293. Editorial Note

On March 17 during the 437th meeting of the National Security Council, Director of Central Intelligence Allen Dulles reported as follows on the South Korean elections during his briefing on significant world events:

“Mr. Dulles then reported on the South Korean elections. Syngman Rhee’s landslide victory was assisted, Mr. Dulles said, by the death of the opposition candidate before the elections. The real electoral battle was staged for the vice presidency, which Rhee’s candidate won thanks to Rhee’s strong-armed tactics and method of counting the ballots. The new vice president was so ill that he found it difficult to speak or to stand up. The elections were marked by violence, intimidation and fraudulent counting. The Chief-of-Staff of the South Korean Army had asked the UN Command to release troops which would be used to restore order. The principal aftermath of the election would be a strong reaction against Rhee’s tactics, including the democratic party’s challenge of the legality of the election results.” (Memorandum or discussion by Boggs, March 17; Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, NSC Records)