The Acting Secretary of Defense (Lovett) to the Secretary of State
Dear Mr. Secretary: NSC 48/5, “U.S. Objectives, Policies and Courses of Action in Asia,”1 which was approved by the President on 17 May 1951, provides in substance that efforts will be made to develop dependable South Korean military units as rapidly as possible and in sufficient strength eventually to assume the major part of the burden of the United Nations forces there. In light of this policy, the Joint Chiefs of Staff are accelerating their efforts to fulfill our national objective in this respect.
Any action by the United States will, however, never be entirely successful without the full cooperation of the Government of the Republic of Korea. General Ridgway, in a recent message to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, stated that President Rhee was reported to have stated to the press on 18 May that, if the United States would equip his already well-trained soldiers, American troops could be withdrawn. Since such is obviously not in consonance with fact, General Ridgway is continuing to seek, through Ambassador Muccio, to induce President Rhee to cease making such flagrant and damaging statements.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff have suggested, and I concur, that the Department of State bring strong pressure to bear on the Government of the Republic of Korea in order to correct this situation.
Faithfully yours,