795A.5/10–550: Circular telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic and Consular Offices 1


9. Dept has reed info that on Oct 3 FonMin Chou En-lai at Peiping called in Ind Amb Panikkar and informed him that China wld send troops across frontier to participate in defense of North Korea if US armed forces crossed 38th parallel, such action not to take place if only South Koreans cross parallel.

Transmit soonest any info you have which wld throw light on any intentions Chi Commies or Sov Union to intervene militarily Korea or embark on other hostile course. No attribution shld be made above source.

  1. Sent to the Embassies in Belgrade, Brussels, Copenhagen, Oslo, Paris, Praha, Rangoon, Stockholm, Taipei, and Warsaw; to the Legation in Bern, and the Consulate General at Hong Kong.