364. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Cyprus1

127157. NATUS. Subject: Cyprus: Renewal of Ambassadorial Contacts with Turkish Cypriots.

Department believes interval between Makarios’ lifting of restrictions on Nicosia Triangle and forthcoming Security Council meeting offers most propitious occasion we have yet seen for renewing ambassadorial contacts with Kuchuk. Although intelligence reports from CAS and British indicate that Makarios intends maintain ban on such contacts, appears doubtful he could take strong stand after announcing restoration of Turkish Cypriots’ freedom of movement and while in need support in SC. Furthermore, it can be argued strongly that ambassadorial contacts at this point would be strong asset in getting discussions started with Turkish Cypriots on constitutional proposals. Additional point might be made that restrictions on Turkish Cypriots in Nicosia were maintained in January when restrictions elsewhere lifted because of formation of TCPA and logically lifting of ban on contacts, which also was response to establishment of TCPA, should be lifted in parallel.
In addition, UK concerned that French and Italians may break ban before UK, which might prove embarrassing to British relations with GOT, and US in similar awkward position having attempted persuade other governments join in breaking ban.
You therefore authorized to pay call on Kuchuk as soon as possible next week after call on Makarios per following para. You should do so in concert with your British, Italian, French and any other colleagues who may be able participate. You should also notify Pakistani, Dutch and Swedish Ambassadors through AmEmbassy Beirut re timing of call.
As preparatory step you should convey intentions to GOC, preferably Makarios if he available. We hope you can do this March 11 or at latest March 12 followed immediately thereafter by call on Kuchuk. In addition to explanatory statements outlined in State 109671,2 which you may use at your discretion, you should take occasion express USG gratification over Makarios’ lifting of restrictions on Nicosia Triangle and his expressed intention settle Cyprus dispute peacefully, as we have long advocated. Improved atmosphere should enhance chances for talks. If US support for peaceful settlement is to be effective, we consider it essential that Ambassadorial contacts with Turkish Cypriots be renewed. Last two sentences para 1 above may also be drawn upon. You may add that it should be clear from our cooperation since first of year, when ban on contacts was announced, that we have not wished embarrass Archbishop or take any step that would endanger our good relations. We hope that he will understand and concur with the reasons behind our desire to reestablish contacts with Turkish Cypriots.
Foregoing based on assumption per Nicosia 12993 that action outlined above would not result in your becoming PNG. If you believe this assumption incorrect, notify Department before proceeding consultation your colleagues per para 3.4
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL 17 CYP. Secret; Immediate. Drafted by Folsom and McFarland; cleared in NEA, L, and IO; and approved by Battle. Repeated to Ankara, Athens, London, Ottawa, USUN, the Mission to NATO, Stockholm, The Hague, and Rawalpindi for Rockwell.
  2. Telegram 109671, February 3, reported that the British Government felt it might be too far out front in its presentation to Makarios on the issue of Ambassadorial contacts, and stated that the Department of State shared these views. (Ibid., POL 18 CYP)
  3. Dated February 9. (Ibid.)
  4. Telegram 1439 from Nicosia, March 8, reported that the Cypriot Government had lifted all restrictions on contacts by Ambassadors except meetings with Kuchuk. (Department of State, Central Files, POL 27 CYP) In telegram 1454 from Nicosia, March 9, Belcher reported he had again pressed Kyprianou regarding the ban and was consulting with his Canadian and British colleagues. (Ibid., POL 17 CYP)