and intervention. Resolutions of the Legislature of Maine, relating to Kossuth, Hungary and intervention. | February 3, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 652, Session Vol. No. 1, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Misc. Doc. 8 | 1 |
Portugal | Portugal -- claims. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report in reference to claims of citizens of the United States on the government of Portugal. | February 4, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 641, Session Vol. No. 6, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 53 | 204 |
Portugal | Portugal -- claims. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report in reference to claims of citizens of the United States on the government of Portugal | February 4, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 641, Session Vol. No. 6, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 53 | 105 |
France | Report of the officers constituting the Light-house Board, convened under instructions from the Secretary of the Treasury, to inquire into the condition of the light-house establishment of the United States, under the act of March 3, 1851. | February 6, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 617, Session Vol. No. 6, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 28 | 760 |
Hungary | Letter of L. Kossuth to the President of the Senate pro tempore, enclosing a copy of a communication addressed by him to the President of the United States, expressive of his thanks for the honor conferred upon him by the government of the United States. February 17, 1852 | February 18, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 629, Session Vol. No. 1, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, S. Misc. Doc. 39 | 4 |
Ireland | Resolution of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, relative to Smith O'Brien and his associates. | March 15, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 629, Session Vol. No. 1, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, S. Misc. Doc. 54 | 1 |
France | Light-houses. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a communication from the Fifth Auditor of the Treasury respecting the light-house system of the United States, in reply to a report made to Congress by the Light-house Board. | March 23, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 644, Session Vol. No. 9, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 88 | 82 |
Ireland | Pennsylvania -- Smith O'Brien and his associates in exile. Resolution of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, relative to Smith O'Brien and his associates in exile. | March 23, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 652, Session Vol. No. 1, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Misc. Doc. 28 | 2 |
Great Britain | Resolutions of the Legislature of Maine, recommending that the assistance of the government be extended to the European and North American Railway. | April 7, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 629, Session Vol. No. 1, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, S. Misc. Doc. 68 | 2 |
The Netherlands | Message from the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with Message from the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, certain official documents relative to the Empire of Japan, and serving to illustrate the existing relations between the United States and Japan | April 12, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 620, Session Vol. No. 9, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 59 | 87 |
Great Britain | Colored emigration -- British West Indies. Message from the President of the United States, in reference to the emigration of colored laborers to the British West Indies. | May 3, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 644, Session Vol. No. 9, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 99 | 2 |
France | Resolution of the Legislature of Massachusetts, in favor of the payment of the claims of American citizens for French spoliations prior to the 30th September, 1800 | May 4, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 629, Session Vol. No. 1, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, S. Misc. Doc. 77 | 2 |
France | French spoliations. Resolutions of the Legislature of Massachusetts, relating to French spoliations prior to year 1801. | May 5, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 652, Session Vol. No. 1, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Misc. Doc. 56 | 2 |
Austria-Hungary | National intervention. Resolutions of the Legislature of Massachusetts, in relation to national intervention | June 24, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 652, Session Vol. No. 1, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Misc. Doc. 61 | 2 |
Hungary | National intervention. Resolutions of the Legislature of Massachusetts, in relation to national intervention. | June 24, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 652, Session Vol. No. 1, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Misc. Doc. 61 | 1 |
Russia | National intervention. Resolutions of the Legislature of Massachusetts, in relation to national intervention | June 24, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 652, Session Vol. No. 1, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Misc. Doc. 61 | 2 |
Austria-Hungary | Message from the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, the correspondence of the American charge d'affaires at Vienna, with the Department of State, on the subject of the apprehension and imprisonment, by the Austrian authorities, of the Rev. Charles L. Brace, an American citizen. | June 25, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 620, Session Vol. No. 9, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 91 | 24 |
Hungary | Message from the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, the correspondence of the American charge d'affaires at Vienna, with the Department of State, on the subject of the apprehension and imprisonment, by the Austrian authorities, of the Rev. Charles L. Brace, an American citizen. | June 25, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 620, Session Vol. No. 9, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 91 | 24 |
Austria-Hungary | Message from the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, the correspondence with Mr. Hulsemann, late charge d'affaires of the Emperor of Austria, on the occasion of his withdrawal from his place as charge d'affaires. | June 28, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 620, Session Vol. No. 9, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 92 | 5 |
Hungary | Message from the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, the correspondence with Mr. Hulsemann, late charge d'affaires of the Emperor of Austria, on the occasion of his withdrawal from his place as charge d'affaires. | June 28, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 620, Session Vol. No. 9, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 92 | 5 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, in answer to a resolution of the Senate, requesting information in regard to the fisheries on the coasts of the British possessions in North America. August 3, 1852. | August 5, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 621, Session Vol. No. 10, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 100 | 155 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, in answer to a resolution of the Senate, requesting information in regard to the fisheries on the coasts of the British possessions in North America | August 5, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 621, Session Vol. No. 10, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 100 | 155 |
Great Britain | Fisheries. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report from the Secretary of State and accompanying documents, in reference to the fisheries on the British North American coasts. | August 10, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 648, Session Vol. No. 12, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 120 | 108 |
Great Britain | Fisheries. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report from the Secretary of State and accompanying documents, in reference to the fisheries on the British North American coasts. | August 10, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 648, Session Vol. No. 12, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 120 | 108 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, the correspondence of R.M. Walsh, esp., while acting as a special agent of the United States in the island of St. Domingo. | August 27, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 621, Session Vol. No. 10, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 113 | 38 |
Great Britain | Communication from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of March 8, 1851, the report of Israel D. Andrews, consul of the United States for Canada and New Brunswick, on the trade and commerce of the British North American colonies, and upon the trade of the Great Lakes and rivers; also, notices of the internal improvements in each state of the Gulf of Mexico and straits of Florida, and a paper on the cotton crop of the United States. | August 30, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 622, Session Vol. No. 11, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 112, pt. 1 | 925 |
France | Communication from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of March 8, 1851, the report of Israel D. Andrews, consul of the United States for Canada and New Brunswick, on the trade and commerce of the British North American colonies, and upon the trade of the Great Lakes and rivers; also, notices of the internal improvements in each state, of the Gulf of Mexico and straits of Florida, and a paper on the cotton crop of the United States. | August 30, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 622, Session Vol. No. 11, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 112, pt. 1 | 925 |
Great Britain | Communication from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of March 8, 1851, the report of Israel D. Andrews, consul of the United States for Canada and New Brunswick, on the trade and commerce of the British North American colonies, and upon the trade of the Great Lakes and rivers; also, notices of the internal improvements in each state, of the Gulf of Mexico and straits of Florida, and a paper on the cotton crop of the United States. | August 31, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 651-1, Session Vol. No. 15, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 136, pt. 1 | 906 |
France | Island of Cuba. Message from the President of the United States, in reference to the island of Cuba. | August 31, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 648, Session Vol. No. 12, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 121 | 59 |
France | Communication from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of March 8, 1851, the report of Israel D. Andrews, consul of the United States for Canada and New Brunswick, on the trade and commerce of the British North American colonies, and upon the trade of the Great Lakes and rivers; also, notices of the internal improvements in each state, of the Gulf of Mexico and straits of Florida, and a paper on the cotton crop of the United States. | August 31, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 651-1, Session Vol. No. 15, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 136, pt. 1 | 906 |
Germany | Mail service in steamships between the United States and foreign countries. Letter from the Postmaster General, relative to ocean mail service by steamships. | August 31, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 649, Session Vol. No. 13, 32nd Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 127 | 17 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Thirty-second Congress. | December 6, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 658, Session Vol. No. 1, 32nd Congress, 2nd Session, S. Exec. Doc. 1 pt. 1 | 606 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Thirty-second Congress. | December 6, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 658, Session Vol. No. 1, 32nd Congress, 2nd Session, S. Exec. Doc. 1 pt. 1 | 606 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Thirty-second Congress. | December 7, 1852 | Serial Set Vol. No. 673, Session Vol. No. 1, 32nd Congress, 2nd Session, H. Exec. Doc. 1 pt. 1 | 606 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, in answer to a resolution of the Senate calling for information relative to a proposed tripartite convention on the subject of Cuba. | January 5, 1853 | Serial Set Vol. No. 660, Session Vol. No. 3, 32nd Congress, 2nd Session, S. Exec. Doc. 13 | 23 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, certain correspondence in relation to Central America. | January 24, 1853 | Serial Set Vol. No. 660, Session Vol. No. 3, 32nd Congress, 2nd Session, S. Exec. Doc. 27 | 106 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, the award of the Emperor of France in the case of the brig General Armstrong. | January 24, 1853 | Serial Set Vol. No. 660, Session Vol. No. 3, 32nd Congress, 2nd Session, S. Exec. Doc. 24 | 7 |
Portugal | Message from the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, the award of the Emperor of France in the case of the brig General Armstrong. | January 24, 1853 | Serial Set Vol. No. 660, Session Vol. No. 3, 32nd Congress, 2nd Session, S. Exec. Doc. 24 | 7 |
