396.1 GE/9–2854: Telegram

No. 306
The Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of State, at London1

top secret

Tedul 4. Eyes only Secretary from Acting Secretary. Your Dultes 1 and 2, September 22. I have orally informed Hoover, Murphy, Robertson, Key and Wainhouse, as I wished to consult Murphy, Key and Wainhouse. All agree that your recommended approach is sound, and all prefer Chapter VI to Chapter VII of the Charter.

Have just outlined your recommendation to the President, who approves and asks that you proceed as indicated in your Dulte 1. He feels very strongly the desirability of having matter initiated by member not closely identified with the situation but having legitimate interest, and concurs in your view New Zealand would be excellent.

Program will be orally outlined Lodge in strictest confidence later today.

I also informed Charlie Wilson in strict confidence, and at same time concurred in his opinion, expressed at request of the President, that ChiNat raids on mainland be suspended for time being.

New subject: During above-mentioned conversation with the President, he asked that I tell you, though he had not wanted to [Page 665] bother you with a separate message, he wished you to know that he had read your UN speech2 in detail and was perfectly delighted with it. He went on to say that if he had written it himself it could not better have expressed his ideas and his views, and he particularly liked the calm, matter-of-fact language, which was both reassuring and convincing.

  1. Drafted by Acting Secretary Smith.
  2. See footnote 1, Document 300.