625. Telegram 2280 From the Embassy in Peru to the Department of State1 2

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Request Dept pass to reftel addressees


  • Chilean Air Force Request for F–5 Aircraft


  • State 70947

1. There is no question in our minds but that the GOP would understand and accept reasoning set forth in para 2, A, B, and C, in reftel, particularly since they already have Mirages, a better aircraft, and are shopping for F–5’s. However, it should be obvious to all that GOP authorities would expect that same reasoning should apply to their probable request for F–5’s. In this connection see IR–6876–0036–71 reporting Northrup representative’s contacts with Peruvian Air Force in which latter requested quotation on 12 F–5’s. We know that Peruvian Air Force wishes to replace obsolete and now non-operative B–26’s with modern aircraft. We expect that they will pursue their efforts to purchase F–5’s or something similar and we can expect shocked disbelief if because of IPC and tuna boat problem they are denied access to F–5’s on credit basis while we make them available on liberal terms to GOC, an avowedly Marxist state (and traditional enemy) which appears (to them at least) to be pursuing policies even more inimical to US interest than those Peruvian actions which have governed US policy to date.

2. Quite frankly if we decide to sell F–5’s and C–130’s to Chile on these terms and I am unable, when I try to explain our valid reasons for doing so, to respond in favorable terms to their request for similar treatment, we shall be in for a very difficult time with the Peruvian authorities. I realize there are legislative restrictions and considerable [Page 2] emotion involved (we cannot even approve an FMS spare parts for Peru at the moment), in approving sales to Peru. At the same time, I should think that while there may be no rpt no, legal restrictions on the course of action being considered in the case of Chile, we can certainly expect to be faced with congressional and public criticism, particularly if we find ourselves unable or are unwilling to do the same for neighboring states with political colorations considerably closer to ours.

  1. Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 793, Country Files, Latin America, Peru, Vol. 2, July 70–13 December 1971. Secret; Nodis. A stamped notation on the telegram indicates it was received in the White House Situation Room at 4:51 p.m. on April 27.
  2. Ambassador Belcher commented on the Chilean Air Force request to purchase F–5s and C–130s from the U.S. military and reported how that action would influence United States-Peruvian relations. Belcher noted that if the United States sold arms to Chile, and not to Peru, U.S.-Peruvian relations would suffer.