France | In Senate of the United States. January 25, 1853. Motion by Mr. Dixon to report the Joint Resolution (S. 69) declaratory of the views of the United States respecting colonization on the North American continent by European powers... | January 25, 1853 | Serial Set Vol. No. 670, Session Vol. No. 1, 32nd Congress, 2nd Session, S. Misc. Doc. 18 | 1 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, relative to the negotiations pending between the United States and Great Britain, on the subject of the fisheries, of reciprocal intercourse with the British North American provinces, and the navigation of the St. Lawrence and the canals connected with it. | February 8, 1853 | Serial Set Vol. No. 660, Session Vol. No. 3, 32nd Congress, 2nd Session, S. Exec. Doc. 34 | 3 |
Great Britain | Reciprocal trade with the British North American colonies. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 360.) | February 11, 1853 | Serial Set Vol. No. 687, Session Vol. No. 1, 32nd Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 4 | 92 |
Great Britain | Reciprocal trade with the British North American colonies. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 360.) | February 11, 1853 | Serial Set Vol. No. 687, Session Vol. No. 1, 32nd Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 4 | 92 |
Great Britain | Inter-oceanic canal -- Nicaragua route. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report in reference to the inter-oceanic canal by the Nicaragua route. | February 18, 1853 | Serial Set Vol. No. 679, Session Vol. No. 6, 32nd Congress, 2nd Session, H. Exec. Doc. 56 | 6 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report from the Secretary of State, in compliance with the resolution of the Senate of the 17th January, 1853, in relation to the fisheries on the coasts of the British North American provinces. March 8, 1853 | March 14, 1853 | Serial Set Vol. No. 688, Session Vol. No. 1, 33rd Congress, Special Senate Session, S. Exec. Doc. 3 | 21 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report from the Secretary of State, in compliance with the resolution of the Senate of the 17th January, 1853, in relation to the fisheries on the coasts of the British North American provinces. March 8, 1853. | March 14, 1853 | Serial Set Vol. No. 688, Session Vol. No. 1, 33rd Congress, Special Senate Session, S. Exec. Doc. 3 | 21 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, further correspondence between the minister of the United States at Paris and the Department of State, concerning the revolution in France of December, 1851. | March 22, 1853 | Serial Set Vol. No. 688, Session Vol. No. 1, 33rd Congress, Special Senate Session, S. Exec. Doc. 7 | 5 |
Austria-Hungary | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Thirty-third Congress. | December 6, 1853 | Serial Set Vol. No. 690, Session Vol. No. 1, 33rd Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 1 pt. 1 | 525 |
Austria-Hungary | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Thirty-third Congress. | December 6, 1853 | Serial Set Vol. No. 710, Session Vol. No. 1, 33rd Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 1 pt. 1 | 525 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Thirty-third Congress. | December 6, 1853 | Serial Set Vol. No. 690, Session Vol. No. 1, 33rd Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 1 pt. 1 | 525 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Thirty-third Congress. | December 6, 1853 | Serial Set Vol. No. 710, Session Vol. No. 1, 33rd Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 1 pt. 1 | 525 |
Portugal | Message from the President of the United States, communicating in compliance with resolutions of the Senate, the correspondence relative to the claim on Portugal, in the case of the brig General Armstrong. | December 20, 1853 | Serial Set Vol. No. 694, Session Vol. No. 4, 33rd Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 7 | 2 |
Great Britain | Fisheries. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of letters and orders in reference to the fisheries | January 12, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 717, Session Vol. No. 5, 33rd Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 21 | 40 |
Papal States | Message from the President of the United States, communicating a copy of the correspondence with the government of the Papal States relative to the mission of Archbishop Gaetano Bedini to the United States. | January 27, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 694, Session Vol. No. 4, 33rd Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 23 | 4 |
Austria-Hungary | Austria -- correspondence. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of correspondence between the State Department and the American charge at Austria with respect to persons claiming the protection of this government. | February 3, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 721, Session Vol. No. 8, 33rd Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 41 | 13 |
Austria-Hungary | Message from the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, copies of all communications from the American legation at Constantinople, respecting the seizure of Martin Koszta by the Austrian authorities at Smyrna. | March 2, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 698, Session Vol. No. 8, 33rd Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 40 | 64 |
Hungary | Message from the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, copies of all communications from the American legation at Constantinople, respecting the seizure of Martin Koszta by the Austrian authorities at Smyrna | March 2, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 698, Session Vol. No. 8, 33rd Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 40 | 64 |
Austria-Hungary | Message from the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, the correspondence between the United States consul at Smyrna and the American legation at Constantinople, and between said consul and this government, in relation to Martin Koszta. | April 6, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 698, Session Vol. No. 8, 33rd Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 53 | 22 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, the correspondence between the United States consul at Smyrna and the American legation at Constantinople, and between said consul and this government, in relation to Martin Koszta. | April 6, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 698, Session Vol. No. 8, 33rd Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 53 | 22 |
Hungary | Message from the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, the correspondence between the United States consul at Smyrna and the American legation at Constantinople, and between said consul and this government, in relation to Martin Koszta. | April 6, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 698, Session Vol. No. 8, 33rd Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 53 | 22 |
Austria-Hungary | Martin Koszta -- correspondence, &c. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of correspondence, &c., growing out of the seizure and rescue of Martin Koszta. | April 14, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 724, Session Vol. No. 11, 33rd Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 91 | 92 |
Hungary | Martin Koszta -- correspondence, &c. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of correspondence, &c., growing out of the seizure and rescue of Martin Koszta. | April 14, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 724, Session Vol. No. 11, 33rd Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 91 | 92 |
Hungary | Correspondence in the case of Rev. James Cook Richmond, and the United States consul for Trieste. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of correspondence in regard to Rev. James Cook Richmond, and the United States consul for Trieste. | May 2, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 725, Session Vol. No. 12, 33rd Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 100 | 60 |
France | French spoliations. Resolutions of the Legislature of Maine, on the subject of French spoliations. | May 6, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 741, Session Vol. No. 1, 33rd Congress, 2st Session, H. Misc. Doc. 71 | 1 |
Germany | Message from the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, copies of the correspondence in relation to the arrest, at Bremen, of Conrad Schmidt, a naturalized citizen of the United States, and the arrest, at Heidelberg, of E.T. Dana and other citizens of the United States; also, copies of the correspondence with the King of Prussia on the subject of religious toleration. | May 8, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 698, Session Vol. No. 8, 33rd Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 60 | 39 |
Sweden | In the Senate of the United States. Mr. Clayton made the following report. (To accompany Bill S. 372.) The Committee on Foreign Relations, to whom was referred the memorial of Charles D. Arfwedson... | May 15, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 707, Session Vol. No. 2, 33rd Congress, 1st Session, S. Rpt. 266 | 1 |
France | Rights accorded to neutrals and rights claimed by belligerents. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of correspondence relating to the rights accorded to neutrals and the rights claimed by belligerents in the war pending between certain European powers. | May 18, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 725, Session Vol. No. 12, 33rd Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 103 | 23 |
France | In the Senate of the United States. 4. Mr. Mallory made the following report. (To accompany Bill S. 376.) The Committee on Naval Affairs, having under consideration the Navy, and having carefully examined the means of improving it, report... | May 18, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 707, Session Vol. No. 2, 33rd Congress, 1st Session, S. Rpt. 271 | 10 |
Russia | In the Senate of the United States. May 18, 1854. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Mallory made the following report. (To accompany Bill S. 376.) The Committee on Naval Affairs, having under consideration the Navy, and having carefully examined the means of improving it, report... | May 18, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 707, Session Vol. No. 2, 33rd Congress, 1st Session, S. Rpt. 271 | 10 |
Russia | Rights accorded to neutrals and rights claimed by belligerents. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of correspondence relating to the rights accorded to neutrals and the rights claimed by belligerents in the war pending between certain European powers. | May 18, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 725, Session Vol. No. 12, 33rd Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 103 | 23 |
Great Britain | Resolutions of the Legislature of Maine, in relation to certain proposed modifications of the navigation laws of the United States, allowances of bounty to fishing vessels, and reciprocal trade with the British North American colonies. | May 22, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 705, Session Vol. No. 1, 33rd Congress, 1st Session, S. Misc. Doc. 61 | 2 |
Greece | Message from the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, copies of the communications from Mr. Marsh, the American minister at Constantinople, relative to the case of the Reverend Mr. King | May 24, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 701, Session Vol. No. 11, 33rd Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 67 | 188 |
France | Message from the President of the United States communicating in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, a letter from H.S. Sanford, late charge d'affaires at Paris, on the different systems of penal codes in Europe. Also, a report on the administrative changes in France since the revolution of 1848. May 29, 1854. | May 31, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 700, Session Vol. No. 10, 33rd Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 68 | 390 |
Denmark | Sound dues upon American commerce to the Baltic. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting correspondence in relation to the imposition of "Sound dues" upon our commerce to the Baltic. | June 13, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 726, Session Vol. No. 13, 33rd Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 108 | 61 |
Denmark | Sound dues upon American commerce to the Baltic. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting correspondence in relation to the imposition of "Sound dues" upon our commerce to the Baltic. | June 13, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 726, Session Vol. No. 13, 33rd Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 108 | 61 |
France | President Monroe's instructions -- commissions to private armed vessels, &c. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of papers and correspondence in reference to the instructions referred to by President Monroe on the subject of the issue of commissions to private armed vessels. | June 21, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 726, Session Vol. No. 13, 33rd Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 111 | 80 |
Greece | Constantinople -- correspondence of the American minister, etc. Message from the President of the United States, communicating copies of correspondence transmitted by the American minister at Constantinople to the Department of State. | June 21, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 726, Session Vol. No. 13, 33rd Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 110 | 7 |
Russia | Constantinople -- correspondence of the American minister, etc. Message from the President of the United States, communicating copies of correspondence transmitted by the American minister at Constantinople to the Department of State. | June 21, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 726, Session Vol. No. 13, 33rd Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 110 | 7 |
