611.51/4–2753: Telegram
No. 598
The Ambassador in France (Dillon) to the
Department of State
Paris, April 27, 1953—3
5679. Re Embtel 5672, April 26.1
- 1.
- At second session bipartite talks with France, after discussion of aid matters reported reference telegram, Bidault turned to EDC, alluding to Secretary’s reference to subject earlier in meeting. Bidault said that since assuming duties Foreign Minister his position re EDC had been subject much press comment and misinterpretation. Stated he wished make clear he personally strongly favored EDC. It is intention French Government obtain ratification of EDC, and government has no alternative policy. However, no Parliament easy to handle and government will encounter obstacles and difficulties, but government determined push through ratification.
- 2.
- Recent Soviet moves intended to place obstacle in path development single united Western European community. Present government wants West European community—on military, political and economic levels. Any French Government would want same thing. Concluded by saying obviously impossible for him attempt give exact date now by which ratification will be completed.
- 3.
- Pleven added that French Government has only one aim in matter, and that is to achieve EDC ratification. Explained that after plan had been put forward, there had been general elections and a new Parliament. Has taken time educate new deputies. Concluded by saying great majority French people in favor EDC and he convinced will succeed.
- 4.
- Secretary said we convinced that it is purpose French Government to carry EDC through. We know how difficult and complex these matters are but French should appreciate that public opinion sees things in simpler terms and there is considerable public impatience in US over EDC progress. Secretary said he agreed with Bidault that recent shifts in Soviet tactics explained in good part by progress toward West European unity. Soviets realize they could not dominate a united West Europe. Must guard against maneuvers to leave Germany between West and East.
- 5.
- Bidault commented briefly on Morocco. Said subject already covered in Washington but wished again say that French Government convinced Sultan and Nationalists more attached to revision of political status than to reforms. French believe reforms necessary [Page 1357] and must come first. They hope we will not permit Nationalists to try delay matters by appeals to us.