795.00/6–2553: Telegram
No. 115
The Secretary of
State to the Embassy in the
Republic of China
1078. For Rankin from Secretary. Please deliver following msg from President to Chiang Kai-shek.
“June 24, 1953.
Dear Mr. President: I am glad to have your message to me of June 7 relative to the Korean War and the general situation in the Far East.
I share your concern for the importance of maintaining and improving the collective security of those Asian nations which may still face the threat of further aggression. In this connection, the United States recognizes the responsibilities implied in its position [Page 215] of moral leadership to which you refer, and it is our firm resolve to meet these responsibilities to the best of our ability. However, you will understand that there cannot be leadership of those who may be determined to go their separate ways.
Concerning the three points which you mentioned in connection with Korea, the United States position is as follows:
- (1).
- If an honorable armistice in Korea is achieved, we shall have accomplished the military objective set by the United Nations of repelling the aggressive military forces of Communism in that unfortunate country. The United States will continue stoutly to support the political objective set by the United Nations for Korea, namely, the establishment of a unified, independent and democratic Korea.
- (2).
- We will endeavor through the United Nations and otherwise to assist the Republic of Korea in the maintenance of its welfare and security and in the furtherance of the political objective of the United Nations.
- (3).
- With regard to the political conference to follow an armistice in Korea, it is our view that the scope of such a conference cannot be definitely established at the present stage. We are, however, determined that this conference shall not become a forum in which the integrity and security of the Republic of China are brought into question.
With regard to your comments on the general situation in the Far East, the United States will continue its deep interest in the ability of all of the free nations of Asia to maintain their independence. We would welcome any moves on the part of these nations to coordinate their efforts to this end. We believe that the basic inspiration for a mutual security arrangement among these nations must come from the Asian nations themselves, and we would stand ready to lend encouragement to such joint efforts.
I believe that my position on a number of the points which you raised in your message to me was made clear in my letter to President Rhee of June sixth,1 which was made public. I appreciate your making your views known to me, and we shall continue to give them most careful consideration.
Sincerely, (signed) Dwight D. Eisenhower.
His Excellency Chiang Kai-shek, President of the Republic of China, Taipeh, Formosa.”
Original signed letter follows by pouch.2