Nanking Embassy Files: Telegram

No. 1247
The Ambassador in China (Hurley) to the President and the Secretary of State1
top secret

(The following message is top secret and urgent for the eyes alone of the Secretary of State, James F. Byrnes, Potsdam, Germany, for the President from Ambassador Hurley.)

Your message White House Number 3112 delivered to Prime Minister Soong at his residence at 2130 hours,3 Chungking time, July 25th. Generalissimo out of Chungking across Yangtze River in mountains. We intend to complete translation and deliver message to him tonight.

  1. The source copy does not indicate whether this message was sent via Army or Navy channels.
  2. Document No. 1246.
  3. i. e., 9:30 p.m.