98. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Japan0
799. CINCPAC for Admiral Felt and POLAD. Following substance September 30 discussion between Secretary Herter and Finance Minister Sato re security treaty negotiations.
[Page 222]Sato said Kishi Government going all-out conclude Security Treaty negotiations. Said Finance Ministry had particular interest Administrative Agreement since certain provisions such as customs treatment are of immediate concern to that Ministry. Pointed out provisions Administrative Agreement affect directly Japanese people and necessary for Government obtain latter’s support. Stated certain aspects new Administrative Agreement called for less favorable treatment for Japan than that accorded Germany in new supplementary SOF agreement with Germany.1GOJ wants work out agreement which corresponds with German supplementary agreement. Emphasized critical importance Diet ratification and need therefore for new US-Japanese Administrative Agreement to be brought up to level German agreement. Secretary Herter said he had been most surprised when earlier informed of this disparity and stressed that we would do everything possible to adjust this situation. Expressed hope we would reach agreement on remaining treaty issues soon. Said he wanted tell Sato that in speaking to President on treaty negotiations President had expressed hope negotiations were nearing happy end. Secretary said he had told President he thought we were and that Prime Minister Kishi considering coming to Washington for treaty signing in December. Secretary said President delighted with prospect Kishi coming to Washington and recalled with pleasure Kishi’s visit 1957. Sato expressed gratification these remarks and said before leaving Tokyo Prime Minister had told him he hoped come US for treaty signing. While not within province Finance Minister, Sato said he wishes stress importance US and GOJ agreeing on explanations and interpretations to be placed Security Treaty documents particularly since latter would be presented respective legislatures at about same time. Secretary Herter said he agreed fully and pointed out nothing worse than having words with differing interpretations attached to them.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 033.9411/10–359. Confidential; Limit Distribution. Drafted by Bane, cleared with S/S, and approved by Herter. Repeated to COMUS/Japan and CINCPAC.↩
- A reference to the supplementary agreement to the NATO status of forces agreement with respect to forces stationed in the Federal Republic of Germany, signed at Bonn August 3, 1959, and entered into force July 1, 1963. For text, see 14 UST 531.↩