
The British Embassy to the Department of State 1


Message From Mr. Bevin to Sir Oliver Franks Dated 16th November

I have now considered the memorandum given to me by American Ambassador in London2 and regret that I cannot endorse the United States suggestion that violation of the Manchurian border may be necessary. To my thinking, the suggestion has potentialities of great danger, for it is likely to result in the very thing which we want to avoid, namely the spreading of the conflict.

You should convey my views to Mr. Acheson as soon as possible. I understand that the Chiefs of Staff are telegraphing to Lord Tedder.

Washington, [November 17, 1950.]

  1. A note on the source text indicated that this document was delivered to Mr. Merchant’s office by Mr. Graves of the British Embassy on November 17.
  2. The memorandum, not printed, was based on telegram 2487, November 13, 7 p. m., to London, p. 1144.