033.9411/10–2353: Telegram

No. 714
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Japan1


1048. Our 1039,2 1034.3 Amplifying our 1039, secret memorandum dropped in view absence definite understandings re budget, defense buildup and terms GARIOA settlement. However US memorandum dated October 21 given Japanese October 22 (our 958)4 remains basic statement US position on matters there treated. Absence Japanese commitments modify US proposals for functional reasons since amount and character military assistance and OSP dependent Japanese defense buildup. $100 million remains target figure for OSP for USFY54 but this not considered promise. Robertson informed Ikeda October 30 US would consider breakdown $50 million under 550 to include more than $10 million proceeds for defense support but that $10 million most on Which commitment could now be made.

Re GARIOA no Japanese commitment made extending beyond terms press release. In private conversation Robertson stressed to Ikeda importance settlement of about $750 million comparable German without haggling details.

  1. Drafted in NA.
  2. See the editorial note, supra.
  3. Dated Oct. 30; it transmitted the text of the joint statement printed in the editorial note, supra. (033.9411/10–3053)
  4. Document 706.