353. Telegram 1162 to Geneva1
1152. For Johnson.
ChiCom propaganda during week ending November 6 contained little direct reference ambassadorial talks and comment on Taiwan was slight as compared previous two weeks. Major attention during week focussed on Big Four Foreign Ministers’ Conference, Middle Eastern situation, and the problem of increasing contacts between East and West.
Ambassadorial talks mentioned only in passing, connection with question of trade controls. NCNA noted question of the embargo had been raised at Geneva, and expressed hope that solution to problem could be reached. Comments on Taiwan confined to internal developments and avoided international aspects. NCNA broadcast to Taiwan November 2 reported interview with Chien Hsueh-sen, former Cal Tech scientist who arrived Peiping October 28.
NCNA commentary on Big Four Ministers Conference adopted line conference was test of Western powers, and that success of talks was imperilled by “counter-current” of Western opinion which favored continuation of Cold War. Peiping strongly supported Soviet proposal on collective security, and endorsed Soviet proposal both Germanys be represented at Geneva. Peiping also urged that Ministers Conference work out measures to remove obstacles to international trade.
[Facsimile Page 2]Peiping propaganda paid considerable attention problem of increasing East-West contacts, including trade. People’s Daily November 3 supported Soviet proposal on East-West contacts and attacked alleged US and Western effort to restrict area of contact. It cited US “embargo” policy as chief obstacle to increased East-West contact. Other NCNA comments focussed US ban to travel to Communist China, accusing State Department of setting up “iron curtain” between China and US in order prevent Americans from learning truth about New China.
NCNA commentary on Middle Eastern crisis accused US of stimulating arms race between Israel and Arab states, and infringing on Egyptian sovereignty. Peiping viewed growing “unity” and “neutrality” among Arab states as factors which would deal setback to US policy.
[Typeset Page 491]Peiping radio continued stress need for normalization of Sino-Japanese relations, while at same time denouncing Japanese Government for detaining Japanese nationals and “forcibly” sending them to Taiwan. NCNA continued to criticize Shigemitsu for dragging out Japanese-Soviet talks London, and placed blame on “US manipulation.”
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/11–855. Official Use Only. Drafted by Dawson; cleared in IAD and CA.↩