281. Letter From Secretary of State Shultz to Rabbi Israel Miller1

Dear Rabbi Miller:

As you know, I share your view that settlement of the claims of Jewish victims of the Nazi Holocaust is a moral responsibility of the German Democratic Republic. We have consistently advised the GDR that we support your efforts to negotiate a resolution of these claims.

I would like to continue working with you to resolve these claims in tandem with the claims of US nationals against the GDR. After a careful review, we are prepared to take the next steps to develop a formal proposal for the simultaneous resolution of both sets of claims, US concerns on emigration from the GDR, and our interest in mutual trade liberalization. Ambassador Ridgway will be so advising the East Germans.

Now that this discussion has been moved to the official level, I anticipate a certain pause as we consider further how to assure ourselves that it addresses the concerns expressed by the Jackson-Vanik Amendment on trade. As I mentioned in our meeting in September, we will want to work closely with you to insure that the proposal has the support of Congress and the public.

For statutory reasons, the trade aspects of this proposal will be dealt with by the US Special Trade Representative. I have asked the Bureaus of European Affairs and Economic and Business Affairs to work with STR and the Department of Commerce on how to proceed.

With best regards,


George P. Shultz2
  1. Source: Department of State, Executive Secretariat, Sensitive and Super Sensitive Documents, 1984–1989, Lot 92 D 52, ES Sensitive March 7–15, 1985. No classification marking. An unknown hand wrote in the top right-hand corner, “3/16 Sent by S/S.” Niles sent a copy of the proposed letter to Shultz under an undated action memorandum recommending that Shultz sign the letter and approve for transmission an instruction cable to Ridgway. Shultz approved the recommendation and wrote “pls keep NSC informed.” (Ibid.) For the cable as sent, see Document 282. Rabbi Miller was President of the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany.
  2. Shultz signed “George” above his typed signature.