Russia | President Monroe's instructions -- commissions to private armed vessels, &c. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of papers and correspondence in reference to the instructions referred to by President Monroe on the subject of the issue of commissions to private armed vessels. | June 21, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 726, Session Vol. No. 13, 33rd Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 111 | 80 |
Poland | The U.S. Naval Astronomical Expedition to the Southern Hemisphere, during the years 1849-'50-'51'-52. Lieut. Archibald MacRae, Master S. Ledyard Phelps, Captain's Clerk E.R. Smith, assistants. Volume III. Observations to determine the solar parallax. By Lieut. L.M. Gillis, LL.D. Superintendent. | July 25, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 730, Session Vol. No. 15, 33rd Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 121, pt. 3 | 781 |
Russia | In the Senate of the United States. Mr. Slidell made the following report. The Committee on Foreign Relations, to whom was referred the petition of the executrix of William W. Chew, deceased, late secretary of legation and acting charge d'affaires at St. Petersburg, have had the same under consideration, and now respectfully report... | July 26, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 707, Session Vol. No. 2, 33rd Congress, 1st Session, S. Rpt. 370 | 1 |
Great Britain | Treaty with Great Britain. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copy of a treaty between the United States and Great Britain. | August 3, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 734, Session Vol. No. 16, 33rd Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 127 | 6 |
Sweden | In the Senate of the United States. Mr. Mason made the following report. The Committee on Foreign Relations, to whom was referred the memorial of Charles D. Arfwedson, late United States consul at Stockholm, asking compensation for diplomatic services, have had the same under consideration and report... | August 3, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 707, Session Vol. No. 2, 33rd Congress, 1st Session, S. Rpt. 389 | 1 |
Denmark | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Thirty-third Congress. | December 4, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 746, Session Vol. No. 1, 33rd Congress, 2nd Session, S. Exec. Doc. 1 pt. 1 | 629 |
Denmark | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Thirty-third Congress. | December 4, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 777, Session Vol. No. 1, 33rd Congress, 2nd Session, H. Exec. Doc. 1 pt. 1 | 629 |
Denmark | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Thirty-third Congress. | December 4, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 746, Session Vol. No. 1, 33rd Congress, 2nd Session, S. Exec. Doc. 1 pt. 1 | 629 |
Denmark | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Thirty-third Congress. | December 4, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 777, Session Vol. No. 1, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 1 pt. 1 | 629 |
France | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Thirty-third Congress. | December 4, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 746, Session Vol. No. 1, 33rd Congress, 2nd Session, S. Exec. Doc. 1, pt. 1 | 629 |
France | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Thirty-third Congress. | December 4, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 777, Session Vol. No. 1, 33rd Congress, 2nd Session, H. Exec. Doc. 1 pt. 1 | 629 |
Italy (Kingdom of Two Sicilies) | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Thirty-third Congress. | December 4, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 746, Session Vol. No. 1, 33rd Congress, 2nd Session, S. Exec. Doc. 1 pt. 1 | 629 |
Italy (Kingdom of Two Sicilies) | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Thirty-third Congress. | December 4, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 777, Session Vol. No. 1, 33rd Congress, 2nd Session, H. Exec. Doc. 1 pt. 1 | 629 |
Russia | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Thirty-third Congress. | December 4, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 746, Session Vol. No. 1, 33rd Congress, 2nd Session, S. Exec. Doc. 1 pt. 1 | 629 |
Russia | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the second session of the Thirty-third Congress. | December 4, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 777, Session Vol. No. 1, 33rd Congress, 2nd Session, H. Exec. Doc. 1 pt. 1 | 629 |
Greece | Expulsion of the Greeks from Egypt. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting correspondence on the subject of the expulsion of the Greeks from Egypt. | December 15, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 782, Session Vol. No. 4, 33rd Congress, 2nd Session, H. Exec. Doc. 12 | 16 |
Greece | Message from the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, further correspondence between the Department of State and the American minister at Constantinople, relative to the Rev. Jonas King. December 19, 1854. -- Read, referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations, and ordered to be printed in connexion with S. Ex. Doc. No. 67, of last session. | December 19, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 751, Session Vol. No. 6, 33rd Congress, 2nd Session, S. Exec. Doc. 9 | 198 |
The Netherlands | Correspondence -- case of Captain Walter M. Gibson. Message from the President of the United States, communicating copies of correspondence in the case of Captain Walter M. Gibson. | December 21, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 782, Session Vol. No. 4, 33rd Congress, 2nd Session, H. Exec. Doc. 16 | 136 |
The Netherlands | Correspondence -- case of Captain Walter M. Gibson. Message from the President of the United States, communicating copies of correspondence in the case of Captain Walter M. Gibson. | December 21, 1854 | Serial Set Vol. No. 782, Session Vol. No. 4, 33rd Congress, 2nd Session, H. Exec. Doc. 16 | 136 |
Portugal | Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan, performed in the years 1852, 1853, and 1854, under the command of Commodore M.C. Perry, United States Navy, by order of the government of the United States, compiled from the original notes and journals of Commodore Perry and his officers, at his request, and under his supervision, by Francis L. Hawks, D.D.L.L.D. with numerous illustrations. | 1855 | Serial Set Vol. No. 769, Session Vol. No. 14, 33rd Congress, 2nd Session, S. Exec. Doc. 79, pt. 1 | 554 |
France | Message of the President of the United States, in further compliance with a resolution of the Senate of December 5, 1854, requesting copies of correspondence between Major General Wool and the different departments of the government. | January 19, 1855 | Serial Set Vol. No. 751, Session Vol. No. 6, 33rd Congress, 2nd Session, S. Exec. Doc. 25 | 13 |
Great Britain | Treaty with Great Britain. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 661.) Sundry communications and papers addressed to the Chairman of the Committee on Commerce, on the subject of refunding duties collected on articles the produce of Canada and New Brunswick, &c. | January 20, 1855 | Serial Set Vol. No. 807, Session Vol. No. 1, 33rd Congress, 2nd Session, H. Misc. Doc. 21 | 5 |
Portugal | Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan, performed in the years 1852, 1853, and 1854, under the command of Commodore M.C. Perry, United States Navy, by order of the Government of the United States. Compiled from the original notes and journals of Commander Perry and his officers, at his request, and under his supervision, by Francis L. Hawks, D.D.L.L.D. with numerous illustrations. | January 29, 1855 | Serial Set Vol. No. 802, Session Vol. No. 12, 33rd Congress, 2nd Session, H. Exec. Doc. 97, pt. 1 | 554 |
The Netherlands | Message of the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of the Navy, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of December 6, 1854, calling for correspondence, &c., relative to the naval expedition to Japan. | February 2, 1855 | Serial Set Vol. No. 751, Session Vol. No. 6, 33rd Congress, 2nd Session, S. Exec. Doc. 34 | 195 |
France | Message of the President of the United States, in answer to a resolution of the Senate of December 11, 1854, asking for copies of correspondence relative to the late difficulties between the consul of the French government, at San Francisco, and the Federal authorities in the State of California | February 17, 1855 | Serial Set Vol. No. 752, Session Vol. No. 7, 33rd Congress, 2nd Session, S. Exec. Doc. 51 | 1 |
Greece | In the Senate of the United States. Mr. Mason made the following report. (To accompany Bill S. 680.) The Committee on Foreign Relations, to whom was referred the memorial of George P. Marsh, late minister resident of the United States to the Ottoman Porte, praying compensation for extra duties performed by him on a special mission to Greece, and for judicial services, under the act of August 11, 1848, have had the same under consideration, and now report... | February 20, 1855 | Serial Set Vol. No. 775, Session Vol. No. 1, 33rd Congress, 2nd Session, S. Rpt. 534 | 3 |
France | The Ostend Conference, &c. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting correspondence touching matters disturbing the friendly relations between this government and the government of Spain; also, a report as to the objects of the meeting of the American ministers at Ostend. | March 3, 1855 | Serial Set Vol. No. 790, Session Vol. No. 10, 33rd Congress, 2nd Session, H. Exec. Doc. 93 | 152 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Thirty-fourth Congress. December 31, 1855. Part I. | December 31, 1855 | Serial Set Vol. No. 810, Session Vol. No. 1, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 1, pt. 1 | 638 |
Denmark | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Thirty-fourth Congress | December 31, 1855 | Serial Set Vol. No. 810, Session Vol. No. 1, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 1, pt. 1 | 638 |
Denmark | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Thirty-fourth Congress. | December 31, 1855 | Serial Set Vol. No. 810, Session Vol. No. 1, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 1 pt. 1 | 638 |
France | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Thirty-fourth Congress. Part I. | December 31, 1855 | Serial Set Vol. No. 810, Session Vol. No. 1, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 1 pt. 1 | 638 |
Germany | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Thirty-fourth Congress. Resolved, that two hundred additional copies of the President's message... | December 31, 1855 | Serial Set Vol. No. 812, Session Vol. No. 3, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 1, pt. 3 | 432 |
Greece | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Thirty-fourth Congress. | December 31, 1855 | Serial Set Vol. No. 810, Session Vol. No. 1, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 1 pt. 1 | 638 |
Italy (Kingdom of Two Sicilies) | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Thirty-fourth Congress. | December 31, 1855 | Serial Set Vol. No. 810, Session Vol. No. 1, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 1 pt. 1 | 638 |
Russia | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Thirty-fourth Congress | December 31, 1855 | Serial Set Vol. No. 810, Session Vol. No. 1, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 1 pt. 1 | 638 |
Austria-Hungary | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the Hose of Representatives. Volume IV. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 857, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 4 | 705 |
Austria-Hungary | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume III. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 830, Session Vol. No. 19, 34th Congress, 2st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 107, pt. 3 | 790 |
Austria-Hungary | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume IV | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 831, Session Vol. No. 19, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 107, pt. 4 | 705 |
Austria-Hungary | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume I. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 854, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 1 | 846 |
Austria-Hungary | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume III. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 856, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 3 | 790 |
Belgium | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the Hose of Representatives. Volume IV. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 857, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 4 | 705 |
Belgium | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume III. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 830, Session Vol. No. 19, 34th Congress, 2st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 107, pt. 3 | 790 |
Belgium | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume IV | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 831, Session Vol. No. 19, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 107, pt. 4 | 705 |
Belgium | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume I. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 854, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 1 | 846 |
Belgium | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume III. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 856, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 3 | 790 |
