
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Japan (Grew)

My Dear Mr. Ambassador: I am writing to express my personal appreciation of your confidential despatch No. 1102 of December 27, 1934, on the subject “The Importance of American Naval Preparedness in Connection with the Situation in the Far East. Summary of the Situation”. You have, in my opinion, presented concisely and clearly the essentials of the situation which confronts the United States in its relations with Japan and in its consideration of the Far Eastern phase of the problem of naval armaments.

A summary of any situation important in the relations between Japan and the United States, prepared by an observer who is not only trained and qualified but who is also in intimate and day to day contact with actualities at that end, is helpful. In this particular case, your study is—because of the unusual importance of the subject, the cogency and clarity of your presentation, and the timeliness of the despatch—of especial interest and value.

I have brought the despatch to the attention of the President39 and I expect to make discreet use of it in seeing that leaders of the Administration have a sound understanding of the situation in Japan and of the need of American naval preparedness.

I am well aware that yours is a most difficult and important post, and I am greatly gratified at your able and tactful representation of the interests of the United States.

With all best wishes, I am

Sincerely yours,

Cordell Hull
  1. See infra.