740.00119 (Potsdam)/7–3145

No. 939
Proposal by the Soviet Delegation1

top secret

Second Definition—War Trophies

Under the “war trophies” is understood:

All military property of Germany, including all military property, which belong, is being used or was intended to be used by the military and para military units of the enemy or by the members of these units.
Property which was used by the enemy for military purposes and which in the course of the war was removed from Germany to serve the military needs of the Allies.

  1. A post–Conference letter from Parten to Brigadier General W. H. Draper, Jr., states: “The second [definition] was presented by Mr. Molotov on July 27. While both these definitions, and particularly the one presented by Mr. Maisky [document No. 904], were a subject of discussion, no formal action was taken on them.” (Pauley Files.)