Belgium | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume II | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 829, Session Vol. No. 19, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 107, pt. 2 | 635 |
Belgium | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume II. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 855, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 2 | 635 |
Great Britain | Report of the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume II. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 829, Session Vol. No. 19, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 107, pt. 2 | 635 |
Great Britain | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume I. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 854, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 1 | 846 |
Great Britain | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume III. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 856, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 3 | 790 |
Great Britain | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume II. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 855, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 2 | 635 |
Great Britain | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume III. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 830, Session Vol. No. 19, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 107, pt. 3 | 790 |
Denmark | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume III. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 830, Session Vol. No. 19, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 107, pt. 3 | 790 |
Denmark | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume IV. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 830, Session Vol. No. 19, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 107, pt. 4 | 705 |
Denmark | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume III. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 856, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 3 | 790 |
Denmark | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume IV. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 857, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 4 | 705 |
Denmark | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume I. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 854, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 1 | 846 |
German Customs Union | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume III. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 830, Session Vol. No. 19, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 107, pt. 3 | 790 |
German Customs Union | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume IV. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 831, Session Vol. No. 19, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 107, pt. 4 | 705 |
German Customs Union | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume I. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 854, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 1 | 846 |
German Customs Union | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume III. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 856, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 3 | 790 |
German Customs Union | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the Hose of Representatives. Volume IV. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 857, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 4 | 705 |
The Netherlands | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume III. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 830, Session Vol. No. 19, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 107, pt. 3 | 790 |
The Netherlands | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume II. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 829, Session Vol. No. 19, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 107, pt. 2 | 635 |
The Netherlands | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume I. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 855, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 2 | 635 |
The Netherlands | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume III. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 856, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 3 | 790 |
The Netherlands | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the Hose of Representatives. Volume IV. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 857, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 4 | 705 |
France | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the Hose of Representatives. Volume IV. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 857, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47. pt. 4 | 705 |
France | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume II. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 855, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 2 | 635 |
France | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume III. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 830, Session Vol. No. 19, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 107, pt. 3 | 790 |
France | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume IV. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 831, Session Vol. No. 19, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 107, pt. 4 | 705 |
France | Report of the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume II. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 829, Session Vol. No. 19, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 107, pt. 2 | 635 |
France | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume I. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 854, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 1 | 846 |
France | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume III. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 856, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 3 | 790 |
France | Message of the President. Message of the President of the United States, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the 25th inst., calling for correspondence between the Governments of the United States and Great Britain, relative to the enlistment of soldiers by the agents of the latter government within the territory of the United States... | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 819, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 35 | 251 |
Germany | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume III. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 856, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 3 | 790 |
Germany | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the Hose of Representatives. Volume IV. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 857, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 4 | 705 |
Germany | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume III. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 830, Session Vol. No. 19, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 107, pt. 3 | 790 |
Germany | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume IV. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 831, Session Vol. No. 19, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 107, pt. 4 | 705 |
Germany | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume I. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 854, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 1 | 846 |
Switzerland | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume III. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 830, Session Vol. No. 19, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 107. pt. 3 | 790 |
Switzerland | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume I. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 854, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 1 | 846 |
Switzerland | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume III. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 856, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 3 | 790 |
The Netherlands | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume III. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 830, Session Vol. No. 19, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 107, pt. 3 | 790 |
The Netherlands | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume II. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 829, Session Vol. No. 19, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 107, pt. 2 | 635 |
The Netherlands | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume I. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 854, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 1 | 846 |
The Netherlands | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume III. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 856, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 3 | 790 |
The Netherlands | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the Hose of Representatives. Volume IV. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 857, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 4 | 705 |
The Netherlands | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume II. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 855, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 2 | 635 |
Norway | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume III. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 856, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 3 | 790 |
Norway | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the Hose of Representatives. Volume IV. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 857, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 4 | 705 |
Norway | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume III. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 830, Session Vol. No. 19, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 107, pt. 3 | 790 |
Norway | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume IV. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 831, Session Vol. No. 19, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 107, pt. 4 | 705 |
Norway | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume I. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 854, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 1 | 846 |
Portugal | Narrative the Expedition of an American Squadron the China Seas and Japan, performed in the years 1852, 1853, and 1854, under the command of Commodore M.C. Perry, United States Navy, order of the government of the United States. Volume II -- with illustrations. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 770, Session Vol. No. 14, 33rd Congress, 2nd Session, S. Exec. Doc. 79, pt. 2 | 439 |
Portugal | Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan, performed in the years 1852, 1853, and 1854, under the command of Commodore M.C. Perry, United States Navy, by order of the Government of the United States. Volume II -- with illustrations. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 803, Session Vol. No. 12, 33rd Congress, 2nd Session, H. Exec. Doc. 97, pt. 2 | 507 |
Portugal | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume II. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 855, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 2 | 635 |
Portugal | Report of the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume II. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 829, Session Vol. No. 19, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 107, pt. 2 | 635 |
Portugal | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume I. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 854, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47 pt. 3 | 790 |
Portugal | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume IV. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 831, Session Vol. No. 19, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 107, pt. 4 | 705 |
Portugal | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume III. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 830, Session Vol. No. 19, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 107, pt. 3 | 790 |
Portugal | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume IV. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 857, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 4 | 705 |
Portugal | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume III. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 830, Session Vol. No. 19, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 107, pt. 3 | 790 |
Portugal | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume IV. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 831, Session Vol. No. 19, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 107, pt. 4 | 705 |
Portugal | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume I. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 854, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 1 | 846 |
Portugal | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume I. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 854, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47 pt. 3 | 790 |
Portugal | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume IV. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 857, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 4 | 705 |
Russia | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume III. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 830, Session Vol. No. 19, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 107, pt. 3 | 790 |
