402. Telegram 1263 from Geneva1

[Facsimile Page 1]

1263. From Johnson.

One hour fifty minute meeting this morning devoted entirely to implementation except for prepared statement by Wang amplifying his replies my questions last meeting on his renunciation of force draft.
I opened with long prepared statement fully bringing out all points contained Deptels 1352 and 1355.
After “regretting” I had nothing to say today on his draft Wang made prepared statement amplifying his answers my questions at last meeting particularly regarding applicability draft Taiwan area. He was more specific than previously in saying Taiwan area is heart US–PRC dispute and as such is international matter going beyond domestic matter of PRC’s dealings with Chiang clique. New draft is integral whole. PRC still considers removal and reduction tensions in Taiwan area proper subject Foreign Ministers’ meeting but willing discuss these talks if US desires. However refusal discuss and settle this problem would be tantamount to demanding PRC recognize status quo which it will never do. Somewhat more stress than last few meetings on withdrawal US forces as only way remove present threat to PRC.
Wang then made already prepared statement on implementation [Facsimile Page 2] which he tied to my previous statement. Largely reiterated former positions on not discussing matter here but through third parties, vague complaints of US violation agreement during which he mentioned alleged new immigration regulations requiring Chinese students obtain entry permits to Taiwan before given date, with regard which they are asking India make presentation. Would not answer many questions from me with respect to implementation until I answer:
Whether US prepared provide India with complete list names and addresses all Chinese in US.
Assist India in finding out status of Chinese in US.
Rescind all measures violating “spirit” of the agreed announcement.
There was then long give and take during which I stressed not single known case any Chinese obstructed from a departure from US contrasted with situation 14 Americans remaining in prison. Also contrasted freedom Chinese US communicate not only with Indian [Typeset Page 569] Embassy but with persons in PRC with known facts in Bradshaw letters and failure receive communications from other 12 Americans.
Next meeting Thursday, December 15.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/12–855. Confidential; Priority; Limited Distribution.