Editorial Note

On April 19, General MacArthur, who had recently returned to the United States, presented his views on the Korean war and United States Far Eastern policy, particularly with regard to China and Formosa, before a joint session of Congress. He declared that the fall of Formosa would endanger the entire United States line of defense in the Pacific and urged that “under no circumstances” should it be permitted to fall under Communist control. While indicating that it would be irrational to consider sending ground forces into continental China, he advocated a drastic revision of United States strategy in order to defeat “this new enemy” on the China mainland. In particular, he called for removal of restrictions on bombing north of the Yalu, intensification of the economic blockade of China, imposition of a naval blockade along the China coast, removal of restrictions on the Chinese Nationalist forces together with United States logistical support for their use against the mainland. For the text of the address, see the Congressional Record, volume 97, part 3, pages 4123–4125.