603.4193/9–451: Telegram
The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Gifford) to the Secretary of State
1195. Embtel 1177, Aug 31.1 Lamb made reps re fon natls Sept 1. Emb will furnish fuller report when recd from FonOff.
On Dept’s proposed approach various govts re plight Amer natls in China, Lamb commented to FonOff Sept 1 as fols:
- 1.
- He not hopeful Chi can be induced change policy toward foreigners, particularly if US, Brit or Catholic, but thinks Brit shld welcome reps re treatment fon natls by other nations as being in gen interest and supporting Brit démarche. Brit in principle desirable support US approach as requested.
- 2.
- However, he fears govts concerned perhaps unwilling make reps solely on behalf US, partly to avoid embarrassing selves with Chi Govt, and partly because such reps least likely be successful. In view present deliberate anti-Amer policy Chi Fon reps in Peiping, he thinks wld prefer reps they make not directly relating to own natl interests to be on gen humanitarian and equitable grounds.
- 3.
- Indian and Swiss reps have adopted this line in practice, and altho they possibly will follow up own previous reps Lamb feels neither they nor their govts wish make reps on behalf of US. He, therefore, agrees with FonOff Brit shld not support US approach to them, or to Moscow. As for other countries, favorable response from Asian or minor European nations not hopeful. However, there is no great harm and possibly some advantage in supporting US approach to them, but Brit shld stress fact such reps to Chi are in effect in interests all fon natls.
- 4.
- Lamb has no objection publicity to US approach, without ref Brit role, and finds no fault with text proposed US note, except for US term “Chi Commie authorities”, instead of “Central People’s Govt”.
- 5.
- Possible but less satisfactory alternative to suggested approach might be broadcast msg to Chi Commies in English and Chinese in terms US note similar to method used by Chi in sending official statements to US.
FonOff telegraphing Brit reps countries named Deptel 1203, Aug 28, with exceptions India, Switzerland and USSR, giving background and suggesting they concert with US reps re approach govts to which they accredited. Emb expects Brit reps will be instructed in supporting US approaches to place stress as indicated last sentence para 3 above.
- The reference telegram stated that Lamb was scheduled to make representations concerning foreign nationals in China that day (603.4193/8–3151).↩