354. Telegram 1162 to Geneva1

[Facsimile Page 1]

1162. For Johnson.

Instructions for 25th meeting.

Tax Wang severely with violation secrecy agreement represented by Daily Worker article.
Department considers your revised draft renunciation of force statement (your 1099) excellent. You should present it this meeting unless Secretary instructs otherwise.
By introducing draft renunciation of force statement first followed by Daily Worker leak Communists have taken initiative from us on this subject. Their violation agreement on private nature talks makes essential for us to regain initiative and provides opportunity place our case graphically before world. Subject to Secretary’s concurrence you should inform Wang that unilateral release by his side of substance last meeting leaves you no recourse but to set record straight by releasing explanatory statement together with our draft renunciation of force declaration (your 1099) immediately following meeting. While publication our statement would tend to freeze our negotiating position, in our view there is nothing Wang could seriously object to in paragraphs one through four, and paragraphs six and eight are so tightly drawn, we could not accept change in any case. Explanatory statement mentioned above would be substance of statement [Facsimile Page 2] Deptel 789 as amended Deptel 805 with minor revisions. Department’s suggested text will follow Wednesday.
Implementation Agreed Announcement. You should remind Wang that two months have passed since PRC declared it would [Typeset Page 492] adopt appropriate measures permit Americans expeditiously return. Only two of nineteen Americans permitted depart during this lengthy period. Letter from only one of remaining seventeen so far has been received by British Charge and Charge has not been permitted see any of them. US Govt and people will judge dependence to be placed on PRC promises by its performance.
Military Personnel. Concur your omitting subject this meeting. Department exploring with Defense possibility raising again in MAC, but this complicated by fact that in past lists presented there included all missing UN personnel, not just American.
Embargo. Listen to what Wang has to say but refrain from substantive discussion this subject.

Repeat to Secretary.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/11–855. Secret; Priority; Limit Distribution. Drafted by McConaughy and Clough; cleared by Robertson and in S/S.