- Treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation between Cuba and Italy (Document 199)
- Indignity offered to the United States consulate at Cienfuegos (Documents 200–202)
- Withdrawal of United States troops from Cuba (Documents 203–204)
- Messages of the President of Cuba to the Congress of Cuba (Documents 205–206)
- Treaty between the United States and Cuba embodying the provisions
defining the future relations of the United States with Cuba contained in
the act of Congress approved March 2, 1901, making appropriations for the
Army (Document 207)
- Supplementary convention between the United States and Cuba extending the
period within which may be exchanged the ratifications of the treaty of May
22, 1903, between the United States and Cuba, embodying the provisions
defining their future relations (Document 208)
- Sanitary conditions in Cuba (Documents 209–215)
- Murder of E. A. Murray—investigation and procedure under Cuban law (Documents 216–222)