453. Telegram From the Delegation to the Foreign Ministers Meeting to the Department of State0
Secto 350. Following is current version of draft communiqué prepared in Department prior departure of delegation including changes made as result discussions here in Western Deputies Coordinating Group. Draft not approved by Foreign Ministers. While copies distributed-to coordinating group, all of these collected at end of meeting. Although existence this document has apparently become known to press, knowledge its contents still being tightly held. Begin text—
- I.
- The Foreign Ministers agreed on the following proposals:
- (A)
- That a Four-Power Standing Commission be established, which will make arrangements for the cooperation of German advisers, to continue the discussion of the German problem.
- (B)
- That the Commission discuss concrete measures for the reunification of Germany, with free elections at an appropriate stage in the process, and principles for a peace treaty with Germany. The advisers will be requested to prepare proposals for the extension and development of technical contacts between the two parts of Germany and the free movement of persons, ideas and publications between the two parts of Germany.
- (C)
- Unless agreement has been reached on plans for reunification and for the conclusion of a peace treaty with Germany at an earlier date, the Foreign Ministers will reconvene at the end of (blank) years to continue their discussion of these subjects.
- II.
- With respect to Berlin, the Foreign Ministers recognized that,
pending reunification, the existing situation and the agreements at
present in force can be modified in certain respects and have
consequently agreed upon the following:
- (A)
The Soviet Foreign Minister has made known the decision of the Soviet Government no longer to maintain forces in Berlin.
The Foreign Ministers of France, the United Kingdom and the United States declare that it is the intention of their governments to limit the combined total of their forces in Berlin to the present figure (approximately 11,000) and to continue to arm these forces only with conventional weapons. The three Ministers further declare that their governments will from time to time consider the possibility of reducing such forces if developments in the situation permit.
- (B)
- Free and unrestricted access to West Berlin by land, by water, and by air for all persons, goods and communications, including those of the forces of the Western powers stationed in Berlin, will be maintained in accordance with the procedures in effect in April 1959. Freedom of movement will continue to be maintained between East and West Berlin. All disputes which might arise with respect to access will be raised and settled between the four governments. The latter will establish a Quadripartite Commission which will meet in Berlin to examine in the first instance any difficulties arising in connection with access and will seek to settle such difficulties. The Commission may make arrangements to consult German experts as necessary.
- (C)
- Measures will be taken, consistent with fundamental rights and liberties, to avoid activities in or about Berlin which might either disrupt public order or seriously affect the rights of others. The Secretary General of the United Nations will be requested to provide a representative, supported by adequate staff, to be established in Berlin, with free access to all parts of the city for the purpose of reporting to the Secretary General any propaganda activities in or about Berlin which appear to be in conflict with the foregoing principles. The four governments will consult with the Secretary General in order to determine the appropriate action to be taken in respect to any such report.
- (D)
- The arrangement specified in sub-paragraphs (A) through (C) above will remain in effect until reunification of Germany provided that, in the absence of reunification, or agreed plans for reunification, the Foreign Ministers will meet at the end of (blank) years to review these arrangements. End text.
Following is possible alternative formulation along lines original communiqué draft for last three sentences paragraph II (B) dealing with access: Begin text—
(All disputes which might arise with respect to access will be raised and settled between the four governments except that a resident fourpower commission will be established in Berlin which will in the first instance consider any difficulties arising in connection with access and will seek to settle such difficulties. The commission may make arrangements to consult German experts as necessary.) End text.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 396.1–GE/7–1859. Secret; Limited Distribution.↩