160. Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Tunisia0
1008. Embtel 1224.1 As Embassy will note from tel reporting conversations with Hourani we attach great importance fullest possible outlining by Tunisian visitors, beginning with Bourguiba himself, of GOT’s three-year plan. We recognize plan may not be complete in all details but it should be possible identify major sectors to be covered, indicate approximate sums to be invested and their anticipated sources; social as well as economic aspects of development should also be provided for.
Believe Hourani understands importance of making presentation as concrete as possible, it being understood on both sides that specifics would be worked out at a later date when US aid concepts are more firm.
It is most important that Tunisian plan provide analysis present overall economic-social picture in Tunisia, goals to be reached, timing involved, ability to use US aid as stimulant within Tunisian program and present commitments revealing short range plans and how they fit into or support long range goals. Housing as described reftel no doubt can be vital element in such plans, but its position in mosaic of plan itself must be identified and explained. Similarly, needs of university should be presented within over-all plan with specifics to be followed up by Messadi in talks with officials directly concerned.