793B.00/7–1251: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in India 1

top secret   priority

91. Dept officers met with Taktser Rimpoche today and orally gave him fol:

US Govt believes Tibet shld not be compelled by duress accept violation its autonomy and that Tib people shld enjoy rights self-determination commensurate with autonomy Tibet has had many years. This has consistently been position US.

US therefore will indicate publicly its understanding of position DL as head of an autonomous Tibet.

US similarly will endeavor persuade other nations take no action adverse DL’s position as head autonomous Tibet.

US will support Tib request for refuge in Ceylon; it believes that cost chartering planes for journey DL and entourage from India to Ceylon cld be met by US cits having strong and friendly interest Tibet; if requested by DL, US will use its best efforts persuade GOI assure transit DL and retinue. (It was pointed out here that in view practical considerations, approach GOC and GOI shld be made in first instance be representative DL; that assurances thus given based on assumption refuge wld be taken Ceylon; and that if refuge shld be taken India financial assurances wld have to be reexamined.)

To extent required and as long as mutually satisfactory purposes served, friends of Tibet in US will provide appropriate support for DL, his family and entourage of 100 or slightly more in Ceylon, it being our hope that among considerations DL wld have in selection wld be polit influence and effect persons chosen.

Resistance in Tibet must be viewed as long range problem limited by physical polit conditions in Tibet and in adjoining areas, over which US of course has no control.…

These assurances conditioned on withdrawal DL from Tibet, his public refusal accept Tibet-Chi Commie agreement, his continued opposition Commie aggression, and his continued willingness coop generally; implicit in this understanding however is US support DL’s [Page 1749] return Tibet at earliest practical moment as head antonomous non-Commie country.

Recommended Tibet urgently approach GOI for informal discussion India attitude toward departure DL from Tibet. This approach shld include firm statement that DL seeks transit rights through India. US through Emb New Delhi will use good offices support this request.

It made clear to Taktser that our position basic and longstanding is not related to Chi Commie involvement in Korea and not to be affected by developments there.

Ref item 5 Calcutta’s 28 Jul 9, rptd New Delhi 29, Taktser has indicated he will prepare Tib language msg to DL, including above info, to be forwarded dipl pouch ETD Wash Jul 15. You will be further advised channel communication msg from Taktser to DL. Meanwhile you shld endeavor pass substantive portions this tel to DL by best available means.…

  1. Also sent to Calcutta as number 23.