308. Telegram From the Embassy in Korea to the Department of State0
986. CINCPAC for POLAD. Following is hasty brief reconstruction of chronology of certain events during critical 90-minute period preceding call by Ambassador and General Magruder on President Rhee at 1040 today:
At 0910 Ambassador telephoned Defense Minister Kim at State Council to stress extreme seriousness of situation (at least 50,000 demonstrators marching toward center of city), urged that Kim go immediately to President suggesting that President immediately receive delegation of students and that President issue statement relating to question of holding new elections; that President would certainly wish to consider his future political role. Ambassador stressed his willingness to call on President soonest. Minister Kim said “I need your help” to convince President, but would call me back as soon as he could get President’s permission for me to come.
At 0920 Ambassador told General Magruder that he was expecting to have meeting at President’s palace and that he would like to have General Magruder present if General Magruder felt he could leave his headquarters at such a time. General Magruder said he would gladly accompany.
At 0940, since no word yet received from palace and since demonstration growing in size and determination with shooting beginning to break out, DCM called Pak Chan-il (President’s private secretary) to say that General Magruder would be accompanying Ambassador at a meeting we hoped would take place momentarily.
At 0945 Embassy released first press statement (Embtel 973),1 ensuring distribution to Korean broadcasting system, AFKN and by leaflets among demonstrators.
[Page 640]At 1015 Minister Kim called Ambassador to say that President had made decision and planned to issue a statement, essence of which was that if people wished him to resign he would and that he had ordered new elections. President was reported to be still considering issuance of that statement. Kim said that President wished to see him and Ambassador soonest.
At 1020 Korean radio broadcast that President would shortly make an important announcement.
At 1027 Ambassador and General Magruder departed for President’s palace.
At 1030 Presidential statement released (Emb cirtel 1).2
At 1035 Ambassador and General Magruder arrived at palace and were received by President, Minister Kim and FonMin Huh Chung at 1040.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 795B.00/4–2660. Secret; Niact. Repeated to Tokyo and CINCPAC.↩
The text of the statement issued by Ambassador McConaughy, on his own authority, reads:
“The United States Embassy is watching with deepening concern the anguish of this nation. We fully support the efforts being made to maintain law and order in Seoul and other cities. There is an obligation on the part of the Korean population to support the authorities in maintaining order. There is an equally deep obligation on the part of the authorities to understand the sentiment of the people and to take immediate adequate action to meet justifiable grievances. All measures by demonstrators and authorities alike must be adequate to maintain law and order as well as to provide justice and to produce real forthright solutions. This is no time for temporizing.” (ibid.)
↩ The text of the statement issued by President Rhee and read over national radio reads:
- “1) If it is the wishes of the whole people, I am glad to resign from the presidential office.
- 2) Since I was told that the March 15th election was conducted illegally, I already instructed the responsible authorities to conduct another presidential election.
- 3) In order to eliminate all the illegalities involved in the election, I already instructed to house speaker Yi Ki-pung to resign from all of his political posts.
- 4) As I already agreed, I shall have the constitution amended to form Cabinet responsible system, if it is the will of the people.” (ibid.)