795.00/6–951: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in India


2225. Urtel 3567 Jun 9. Secy’s statement Jun 2 on settlement in Korea is correctly quoted N.Y. Times Jun 3 page 65 columns 4, 5, and 6, and has also been transmitted to you by airgram.

Decision whether Panikkar approach Chicoms on basis Secy’s testimony to determine whether Secy’s statements provide basis for discussion entirely one for independent determination by GOI. However if this is done suggest GOI provide Panikkar full text, as second para urtel appears indicate Panikkar does not have full understanding Secy’s statements. In particular note shld be made of necessity for reliable assurances against renewal aggression, and that issues relating to Formosa and Chicom admission UN not a part of Korean question.

Secy’s statements entirely consistent with many other expressions [Page 539] US policy set forth in public statements by Pres, and by other US officials in UN and elsewhere. No additional formal statements US views believed required at this time.
