
Mr. Thomas W. Lamont to the Acting Secretary of State

Dear Mr. Polk: Referring to our previous correspondence with you on this matter, I am sorry that we have not as yet had any definite word from Ambassador Fletcher, though I quite anticipated [Page 646] that there might be serious delay. The difficulty is that now almost all the interests involved are under various pressure from one quarter or another, which may make it necessary to announce, in the near future, the appointment of an international committee of bankers formed for the purpose of protecting the interest of their nationals in the Mexican situation. My last letter to you, of November 18th, will sum up for you the situation as it was at that time. Since then it has not changed except on the point of having this pressure become more acute.

Frankly, what we fear is, that, unless we act and make an announcement, we shall find that the situation has been taken in hand by some houses of less weight and influence, and able in less degree to command co-operation with the French and British interests. You will recall, I think, that in the group which we proposed to lead, for the handling of this matter, we included the leading houses on this side of the water, and no doubt the British and French representatives would name similar houses from their side.

Without wishing in any way to embarrass you, or to commit you, am I not right in understanding that if we find the pressure becomes too insistent, it will be all right for us to proceed with the formation and announcement of a committee, as indicated?

Sincerely yours,

Thomas W. Lamont