32. Memorandum of Conference with the President1

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  • Dr. Killian
  • General Goodpaster

Dr. Killian reported the results of his analysis of Defense proposals for budgetary augmentations, which the President recently asked him to analyze. He said that the Services had asked for augmentation totalling $10 billion. At this point the President interjected that this type of thing seemed to him to show a lack of responsibility, and that he found it hard to retain confidence in the heads of the Services when they produce such proposals as these. Dr. Killian said the sum had been screened, in prolonged discussions in Defense, to some $1,648,000,000.

The President asked how much of this was for the continuation of the B–52 line. Dr. Killian said that $456 million was for B–52s and the air tankers to go with them. This would be enough to keep one production line open at five per month for about a year. The President indicated he supported this program.

Dr. Killian said the next sum was $225 billion for the conduct of the NIKE–ZEUS program, and to continue development of the anti-ICBM. Up to one-half of this total was intended for the overall development phase. The Signal Corps also had a very attractive program for acoustic detection (using a “corridor” in the upper air), amounting to $3.7 million. The President said that is the kind of project he likes to hear about.

Dr. Killian said the next proposal is for $400 million to increase the IOC for POLARIS. This sum would add two more submarines, plus tenders, bringing the total number of subs up to five according to Dr. Killian. (I think the correct figure may be eight).

The next project was for a radio telescope development, involving $71 million. Dr. Killian said there are scientific and technical questions still remaining concerning this project, and he would like to suggest that it be subject to the review of the Science Advisory Committee.

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The President agreed, and said that in fact he would like to see the study and review conducted, and then have Defense come in for supplemental funds if the project proves out.

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The next item was for anti-submarine warfare—$91 million. This would provide a greater capability for keeping track of submarines once detected. The President recalled that we have put tremendous amounts of money into SONAR, and now it is apparently not satisfactory. Dr. Killian indicated the difficulty is that the total system has not been properly integrated. There has been some tendency not to concentrate funds on the basic technical system, but to disperse them over a wide range of facilities and activities. Dr. Killian said the next proposal is for $100 million for solid propellant development. The present intent is to put this work into ARPA. The President agreed with this proposal.

Next was a project for an air-to-surface missile called GAM–77, at $91 million. This would extend the range and penetration of the B–52. These funds are for development purposes. The President indicated concurrence.

Next was the provision of $100 million to ARPA. Dr. Killian thought this should be made with the understanding that when the new space agency is established, this allocation will be reviewed.

It was next proposed to provide an additional $100 million for the TITAN program, intended to accelerate development, achieve storable propellants, and harden the TITAN bases. The President said he would like to see the TITAN project given to ARPA. He did not consider that the existing Services had any proper claim on future systems development.

The final project reported by Dr. Killian was an intelligence type radar for the Far East at $10 million. (Checking on this subsequently, he determined that it is similar to one in Turkey, and is to go into the Aleutians.)

Dr. Killian then took up a memorandum to the President from Secretary McElroy requesting authorization for certain ARPA projects. The President indicated his general approval, subject to checking out certain specific details.

A.J. Goodpaster
Brigadier General, USA
  1. Source: Defense proposals for budgetary augmentations. Secret. 2 pp. Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, DDE Diaries. Drafted on March 21.