Russia | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume IV. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 831, Session Vol. No. 19, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 107 pt. 4 | 705 |
Russia | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume I. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 854, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 1 | 846 |
Russia | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume III. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 856, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 3 | 790 |
Russia | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the Hose of Representatives. Volume IV. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 857, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 4 | 705 |
Sweden | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume IV. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 831, Session Vol. No. 19, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 107, pt. 4 | 705 |
Sweden | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume I. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 854, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 1 | 846 |
Sweden | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume III. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 856, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 3 | 790 |
Sweden | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the Hose of Representatives. Volume IV. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 857, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 4 | 705 |
Sweden | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume III. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 830, Session Vol. No. 19, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 107, pt. 3 | 790 |
Switzerland | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume I. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 854, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 1 | 846 |
Switzerland | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume III. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 856, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47, pt. 3 | 790 |
Switzerland | Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, superintendent. Prepared and printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, in accordance with resolutions of the House of Representatives. Volume III. | 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 830, Session Vol. No. 19, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 107, pt. 3 | 790 |
France | Resolutions of the Legislature of the State of Maine, condemnatory of the course of the President of the United States in vetoing the French Spoliation Bill. | January 3, 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 835, Session Vol. No. 1, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Misc. Doc. 12 | 1 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Thirty-fourth Congress. February 14, 1856 | February 18, 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 840, Session Vol. No. 1, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 1, pt. 1 | 638 |
Denmark | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Thirty-fourth Congress. February 14, 1856. | February 18, 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 840, Session Vol. No. 1, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 1, pt. 1 | 638 |
Denmark | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Thirty-fourth Congress. February 14, 1856. -- Committed to the Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union, and ordered to be printed. February 18, 1856. Part I. | February 18, 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 840, Session Vol. No. 1, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 1 pt. 1 | 638 |
France | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Thirty-fourth Congress. Part I. February 14, 1856 | February 18, 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 840, Session Vol. No. 1, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 1 pt. 1 | 638 |
Germany | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Thirty-fourth Congress. February 14, 1856. Resolved, that there be printed for the use of the members of the House of Representatives twenty thousand copies of the President's message and accompanying documents. Part III. | February 18, 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 842, Session Vol. No. 1, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 1 pt. 3 | 432 |
Greece | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Thirty-fourth Congress. February 14, 1856. | February 18, 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 840, Session Vol. No. 1, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 1 pt. 1 | 638 |
Italy (Kingdom of Two Sicilies) | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Thirty-fourth Congress. February 14, 1856. | February 18, 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 840, Session Vol. No. 1, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 1 pt. 1 | 638 |
Russia | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Thirty-fourth Congress. February 14, 1856. -- Committed to the Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union, and ordered to be printed. February 18, 1856. -- Resolved, that there be printed for the use of the members of the House of Representatives twenty thousand copies of the President's message and accompanying documents. Part I. | February 18, 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 840, Session Vol. No. 1, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 1 pt. 1 | 638 |
France | Report of the Secretary of State, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the 17th ultimo, calling for certain papers and information relative to the claims of American citizens for spoliations committed by the French prior to 1800 | February 19, 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 819, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 24 | 3 |
Russia | Message of the President. Message of the President of the United States, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the 25th inst., calling for correspondence between the Governments of the United States and Great Britain, relative to the enlistment of soldiers by the agents of the latter government within the territory of the United States... | February 28, 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 819, Session Vol. No. 10, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 35 | 251 |
France | French spoliations. Resolutions of the Legislature of Massachusetts, in relation to the French spoliations. | March 7, 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 866, Session Vol. No. 1, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Misc. Doc. 39 | 2 |
Denmark | In the Senate of the United States. Mr. Mason made the following report, which was considered in Committee of the Whole, and postponed to, and made the special order for, Monday, the 15th instant, at one o'clock. The Committee on Foreign Relations, to whom was referred the resolution of the Senate which is annexed, have had the same under consideration, and now report... | April 7, 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 836, Session Vol. No. 1, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Rpt. 97 | 8 |
Denmark | In the Senate of the United States. Mr. Mason made the following report, which was considered in Committee of the Whole, and postponed to, and made the special order for, Monday, the 15th instant, at one o'clock. The Committee on Foreign Relations, to whom was referred the resolution of the Senate which is annexed, have had the same under consideration, and now report... | April 7, 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 836, Session Vol. No. 1, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Rpt. 97 | 8 |
France | In the Senate of the United States. 4. Mr. Mallory made the following report. (To accompany Bill S. 376.) The Committee on Naval Affairs, having under consideration the Navy, and having carefully examined the means of improving it, report. Mr. Mason made the following report, which was considered in Committee of the Whole, and postponed to, and made the special order for, Monday, the 15th instant, at one o'clock. The Committee on Foreign Relations, to whom was referred the resolution of the Senate which is annexed, have had the same under consideration, and now report... | April 7, 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 836, Session Vol. No. 1, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Rpt. 97 | 8 |
Italy (Kingdom of Two Sicilies) | Officers of the Neapolitan Navy -- American barque Parana. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the despatch of the United States minister resident at the Court of Naples, relative to the saving of the crew of the American barque Parana from shipwreck by the officers of the Neapolitan Navy and Marine. | April 10, 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 853, Session Vol. No. 9, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 80 | 3 |
Belgium | The cotton trade. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting a statement respecting the tariff duties and Custom-house regulations applicable to American cotton, &c. | June 10, 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 859, Session Vol. No. 12, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 108 | 21 |
France | The cotton trade. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting a statement respecting the tariff duties and Custom-house regulations applicable to American cotton, &c. | June 10, 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 859, Session Vol. No. 12, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 108 | 21 |
Germany | The cotton trade. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting a statement respecting the tariff duties and Custom-house regulations applicable to American cotton, &c. | June 10, 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 859, Session Vol. No. 12, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 108 | 21 |
Switzerland | The cotton trade. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting a statement respecting the tariff duties and Custom-house regulations applicable to American cotton, &c. | June 10, 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 859, Session Vol. No. 12, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 108 | 21 |
Portugal | The cotton trade. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting a statement respecting the tariff duties and Custom-house regulations applicable to American cotton, &c. | June 10, 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 859, Session Vol. No. 12, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 108 | 21 |
Russia | The cotton trade. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting a statement respecting the tariff duties and Custom-house regulations applicable to American cotton, &c. | June 10, 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 859, Session Vol. No. 12, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 108 | 21 |
Sweden | The cotton trade. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting a statement respecting the tariff duties and Custom-house regulations applicable to American cotton, &c. June 10, 1856. | June 10, 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 859, Session Vol. No. 12, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 108 | 21 |
Switzerland | The cotton trade. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting a statement respecting the tariff duties and Custom-house regulations applicable to American cotton, &c. June 10, 1856. | June 10, 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 859, Session Vol. No. 12, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 108 | 21 |
German Customs Union | American leaf tobacco. Message from the President of the United States, communicating a letter from the Secretary of State, in answer to a resolution of the House respecting duties imposed upon American leaf tobacco by the Commercial Union of the German States. | June 11, 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 859, Session Vol. No. 12, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 111 | 2 |
Germany | American leaf tobacco. Message from the President of the United States, communicating a letter from the Secretary of State, in answer to a resolution of the House respecting duties imposed upon American leaf tobacco by the Commercial Union of the German States. | June 11, 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 859, Session Vol. No. 12, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 111 | 2 |
Germany | Ocean mail steamers to the north of Europe. Memorial of Christian Hansen, presenting reasons for the establishment of a regular line of mail steamers from New York to the north of Europe, &c. | June 23, 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 867, Session Vol. No. 2, 34th Congress, 1st Session, H. Misc. Doc. 128 | 24 |
France | Message of the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the 16th instant, a copy of the instructions sent to Mr. Buchanan relative to free ships making free goods, and Mr. Buchanan's letter to Lord Clarendon thereupon. | June 24, 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 823, Session Vol. No. 14, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 85 | 6 |
Russia | Message of the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the 16th instant, a copy of the instructions sent to Mr. Buchanan relative to free ships making free goods, and Mr. Buchanan's letter to Lord Clarendon thereupon. | June 24, 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 823, Session Vol. No. 14, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 85 | 6 |
