320/9–2950: Telegram

The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State


Delga 50. For Rusk from Ross. Trygve Lie called me in yesterday afternoon and after complaining that British (by implication US) had not consulted him re Korean resolution, said he had been thinking that Jebb as President SC ought to go privately to Malik and ask Malik series of questions adding up to whether Soviet Union would wholly accept and use its influence to carry out all previous decisions of GA and SC re Korea. After oral approach Jebb would confirm in writing and insist on reply in writing (which Lie anticipated would be negative) so that negative attitude Soviets could be placed squarely on record at opening of GA debate. This, said Lie, would make clear to “little man” around world the position of Soviet Union.

I argued against this procedure, first on grounds that we wanted matter Korea dealt with broadly and openly by UN and not on basis private deals with Russians; second, on basis we wanted avoid contusion SC and Assembly action. I questioned whether, if it were desirable to ask Soviets series of questions to expose their position on all aspects Korean matter, this might not best be done in open debate in Committee One.

Lie did not press his point but agreed questions might appropriately be asked of Soviets in committee. He then gave me suggested terms of settlement quoted below which he said had been drafted by Feller. He asked if we would consider these suggestions very carefully, which I said we would do:

“Suggested terms of settlement of the Korean question (based mainly on principles contained in existing resolutions of the GA and the SC)

The GA will, by resolution, demand that the North Korean authorities agree to the following conditions:
A general cease fire, withdrawal to the 38th parallel and demilitarization of North Korean forces, under UN supervision.
Entry of the UN Commission to North Korea and full opportunity for it to fulfill its functions.
Entry of UN relief personnel and full opportunity to supervise distribution of relief supplies.
A general amnesty for all persons who have taken up arms on behalf of the ROK and who may be in North Korean territory.
Agreement for a free election to be held in all of Korea within one year, at a date and under regulations to be promulgated by the UN Commission.
If the North Korean authorities accept the conditions under a, their de facto jurisdiction in the area north of the parallel will be preserved until after the election has been held. UN troops will not cross the parallel until after the election. After the election authority will be handed over at a date to be determined by the UN Commission to the new all Korean Government chosen in the election.
The ROK should be asked to agree to accept the conditions for and the results of the election, and to grant a general amnesty for all persons who have taken up arms against the ROK.
In the event of refusal by the North Korean authorities, the GA will recommend to the members that UN troops proceed to conduct military operations north of the parallel, with the objective of eliminating the North Korean authorities.

Upon the achievement of this objective North Korea will be placed under the jurisdiction of the UN occupation authorities (details of the appropriate UN political authority and of the composition of the occupying forces to be worked out), until such time as the Assembly or the SC decides that an election for all of Korea should be held.”

