795.00/11–3051: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Korea
411. Dept now considering question return civilian internees which will be raised in negots on Item 4. Suggestion has been made you might request ROK Govt for list leading ROK civilians believed commie hands in order possibly specifically requesting their return in these negots together with request for ret named UN civilians. Dept tends believe this course undesirable.
Necessity for insistence on return all UN civilian internees recognized, also difficulty if not impossibility insisting on return ROK civilian internees including Govt officials. Discussion in negots of ROK civilians wld probably be rejected by commies or at least result in demand for return North Korean refugees. Dept’s preliminary thinking is that ROK civilian problem might be made subj for consideration by special post-armistice commission or be treated as subj for polit settlement and not armistice negots. In event latter course recommendation [Page 1206] under Item 5 might include reference to need settling question large displaced segments Korean population. Ur personal views this entire problem, estimate ROK reaction urgently requested. Likewise desire ur recommendations best manner approaching ROK.