France | Report of the Secretary of State, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of May 5, 1856, calling for a copy of the journal of the proceedings of the commissioners at Paris, under the Convention of April 30, 1803. | July 3, 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 823, Session Vol. No. 14, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 87 | 13 |
Great Britain | In the Senate of the United States. July 29, 1856. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Mason submitted the following report. (To accompany Bill S. 405.) Mr. Mason, from the Committee on Foreign Relations, to whom was referred the "Bill (S. 405) To Provide for Carrying into Effect the First Article of the Treaty Between the United States and Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, of the 15th Day of June, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty-six," submitted the following... | July 29, 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 837, Session Vol. No. 2, 34th Congress, 1st Session, S. Rpt. 251 | 7 |
Austria-Hungary | The executive documents, printed by order of the Senate of the United States, third session, Thirty-fourth Congress, 1856-'57. Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the third session of the Thirty-fourth Congress. December 2, 1856 | December 11, 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 876, Session Vol. No. 3, 34th Congress, 3rd Session, S. Exec. Doc. 5, pt. 2 | 894 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the third session of the Thirty-fourth Congress. December 2, 1856. | December 11, 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 875, Session Vol. No. 2, 34th Congress, 3rd Session, S. Exec. Doc. 5, pt. 1 | 895 |
Denmark | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the third session of the Thirty-fourth Congress. December 2, 1856 | December 11, 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 875, Session Vol. No. 2, 34th Congress, 3rd Session, S. Exec. Doc. 5 pt. 1 | 895 |
Denmark | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the third session of the Thirty-fourth Congress. December 2, 1856 | December 11, 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 875, Session Vol. No. 2, 34th Congress, 3rd Session, S. Exec. Doc. 5 pt. 1 | 895 |
France | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the third session of the Thirty-fourth Congress. December 2, 1856 | December 11, 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 875, Session Vol. No. 2, 34th Congress, 3rd Session, S. Exec. Doc. 5, pt. 1 | 895 |
France | The executive documents, printed by order of the Senate of the United States, third session, Thirty-fourth Congress, 1856-'57. Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the third session of the Thirty-fourth Congress. December 2, 1856 | December 11, 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 876, Session Vol. No. 3, 34th Congress, 3rd Session, S. Exec. Doc. 5 pt. 2 | 894 |
Russia | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the third session of the Thirty-fourth Congress. December 2, 1856 | December 11, 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 875, Session Vol. No. 2, 34th Congress, 3rd Session, S. Exec. Doc. 5, pt. 1 | 895 |
Russia | The executive documents, printed by order of the Senate of the United States, third session, Thirty-fourth Congress, 1856-'57. Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the third session of the Thirty-fourth Congress. December 2, 1856 -- Read. December 11, 1856. | December 11, 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 875, Session Vol. No. 2, 34th Congress, 3rd Session, S. Exec. Doc. 5, pt. 2 | 894 |
Austria-Hungary | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the third session of the Thirty-fourth Congress. | December 18, 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 894, Session Vol. No. 1, 34th Congress, 3rd Session, H. Exec. Doc. 1 pt. 2 | 768 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the third session of the Thirty-fourth Congress. December 18, 1856. | December 18, 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 893, Session Vol. No. 1, 34th Congress, 3rd Session, H. Exec. Doc. 1 pt. 1 | 895 |
Denmark | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the third session of the Thirty-fourth Congress. | December 18, 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 893, Session Vol. No. 1, 34th Congress, 3rd Session, H. Exec. Doc. 1 pt. 1 | 895 |
Denmark | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the third session of the Thirty-fourth Congress. | December 18, 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 893, Session Vol. No. 1, 34th Congress, 3rd Session, H. Exec. Doc. 1 pt. 1 | 895 |
France | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the third session of the Thirty-fourth Congress. Resolved, that there be printed for the use of the members of this House, eighteen thousand six hundred copies of the annual message of the President, together with the accompanying documents, and that two hundred additional copies of the said message and documents be printed and furnished to each of the Secretaries of the State, War, Navy, Treasury and Interior Departments, the Attorney General and Postmaster General. | December 18, 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 893, Session Vol. No. 1, 34th Congress, 3rd Session, H. Exec. Doc. 1 pt. 1 | 895 |
France | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the third session of the Thirty-fourth Congress. Resolved, that there be printed for the use of the members of this House, eighteen thousand six hundred copies of the annual message of the President, together with the accompanying documents, and that two hundred additional copies of the said message and documents be printed and furnished to each of the Secretaries of the State, War, Navy, Treasury and Interior Departments, the Attorney General and Postmaster General. | December 18, 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 894, Session Vol. No. 1, 34th Congress, 3rd Session, H. Exec. Doc. 1 pt. 2 | 768 |
Russia | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the third session of the Thirty-fourth Congress. December 18, 1856. Resolved, that there be printed for the use of the members of this House, eighteen thousand six hundred copies of the annual message of the President, together with the accompanying documents, and that two hundred additional copies of the said message and documents be printed and furnished to each of the Secretaries of the State, War, Navy, Treasury and Interior Departments, the Attorney General and Postmaster General. | December 18, 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 893, Session Vol. No. 1, 34th Congress, 3rd Session, H. Exec. Doc. 1 pt. 1 | 895 |
Russia | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the third session of the Thirty-fourth Congress. December 18, 1856. Resolved, that there be printed for the use of the members of this House, eighteen thousand six hundred copies of the annual message of the President, together with the accompanying documents, and that two hundred additional copies of the said message and documents be printed and furnished to each of the Secretaries of the State, War, Navy, Treasury and Interior Departments, the Attorney General and Postmaster General. | December 18, 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 894, Session Vol. No. 1, 34th Congress, 3rd Session, H. Exec. Doc. 1 pt. 2 | 768 |
Germany | Estimates -- foreign mail service. Letter from the Postmaster General, transmitting estimates for the foreign mail service. | December 30, 1856 | Serial Set Vol. No. 897, Session Vol. No. 3, 34th Congress, 3rd Session, H. Exec. Doc. 21 | 1 |
Austria-Hungary | Michael Pappreniza, an Austrian subject. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting sundry papers in relation to the claim of Michael Pappreniza, an Austrian subject | January 5, 1857 | Serial Set Vol. No. 897, Session Vol. No. 3, 34th Congress, 3rd Session, H. Exec. Doc. 28 | 3 |
The Netherlands | Message of the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the 2d instant, copies of the correspondence between the governments of the United States and the Netherlands, relative to the refusal of that government to allow its diplomatic agents to testify in the criminal courts of the United States. | January 7, 1857 | Serial Set Vol. No. 878, Session Vol. No. 5, 34th Congress, 3rd Session, S. Exec. Doc. 21 | 15 |
Russia | In the Senate of the United States. February 25, 1857. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Weller made the following report. (To accompany Bill S. 627.) The Committee on Foreign Relations, to whom was referred the memorial of Charles S. Todd, late United States Minister to Russia, praying that he may be allowed the amount of certain items which were disallowed by the department in the settlement of his accounts, have had the same under consideration, and now report... | February 25, 1857 | Serial Set Vol. No. 891, Session Vol. No. 1, 34th Congress, 3rd Session, S. Rpt. 420 | 3 |
Austria-Hungary | Report of the Secretary of War, communicating, in compliance (in part) with a resolution of the Senate, the report of Captain George B. McClellan, one of the officers sent by order of the War Department to the seat of war in Europe in 1855 and 1856. February 27, 1857. | March 14, 1857 | Serial Set Vol. No. 916, Session Vol. No. 1, 35th Congress, Special Senate Session 1, S. Exec. Doc. 1 | 360 |
France | Report of the Secretary of War, communicating, in compliance (in part) with a resolution of the Senate, the report of Captain George B. McClellan, one of the officers sent by order of the War Department to the seat of war in Europe in 1855 and 1856. February 27, 1857 | March 14, 1857 | Serial Set Vol. No. 916, Session Vol. No. 1, 35th Congress, Special Senate Session 1, S. Exec. Doc. 1 | 361 |
Russia | Report of the Secretary of War, communicating, in compliance (in part) with a resolution of the Senate, the report of Captain George B. McClellan, one of the officers sent by order of the War Department to the seat of war in Europe in 1855 and 1856. February 27, 1857. | March 14, 1857 | Serial Set Vol. No. 916, Session Vol. No. 1, 35th Congress, Special Senate Session 1, S. Exec. Doc. 1 | 360 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress at the commencement of the first session of the Thirty-fifth Congress. | December 8, 1857 | Serial Set Vol. No. 942, Session Vol. No. 2, 35th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 2, pt. 1 | 775 |
France | Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress at the commencement of the first session of the Thirty-fifth Congress. December 8, 1857 | December 16, 1857 | Serial Set Vol. No. 944, Session Vol. No. 2, 35th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 2, pt. 3 | 548 |
Germany | Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress at the commencement of the first session of the Thirty-fifth Congress. December 8, 1857. -- Read, and committed to the Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union, and ordered to be printed. | December 16, 1857 | Serial Set Vol. No. 944, Session Vol. No. 2, 35th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 2., pt. 3 | 548 |
France | Resolution of the Legislature of the State of Maine, in relation to claims of citizens of the United States to indemnity for spoliations by French cruisers prior to 1800 | December 18, 1857 | Serial Set Vol. No. 934, Session Vol. No. 1, 35th Congress, 1st Session, S. Misc. Doc. 15 | 2 |
Greece | In the Senate of the United States. Mr. Mason made the following report. (To accompany Bill S. 1.) The Committee on Foreign Relations, to whom was referred the memorial of George P. Marsh, late minister resident of the United States to the Ottoman Porte, praying compensation for extra duties performed by him on a special mission to Greece, and for judicial services, under the act of August 11, 1848, have had the same under consideration, and now report... | December 22, 1857 | Serial Set Vol. No. 938, Session Vol. No. 1, 35th Congress, 1st Session, S. Rpt. 2 | 3 |
France | Message of the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with the resolution of the Senate of the 17th instant, correspondence between the Department of State and the ministers from Great Britain and France, in relation to losses sustained by citizens of those countries at the bombardment of Greytown. | December 23, 1857 | Serial Set Vol. No. 918, Session Vol. No. 1, 35th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 9 | 10 |
France | Message of the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress at the commencement of the first session of the Thirty-fifth Congress. | January 4, 1858 | Serial Set Vol. No. 919, Session Vol. No. 2, 35th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 11, pt. 1 | 775 |
France | Message of the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress at the commencement of the first session of the Thirty-fifth Congress | January 4, 1858 | Serial Set Vol. No. 921, Session Vol. No. 4, 35th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 11, pt. 3 | 548 |
Germany | Message of the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress at the commencement of the first session of the Thirty-fifth Congress. | January 4, 1858 | Serial Set Vol. No. 921, Session Vol. No. 2, 35th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 11, pt. 3 | 548 |
Russia | Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress at the commencement of the first session of the Thirty-fifth Congress. December 8, 1857 | January 4, 1858 | Serial Set. Vol. No. 942, Session Vol. No. 2, 35th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 2, pt. 1 | 775 |
