033.1100 NI/11–1353: Telegram

No. 153
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the Republic of China1


431. For Ambassador from Secretary. Vice President Nixon reported to me that it would be most unfortunate if any impression was gained that U.S. was willing to trade recognition and admission to the UN of Communist China for a Korean political settlement. To combat such impression you may find it useful to recall part of what I said at my press conference of July 28.

“As far as I personally am concerned, I think I have made it clear I would not be prepared on behalf of the United States to try to buy the unity of Korea at the price of a concession which would involve bringing Communist China into the UN and, above all, into the Security Council.”

You can point out that this continues to be our policy and that my recent statement explaining why recognition of Red China is now not to be considered does not alter earlier statement in any way.

  1. Drafted by Roderic L. O’Connor, Special Assistant to Secretary Dulles.