444. Staff Paper Prepared in the Bureau of Near Eastern, South Asian, and African Affairs1


  • Relationship of Special Emissary Proposal and Hammarskjold Mission

A message was received just before the Shepilov visit to Egypt … purporting to come from Nasser and stating that Nasser would like Mr. Hoover to go to Cairo for a general discussion of U.S.-Egyptian relations.2 In his talk with Ambassador Byroade on July 10, Fawzi mentioned a desire to talk with an “agent from Washington”.3 Thus, the Egyptians do appear to wish a general discussion at this time.

On balance we still believe that it would be desirable to send a special emissary, preferably Mr. Robert Anderson, to explore thoroughly with Nasser before his visit to Moscow the causes of U.S.-Egyptian differences and to emphasize the need for acts by Egypt to rectify the situation. We do not believe that the emissary should become involved in any detailed negotiations regarding Palestine at this time, and, therefore, do not think there would be any conflict with the Hammarskjold mission. Also, we anticipate that the Secretary will advise Ambassador Hussein of the current U.S. position on the Aswan High Dam, and that the emissary would not concern himself specifically with this project.

  1. Source: Department of State, NEA Files: Lot 59 D 518, Omega—Egypt—Dam, Miscl. 1956. Top Secret; Omega. Drafted by Burdett on July 12. Prepared for a meeting with the Secretary on Middle East problems scheduled for the afternoon of July 12. See footnote 1, infra.
  2. See Document 400.
  3. See Document 440.