Russia | Message of the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress at the commencement of the first session of the Thirty-fifth Congress. January 4, 1858. -- Resolved, that the usual number of copies, and fifteen thousand additional copies, of the annual message of the President of the United States and accompanying documents be printed for the use of the Senate. Vol. I. | January 4, 1858 | Serial Set Vol. No. 919, Session Vol. No. 2, 35th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 11, pt. 1 | 775 |
Denmark | Sound dues. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a copy of the convention between the United States and the King of DENMARK for the discontinuance of the sound dues. | January 20, 1858 | Serial Set Vol. No. 950, Session Vol. No. 7, 35th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 31 | 3 |
Denmark | Sound dues. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a copy of the convention between the United States and the King of DENMARK for the discontinuance of the sound dues. | January 20, 1858 | Serial Set Vol. No. 950, Session Vol. No. 7, 35th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 31 | 3 |
Denmark | Sound dues. Letter from the Secretary of State enclosing letters calling attention to the necessity of an appropriation to meet the interest on the sum stipulated to be paid to DENMARK for the discontinuance of the sound dues. | January 22, 1858 | Serial Set Vol. No. 955, Session Vol. No. 9, 35th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 36 | 2 |
Denmark | Sound dues. Letter from the Secretary of State enclosing letters calling attention to the necessity of an appropriation to meet the interest on the sum stipulated to be paid to DENMARK for the discontinuance of the sound dues. | January 22, 1858 | Serial Set Vol. No. 955, Session Vol. No. 9, 35th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 36 | 2 |
Germany | Contracts for carrying the mail to foreign countries, and statements of the amounts of postage derived therefrom. Letter from the Postmaster General, transmitting copies of the contracts made for carrying the mails to foreign countries, and a statement of the amount of postage derived from the mails transported as aforesaid. | January 25, 1858 | Serial Set Vol. No. 955, Session Vol. No. 9, 35th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 47 | 16 |
France | In the Senate of the United States. Mr. Crittenden made the following report. (To accompany Bill S. 45.) The select committee to whom was referred the bill "To Provide for the Ascertainment and Satisfaction of Claims of American Citizens for Spoliations Committed by the French Prior to the Thirty-fifth day of July One Thousand Eight Hundred and One," have had the same under consideration, and respectfully report... | February 4, 1858 | Serial Set Vol. No. 938, Session Vol. No. 1, 35th Congress, 1st Session, S. Rpt. 53 | 64 |
France | In the Senate of the United States. February 4, 1858. Mr. Crittenden made the following report. (To accompany Bill S. 45.) The select committee to whom was referred the bill "To Provide for the Ascertainment and Satisfaction of Claims of American Citizens for Spoliations Committed by the French Prior to the Thirty-fifth day of July One Thousand Eight Hundred and One," have had the same under consideration, and respectfully report... | February 4, 1858 | Serial Set Vol. No. 938, Session Vol. No. 1, 35th Congress, 1st Session, S. Rpt. 53 | 64 |
France | In the Senate of the United States. Mr. Crittenden made the following report. (To accompany Bill S. 45.) The select committee to whom was referred the bill "To Provide for the Ascertainment and Satisfaction of Claims of American Citizens for Spoliations Committed by the French Prior to the Thirty-fifth day of July One Thousand Eight Hundred and One," have had the same under consideration, and respectfully report... | February 4, 1858 | Serial Set Vol. No. 938, Session Vol. No. 1, 35th Congress, 1st Session, S. Rpt. 53 | 64 |
Denmark | Estimate to pay stipulation for discontinuance of sound dues. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 271.) Letter from the Secretary of State, furnishing an estimate of money necessary to meet the amount stipulated to be paid to DENMARK for discontinuance of the sound dues. | February 9, 1858 | Serial Set Vol. No. 961, Session Vol. No. 1, 35th Congress, 1st Session, H. Misc. Doc. 50 | 2 |
Denmark | Estimate to pay stipulation for discontinuance of sound dues. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 271.) Letter from the Secretary of State, furnishing an estimate of money necessary to meet the amount stipulated to be paid to DENMARK for discontinuance of the sound dues. | February 9, 1858 | Serial Set Vol. No. 961, Session Vol. No. 1, 35th Congress, 1st Session, H. Misc. Doc. 50 | 2 |
Denmark | Message of the President of the United States, transmitting a copy of a convention between the United States and his Majesty the King of Denmark for the discontinuance of the sound dues. January 19, 1858. -- Referred to the Committee on Finance | February 16, 1858 | Serial Set Vol. No. 924, Session Vol. No. 7, 35th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 28 | 3 |
Denmark | Message of the President of the United States, transmitting a copy of a convention between the United States and his Majesty the King of DENMARK for the discontinuance of the sound dues. | February 16, 1858 | Serial Set Vol. No. 924, Session Vol. No. 7, 35th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 28 | 3 |
Sweden | Charles D. Arfwedson. | March 4, 1858 | Serial Set Vol. No. 972, Session Vol. No. 3, 35th Congress, 1st Session, C. C. Rpt. 154 | 9 |
Sweden | In the Senate of the United States. The Court of Claims submitted the following report... Charles D. Arfwedson vs. the United States... | March 8, 1858 | Serial Set Vol. No. 936, Session Vol. No. 3, 35th Congress, 1st Session, S. Misc. Doc. 191 | 4 |
Greece | George P. Marsh. (To accompany Bill S. 1.) | March 12, 1858 | Serial Set Vol. No. 964, Session Vol. No. 1, 35th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 168 | 5 |
Austria-Hungary | Report of the Secretary of the Interior, communicating the report of John Claiborne, Esq., special agent appointed to collect statistics on the consumption of cotton in Europe. March 22, 1858. -- Read and ordered to lie on the table. | March 30, 1858 | Serial Set Vol. No. 924, Session Vol. No. 7, 35th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 35 | 99 |
Belgium | Report of the Secretary of the Interior, communicating the report of John Claiborne, Esq., special agent appointed to collect statistics on the consumption of cotton in Europe. March 22, 1858. -- Read and ordered to lie on the table. | March 30, 1858 | Serial Set Vol. No. 924, Session Vol. No. 7, 35th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 35 | 99 |
German Customs Union | Report of the Secretary of the Interior, communicating the report of John Claiborne, Esq., special agent appointed to collect statistics on the consumption of cotton in Europe. March 22, 1858. -- Read and ordered to lie on the table. March 23, 1858 | March 30, 1858 | Serial Set Vol. No. 924, Session Vol. No. 7, 35th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 35 | 99 |
France | Report of the Secretary of the Interior, communicating the report of John Claiborne, Esq., special agent appointed to collect statistics on the consumption of cotton in Europe. March 22, 1858. -- Read and ordered to lie on the table. March 23, 1858. | March 30, 1858 | Serial Set Vol. No. 924, Session Vol. No. 7, 35th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 35 | 99 |
Germany | Report of the Secretary of the Interior, communicating the report of John Claiborne, Esq., special agent appointed to collect statistics on the consumption of cotton in Europe. March 22, 1858. -- Read and ordered to lie on the table. March 23, 1858 | March 30, 1858 | Serial Set Vol. No. 924, Session Vol. No. 7, 35th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 35 | 99 |
Switzerland | Report of the Secretary of the Interior, communicating the report of John Claiborne, Esq., special agent appointed to collect statistics on the consumption of cotton in Europe. March 22, 1858. -- Read and ordered to lie on the table. March 23, 1858 | March 30, 1858 | Serial Set Vol. No. 924, Session Vol. No. 7, 35th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 35 | 99 |
Switzerland | Report of the Secretary of the Interior, communicating the report of John Claiborne, Esq., special agent appointed to collect statistics on the consumption of cotton in Europe. March 22, 1858. -- Read and ordered to lie on the table. March 23, 1858. | March 30, 1858 | Serial Set Vol. No. 924, Session Vol. No. 7, 35th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 35 | 99 |
Russia | Explorations of Amoor River. Letter from the Secretary of State, in answer to a resolution of the House, calling for information relative to the explorations of Amoor River. | April 7, 1858 | Serial Set Vol. No. 958, Session Vol. No. 12, 35th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 98 | 67 |
France | Message of the President of the United States, communicating, in answer to a resolution of the Senate, a copy of instructions which have been given to William B. Reed, the Commissioner of the United States to China. | April 21, 1858 | Serial Set Vol. No. 929, Session Vol. No. 12, 35th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 47 | 9 |
Germany | Mail service to foreign countries. Letter from the Postmaster General, asking further legislation for the transportation of the ocean mails to Bremen and Havre, &c. | April 22, 1858 | Serial Set Vol. No. 958, Session Vol. No. 12, 35th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 105 | 2 |
France | Message of the President of the United States, communicating, in answer to a resolution of the Senate, reports of the Secretary of State and the Secretary of the Navy, with accompanying papers, in relation to the African slave trade. | April 23, 1858 | Serial Set Vol. No. 929, Session Vol. No. 12, 35th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 49 | 85 |
Germany | In the Senate of the United States. Mr. Mason submitted the following report. The Committee on Foreign Relations, to whom was referred the memorial of Samuel Bromburg, late United States Consul at Hamburg, praying compensation for diplomatic and extra services, have had the same under consideration and now report... | May 21, 1858 | Serial Set Vol. No. 939, Session Vol. No. 2, 35th Congress, 1st Session, S. Rpt. 269 | 2 |
France | Alleged seizure of the American barque "Adriatic." (To accompany Joint Resolution H.R. No. 13.) | June 1, 1858 | Serial Set Vol. No. 968, Session Vol. No. 5, 35th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 539 | 4 |
France | Message of the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress at the commencement of the second session of the Thirty-fifth Congress. | December 6, 1858 | Serial Set Vol. No. 975, Session Vol. No. 2, 35th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Exec. Doc. 1 pt. 2 | 670 |
France | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress at the commencement of the second session of the Thirty-fifth Congress. December 6, 1858. | December 11, 1858 | Serial Set Vol. No. 998, Session Vol. No. 2, 35th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Exec. Doc. 2 pt. 2. 1 | 670 |
Great Britain | Consular and diplomatic expenses of the government, &c. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 666.) Sundry communications from the Secretary of State, with accompanying estimates for the consular and diplomatic expenses of the government, &c. | December 21, 1858 | Serial Set Vol. No. 1016, Session Vol. No. 1, 35th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Misc. Doc. 6 | 7 |
The Netherlands | Charles Rey, United States Consul at St. Martin. Letter from the Secretary of State, asking an appropriation for the relief of the United States Consul at St. Martin. | January 13, 1859 | Serial Set Vol. No. 1004, Session Vol. No. 5, 35th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Exec. Doc. 45 | 2 |
Germany | United States Consul at Bremen. Letter from the Secretary of State, enclosing a communication addressed to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, in regard to increasing the compensation of the United States Consul at Bremen. | January 13, 1859 | Serial Set Vol. No. 1004, Session Vol. No. 5, 35th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Exec. Doc. 44 | 12 |
Switzerland | G.H. Goundie, United States Consul at Zurich. Letter from the Secretary of State, communicating information relative to application of the United States Consul at Zurich, for increased compensation, &c. | January 15, 1859 | Serial Set Vol. No. 1004, Session Vol. No. 5, 35th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Exec. Doc. 49 | 6 |
Russia | P. McD. Collins. Letter from the Secretary of State, in relation to the memorial of P. McD. Collins, asking compensation and reimbursement for expenses incurred while exploring the Amoor River. | January 18, 1859 | Serial Set Vol. No. 1006, Session Vol. No. 7, 35th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Exec. Doc. 53 | 16 |
France | Island of Cuba. Message from the President of the United States, in answer to a resolution of the House calling for correspondence in regard to the acquisition of Cuba | January 19, 1859 | Serial Set Vol. No. 1006, Session Vol. No. 7, 35th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Exec. Doc. 57 | 2 |
