123. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Japan0

1487. Embtel 1607,1Secto 31,2Embtel 1956.3 Following draft instructions referred to in Secto 31. Inform GOJ proposed minute (B) on Article III islands acceptable with following changes:

Rephrase opening clause of first sentence Japanese statement “While the question of the status of the islands administered by the United States under Article III of the Treaty of Peace with Japan has not been made a subject of discussion . . . .”4Comment: Believe this language less awkward than Japanese formulation.
In Japanese statement delete “and the islanders are Japanese.” Comment: This expression not entirely accurate since some residents [Page 250] these islands not of Japanese ancestry or even Japanese nationals. Furthermore this clause superfluous in light preceding clause expressing Japanese concern re safety “people of these islands.”
Reword second clause US statement as follows: “intends to take the necessary measures for the defense of these islands and to do . . . etc.” Comment: This language more closely parallels Japanese statement and is less likely to be construed as US commitment to Japan to defend islands.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 794.5/12–2059. Secret; Niact; Limit Distribution. Drafted by Sneider on December 10, cleared with L/FE in draft and by the Department of Defense as set forth in Secto 31, and approved by Parsons. Repeated to CINCPAC exclusive for POLAD and Admiral Felt, COMUS/Japan exclusive for General Burns, and Naha exclusive for General Booth and Blankenship.
  2. Document 106.
  3. Secto 31 from Paris, December 19, contained the view of Herter and Gates that they perferred to have no minute on or any reference to Article III islands, but that if MacArthur believed that “such exchange virtually essential to ratification prospect, then it was agreed that he could accept minute and United States reply as amended in Department’s draft cable of instructions of December 10.” (Department of State, Central Files, 749C.0221/12–1959)
  4. Telegram 1956 from Tokyo, December 20, urged the Department to send the instructions mentioned in Secto 31. (Ibid., 794.5/12–2059) See Supplement.
  5. All ellipses are in the source text.