Truman Papers
No. 1009
The War Shipping Administrator (Land) to the Assistant
Secretary of State (Clayton)1
Memorandum to Honorable William L. Clayton, Assistant Secretary of State
The Tripartite Conference will agree that U. S. S. R. (Russia) will be given as reparations one-third (⅓) of the captured and/or surrendered German merchant tonnage. (This will exclude (a) Fishing vessels; (b) Harbor and Inland Water Craft; (c) Coastal shipping required for German use.)
If the above assumption is correct, the Protocol should definitely cover the following points:
- (a)
- In this one-third distribution full consideration should be given to any enemy merchant tonnage captured or surrendered now in possession of U. S. S. R.
- (b)
- Ships may be tentatively “earmarked” for delivery to U. S. S. R. at the end of the war with Japan.
- (c)
- The implementation should not take place until after the fall of Japan, preferably six months after VJ–Day which, by limitation, is the period of the United Maritime Authority.
- (d)
- The allocation, manning, and operation of these ships now fall under the cognizance and authority of the Combined Shipping Adjustment Board and the United Maritime Authority.
These ships are now engaged in providing shipping service for military and other tasks necessary for, and arising out of, the completion of the war in Europe and the Far East and for the supplying of all the liberated areas as well as the United Nations generally and the territories under their authority. They are being handled and integrated accordingly. (Note: Any change in the present military and civilian approved instructions covering these vessels will interfere with the successful prosecution of the war with Japan.)