155. Telegram 159191 From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Soviet Union1

159191. Subject: Soviet Response on Our Venting Démarche. Ref: State 133038. For USDel—TTB/PNE Talks.

1. Soviet Embassy today delivered “non-paper” to EUR/SOV desk officer in reply to oral démarche Deputy Assistant Secretary Armitage made June 6 to Vorontsov on venting issue.

2. Unofficial translation of non-paper as follows: Begin text:

The information on the question raised by the American side is already transmitted to the U.S. Government on March 12, 1975. This information contains the answer to the question which was put by the American side and the Soviet side has nothing to add to it.

At the same time the Soviet side underlines, that the Soviet Union attaches great importance to the compliance with the provisions of the Treaty of Moscow of August 5, 1963 and that appropriate Soviet authorities were and are taking measures directed at strict observance of the requirements of the said treaty. End text.

  1. Summary: The Department transmitted the “non-paper” that the Soviet Embassy had delivered in reply to the démarche Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Armitage had made to Soviet Minister Counselor Vorontosov in June and provided an unofficial translation of the paper.

    Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, D750234–1086. Secret; Priority. Drafted by Zook; cleared by McNeill, Borg, Ifft, Shinn, and Palmer; approved by Armitage. Repeated for information to the Mission to the IAEA at Vienna and to London. Telegram 133038 is Document 148.