415. Telegram 1286 from Geneva1

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1286. From Johnson.

Four hour meeting this morning devoted entirely to implementation.
Wang stated PRC is going to issue statement, presumably from Peiping, on implementation in rebuttal of alleged official U.S. Government as well as press statements charging PRC violation agreed announcement. Specific reference made to Secretary’s December 6 press statement. In spite my pointing out deliberate effort made in Secretary’s statements reduce and allay rising public concern in U.S. over failure PRC implement agreed announcement and our continued efforts keep PRC failures from propaganda forum, it was evident Wang was under instructions and had no discretion on whether statement would be issued. As additional effort discourage statement, I tied request for recess until January 12 to this serious and disappointing action on their part which would reduce hope progress our talks. This obviously gave Wang considerable pause but he remained firm on issuance of statement while rejecting any linking request for recess to such grounds. However willing consider recess based on holiday period. [Typeset Page 588] I did not press question of linkage and finally made straight proposal for recess until January 12. Wang agreed consider and inform me later. I urged decision before [Facsimile Page 2] tomorrow evening. In meanwhile we agreed inform press simply next meeting would be held December 22.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/12–1555. Confidential; Niact; Limited Distribution. Repeated to Paris for the Secretary only as telegram 286.