500.A15/505: Telegram

The Chargé in Argentina (Cable) to the Secretary of State


40. Department’s No. 16, April 13, 4 p.m. I found it impossible, because of Easter vacation, to obtain the information desired until yesterday. I have now learned that Pereza, the representative of Argentina, in accepting the French proposal on April 11 was acting under instructions from his Government, I was informed by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Doctor Gallardo, that the revised French thesis, which permitted four classifications of naval units, met the Argentine requirements and accordingly their representative at Geneva had been instructed to accept in principle the French proposal. The Minister for Foreign Affairs further stated that, owing to the lack in the Argentine Navy of modern light units and the absorption of tonnage by their two dreadnaughts, which would curtail the units desired by them, they originally had refrained from supporting the French plan. My personal impression is that the contemplated Argentine naval program is responsible for the decision and the instructions issued by the Ministry.

A confidential conference was held in the afternoon of yesterday between the Ministers of Finance, Marine, and Foreign Affairs. It is believed that the financing of the proposed naval program must have been the subject of this conference. See the last paragraph of my telegram No. 38.45

  1. Not printed.