France | Export and import trade of the United States with Great Britain and France. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, in answer to resolution of the House calling for information in reference to the export and import trade of the United States with Great Britain and France, for a series of years last past. | January 21, 1859 | Serial Set Vol. No. 1006, Session Vol. No. 7, 35th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Exec. Doc. 60 | 12 |
France | In the Senate of the United States. Mr. Slidell made the following report: (To accompany Bill S. 497.) The Committee on Foreign Relations, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 497) "Making Appropriations to Facilitate the Acquisition of the Island of Cuba..." | January 24, 1859 | Serial Set Vol. No. 994, Session Vol. No. 1, 35th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Rpt. 351 | 25 |
Belgium | Compensation to consular officers and appointment of consular clerks. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting correspondence relative to the inadequacy of the compensation of consular officers, and asking for authority to appoint a limited number of consular clerks. | January 27, 1859 | Serial Set Vol. No. 1006, Session Vol. No. 7, 35th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Exec. Doc. 68 | 98 |
Germany | Compensation to consular officers and appointment of consular clerks. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting correspondence relative to the inadequacy of the compensation of consular officers, and asking for authority to appoint a limited number of consular clerks. | January 27, 1859 | Serial Set Vol. No. 1006, Session Vol. No. 7, 35th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Exec. Doc. 68 | 98 |
Great Britain | Commercial agents in Canada. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting, in compliance with the resolution of the House of Representatives of January 24, 1859, a list of the commercial agents appointed in the British provinces by the Consul General, and the amount of fees received during the year 1858. | January 29, 1859 | Serial Set Vol. No. 1006, Session Vol. No. 7, 35th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Exec. Doc. 74 | 6 |
Great Britain | James Keenan, United States Consul at Hong Kong. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting a letter addressed to Geo. W. Hopkins, Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, relative to the claim of James Keenan, United States Consul at Hong Kong, for expenses incurred in defending himself against suits brought in the colonial courts, and for expenses for the relief of American citizens. | January 29, 1859 | Serial Set Vol. No. 1006, Session Vol. No. 7, 35th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Exec. Doc. 75 | 13 |
Great Britain | Message of the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, the report of the special agent of the United States, recently sent to Vancouver's Island and British Columbia. January 31, 1859 | February 17, 1859 | Serial Set Vol. No. 984, Session Vol. No. 10, 35th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Exec. Doc. 29 | 30 |
Great Britain | Vancouver's Island and British Columbia. Message from the President of the United States, communicating the report of the special agent of the United States recently sent to Vancouver's Island and British Columbia. | March 3, 1859 | Serial Set Vol. No. 1014, Session Vol. No. 12, 35th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Exec. Doc. 111 | 30 |
Switzerland | A. Dudley Mann. (To accompany J.R. No. 58.) | March 3, 1859 | Serial Set Vol. No. 1018, Session Vol. No. 1, 35th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 254 | 3 |
Hungary | A. Dudley Mann. (To accompany J.R. No. 58.) | March 3, 1859 | Serial Set Vol. No. 1018, Session Vol. No. 1, 35th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 254 | 3 |
Switzerland | A. Dudley Mann. (To accompany J.R. No. 58.) | March 3, 1859 | Serial Set Vol. No. 1018, Session Vol. No. 1, 35th Congress, 2nd Session, H. Rpt. 254 | 3 |
The Netherlands | Report of the Secretary of the Navy, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, the correspondence between Commander Foote and his Excellency E.A. Blundell, relative to the ship Henrietta Maria. March 7, 1859. | March 9, 1859 | Serial Set Vol. No. 979, Session Vol. No. 6, 36th Congress, Special Senate Session 1, S. Exec. Doc. 1 | 12 |
Denmark | Message of the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with resolutions of the Senate, information relative to the compulsory enlistment of American citizens in the Army of Prussia, &c. | 1860 | Serial Set Vol. No. 1033, Session Vol. No. 11, 36th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 38 | 247 |
France | Message of the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with resolutions of the Senate, information relative to the compulsory enlistment of American citizens in the Army of Prussia, &c. | 1860 | Serial Set Vol. No. 1033, Session Vol. No. 11, 36th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 38 | 247 |
Germany | Message of the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with resolutions of the Senate, information relative to the compulsory enlistment of American citizens in the Army of Prussia, &c. | 1860 | Serial Set Vol. No. 1033, Session Vol. No. 11, 36th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 38 | 247 |
Russia | Report on the art of war in Europe in 1854, 1855, and 1856. By Major Richard Delafield, Corps of Engineers, from his notes and observations made as a member of a "Military Commission to the Theater of War in Europe," under the orders of the Hon. Jefferson Davis, Secretary of War. | 1860 | Serial Set Vol. No. 1036, Session Vol. No. 14, 36th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 59 | 303 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress at the commencement of the first session of the Thirty-sixth Congress. December 27, 1859. -- Read. Motion to print submitted by Mr. Bright. January 5, 1860 | January 19, 1860 | Serial Set Vol. No. 1024-2, Session Vol. No. 2, 36th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 2, pt. 2 | 828 |
Papal States | Message of the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, papers in relation to an alleged outrage on an American family at Perugia, in the Pontifical States | January 24, 1860 | Serial Set Vol. No. 1027, Session Vol. No. 5, 36th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 4 | 12 |
Great Britain | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress at the commencement of the first session of the Thirty-sixth Congress. January 31, 1860. -- Resolved, that there be printed, for the use of the Senate, fifteen thousand copies of the annual message of the President of the United States, with the reports proper of the heads of departments and chiefs of bureaus communicated therewith, omitting the statistical matter accompanying said reports. Volume I. | January 31, 1860 | Serial Set Vol. No. 1023, Session Vol. No. 1, 36th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 2 pt. 1 | 918 |
Great Britain | Message of the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the 9th instant, the correspondence of Lieutenant General Scott, in reference to the island of San Juan, and of Brigadier General Harney, in command of the department of Oregon. January 30, 1860 | February 7, 1860 | Serial Set Vol. No. 1027, Session Vol. No. 5, 36th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 10 | 75 |
France | Commerce and free trade. Message of the President of the United States, in answer to a resolution of the House calling for a copy of a letter of the Emperor of France on the subject of commerce and free trade. | February 28, 1860 | Serial Set Vol. No. 1048, Session Vol. No. 6, 36th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 30 | 4 |
Great Britain | Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, a statement of the trade and commerce of the United States with the British North American Provinces, annually, since 1850. March 16, 1860. | March 21, 1860 | Serial Set Vol. No. 1031, Session Vol. No. 9, 36th Congress, 1st Session, S. Exec. Doc. 23 | 5 |
France | French spoliations. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 510.) | March 23, 1860 | Serial Set Vol. No. 1068, Session Vol. No. 2, 36th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 259 | 64 |
France | French spoliations (To accompany Bill H. R. No. 510) | March 23, 1860 | Serial Set Vol. No. 1068, Session Vol. No. 2, 36th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 259 | 64 |
France | French spoliations. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 510.) | March 23, 1860 | Serial Set Vol. No. 1068, Session Vol. No. 2, 36th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 259 | 64 |
Sweden | Charles D. Arfwerdson. | March 23, 1860 | Serial Set Vol. No. 1067, Session Vol. No. 1, 36th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 174 | 1 |
France | Alleged seizure of the American barque "Adriatic." (To accompany Joint Resolution H.R. No. 27.) | March 29, 1860 | Serial Set Vol. No. 1068, Session Vol. No. 2, 36th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 261 | 4 |
Great Britain | Fugitives from labor. Resolutions of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, relating to treaties for the surrender of fugitives from labor. | April 3, 1860 | Serial Set Vol. No. 1065, Session Vol. No. 6, 36th Congress, 1st Session, H. Misc. Doc. 60 | 1 |
France | French spoliations prior to 1800. (To accompany Bill H.R. No. 319.) | April 4, 1860 | Serial Set Vol. No. 371, Session Vol. No. 2, 26th Congress, 1st Session, H. Rpt. 343 | 67 |
Belgium | In the Senate of the United States. April 11, 1860. Mr. Polk made the following report. (To accompany Bill S. 401.) The Committee on Foreign Relations, to whom was referred the petition of James G. Clarke, praying compensation for his services as Charge d' Affaires of the United States at Belgium, have had the same under consideration, and report... | April 11, 1860 | Serial Set Vol. No. 1039, Session Vol. No. 1, 36th Congress, 1st Session, S. Rpt. 191 | 1 |
France | Duties on tobacco in foreign countries. Message of the President of the United States, transmitting, in answer to a resolution of the House of Representatives, information in regard to the duties on tobacco in foreign countries. | April 11, 1860 | Serial Set Vol. No. 1051, Session Vol. No. 9, 36th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 60 | 6 |
The Netherlands | Duties on tobacco in foreign countries. Message of the President of the United States, transmitting, in answer to a resolution of the House of Representatives, information in regard to the duties on tobacco in foreign countries. | April 11, 1860 | Serial Set Vol. No. 1051, Session Vol. No. 9, 36th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 60 | 6 |
Great Britain | Affairs in Oregon. Letter from the Secretary of War, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the House of Representatives, correspondence with General Harney, relating to affairs in the department of Oregon. | April 12, 1860 | Serial Set Vol. No. 1051, Session Vol. No. 9, 36th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 65 | 269 |
Great Britain | Island of San Juan. Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting a report relative to the occupation of the island of San Juan | April 26, 1860 | Serial Set Vol. No. 1056, Session Vol. No. 12, 36th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 77 | 16 |
Switzerland | Discriminations in Switzerland against citizens of the United States of the Hebrew persuasion. Message of the President of the United States, transmitting, in compliance with resolutions of the House, information relative to discriminations in Switzerland against citizens of the United States of the Hebrew persuasion. | April 26, 1860 | Serial Set Vol. No. 1056, Session Vol. No. 12, 36th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 76 | 101 |
Switzerland | Discriminations in Switzerland against citizens of the United States of the Hebrew persuasion. Message of the President of the United States, transmitting, in compliance with resolutions of the House, information relative to discriminations in Switzerland against citizens of the United States of the Hebrew persuasion. | April 26, 1860 | Serial Set Vol. No. 1056, Session Vol. No. 12, 36th Congress, 1st Session, H. Exec. Doc. 76 | 101 |
Great Britain | Fugitive slaves in Canada. Resolutions of the Legislature of the State of Tennessee, in reference to the negotiation of a treaty with Great Britain for the rendition of fugitive slaves | May 25, 1860 | Serial Set Vol. No. 1065, Session Vol. No. 6, 36th Congress, 1st Session, H. Misc. Doc. 88 | 2 |
Great Britain | Reciprocity Treaty. Memorial of I.D. Andrews, relative to the Reciprocity Treaty between the United States and Great Britain and the trade with the British North American Provinces. | June 12, 1860 | Serial Set Vol. No. 1066, Session Vol. No. 7, 36th Congress, 1st Session, H. Misc. Doc. 92 | 3 |
Great Britain | In the Senate of the United States. June 16, 1860. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Mason submitted the following report. The Committee on Foreign Affairs, to whom has been referred "the memorial of William T. Kendall, of Baltimore, asking indemnity for property seized and confiscated by the alleged authority of the British Government, and for the value of guano claimed under the act of August 18, 1856," have had same under consideration, and report... | June 16, 1860 | Serial Set Vol. No. 104, Session Vol. No. 2, 36th Congress, 1st Session, S. Rpt. 280 | 24 |
France | Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress at the commencement of the second session of the Thirty-sixth Congress. | December 4, 1860 | Serial Set Vol. No. 1078, Session Vol. No. 1, 36th Congress, 2nd Session, S. Exec. Doc. 1 pt. 1 | 570 |