290. Telegram From the Embassy in Korea to the Department of State0

732. According unconfirmed reports serious rioting has broken out Masan City, South Kyongsang Province. Rioting apparently originated with mass demonstration opposition supporters afternoon March 15;1 [Page 606] after being temporarily brought under control, rioting broke out again this evening and grew in violence, reportedly involving over 5,000 persons. Latest reports indicate several police boxes burned, LP headquarters destroyed, power and telephone lines cut. According latest unconfirmed reports, 10 killed 40 wounded. Embassy also informed OPI has imposed news blackout overseas reporting incident.

Night March 15 ROKA Chief Staff Operations requested CINCUNC permission employ ROK military forces restore order, describing situation Masan as critical. CINCUNC reply to C/SROKA, delivered 2340 March 15 states there no tactical requirement for ROKA troops Pusan area for accomplishment CINCUNC mission, and that ROKA troops released to C/SROKA for any local mission directed by ROKG.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 795B.00/3–1660. Secret; Niact. Also sent to Manila.
  2. According to a more complete report on the rioting in Masan, which the Embassy telegraphed to Washington later in the day, the demonstration was triggered by announcement of the decision taken by Democratic Party leaders in Seoul on March 15 to withdraw officially from the election in protest against election abuses by the Liberal Party. Rioting developed when police attempted to disperse a large crowd, composed largely of students, which had gathered in front of the local Democratic Party headquarters. (Telegram 737 from Seoul, March 16; ibid.) See Supplement. The Embassy also reported on March 16 on other clashes between police and Democratic Party demonstrators in Kwangjo, Pusan, and in Seoul in front of the central headquarters of the Democratic Party. (Telegram 733 from Seoul; Department of State, Central Files, 795B.00/3–1660) See Supplement.