793B.00/6–2251: Telegram
The Chargé in India (Steere) to the Secretary of State
3727. Emb acknowledges receipt Deptel 2227, June 20 re possible asylum Dalai Lama. Shakabpa, who claimed be personal rep Dalai Lama, originally broached this and other questions arising from Amb Henderson’s ltr (Deptel 1633, April 6)1 in Calcutta May 24 as reported Embtel 3398, May 29 and Embdesp 2615, May 26.2 Thereafter, Wilkins had further convs with Shakabpa in Kalimpong June 7 and 8 at which time US position on all questions was explained as instructed by Dept along line Emb suggestions in Embtel 3398, May 29 as qualified by Dept in Deptel 2051, June 2. Report these latter convs contained in Embtel 3576, June 11 and Embdesp 3030, June 14.3
Essence these convs re asylum was that Dalai Lama and followers ought endeavor remain in country near Tibet for purpose maintaining resistance to Chi Commies with [within] Tibet. Such countries in order preference were India and Ceylon. However, if it shld subsequently develop Dalai Lama and followers cld not remain India or Ceylon, US wld be willing receive Dalai Lama as eminent religious dignitary and head autonomous state Tibet together with between 100 and 200 followers. Shakabpa was also clearly told US cld not finance personal expenses Dalai Lama and followers. Shakabpa understood and agreed at time receipt Deptel 2227, June 20, was preparing departure for Calcutta June 22 discuss details re Tak Tse visit US (Deptel 2194, June 18)4 with ConGen Calcutta and also endeavor work out steps bringing Shakabpa and Tak Tse more closely together re affairs Dalai Lama before Tak Tse leaves India. In view Deptel 2227 Wilkins will also discuss asylum Thailand and will make arrangements for sending further info to Shakabpa soonest.