223. Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs (Robertson) to Secretary of State Dulles0


  • Reply by the Sixteen to the Chinese Communist Note of May 6, 1958 (Tab B)1

The Chinese Communists have now replied to the note of the Sixteen transmitted to them on April 9, 1958 (Tab C)1 through the British Chargé at Peiping. The Chinese Communist reply ignores the clarifications requested on the question of free elections in Korea. Instead, the withdrawal of United States and other United Nations forces is again called for, following which the Communists would propose that a conference of the Governments concerned be held to carry out negotiation on the peaceful settlement of the Korean question.

We believe that, despite the negative nature of the Chinese Communist note on the question of free elections, the Sixteen should reply. The reply, which should be made quickly, should reiterate that elections under United Nations supervision and providing for representation in the National Assembly proportionate to the indigenous population lie at the heart of the matter. The reply should also make clear that United Nations forces will not be withdrawn until unification is achieved. Such a reply should improve our posture in the General Assembly.

Subject to your approval, I shall call another meeting of the Sixteen, including the Republic of Korea, (the Union of South Africa has not been attending the meetings, however) to discuss the question and nature of a reply based on the attached draft. (Tab A)2 The draft has been coordinated with the British Embassy and, on the basis of instructions from the British Foreign Office on the nature of a reply to the Chinese Communist note, the British Embassy believes that it will meet with London’s approval. This probably means that we should not encounter serious difficulties with the other members of the Commonwealth in securing approval of the draft and, if so, that general approval of the Sixteen should be readily forthcoming.3

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That you approve the attached suggested reply as a basis for discussion with the Sixteen (Tab A).

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 795.00/5–2258. Confidential. Drafted by Barbis on May 19 and cleared by CA, FE, IO, P, L, and EUR.
  2. Not found attached; see Document 221.
  3. Not found attached; see Document 221.
  4. Attached but not printed. The text of the draft reply did not differ substantially from the reply sent to the People’s Republic of China on July 2 (see Document 229).
  5. Extensive discussions concerning a reply to the Chinese note of May 6 took place in Washington between receipt of the note and mid-June. Memoranda of these discussions are in Department of State, Central File 795.00; see Supplement.
  6. Approved by Dulles.