The period from November 28 to December 31, 1950: Chinese Communist intervention in Korea; the Korean question in the United Nations; the Truman-Attlee discussions; retreat of the United Nations forces
[978] Memorandum for the Files by the Assistant Secretary of State for United Nations Affairs (Hickerson)
[Washington,] December 5, 1950.
[979] Memorandum by Mr. Lucius D. Battle, Special Assistant to the Secretary of State, of a Meeting Held on December 5, 1950
[Washington,] December 6, 1950.
[980] The Secretary of State to the Secretary of Defense (Marshall)
Washington, December 5,
[981] The Secretary of State to the United States Mission at the United Nations
Washington, December 5,
1950—5 p. m.
320/12–550: Telegram
[982] Memorandum of Conversation, Dictated by the United States Deputy Representative at the United Nations (Gross) From New York
December 5, 1950—5:35 p. m.
[983] The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State
New York, December 5,
1950—9:44 p. m.
[Received December 5—10:22 p. m.]
[Received December 5—10:22 p. m.]
320/12–550: Telegram
[984] The Ambassador in India (Henderson) to the Secretary of State
New Delhi, December 5,
1950—5 p. m.
[Received December 5, 1950—10:57 p. m.]
[Received December 5, 1950—10:57 p. m.]
611.00/12–550: Telegram
[985] The Ambassador in Yugoslavia (Allen) to the Secretary of State
Belgrade, December 5,
1950—6 p. m.
[Received December 5—11:14 p. m.]
[Received December 5—11:14 p. m.]
795.00/12–550: Telegram
[986] The Secretary of State to Diplomatic and Consular Offices
Washington, December 6,
1950—8:25 a. m.
795B.00/12–650: Circular airgram
[988] Memorandum of Conversation, by the Acting Officer in Charge of Korean Affairs (Emmons)
[Washington,] December 6, 1950.
[989] Memorandum of Conversation, by the Chief of Protocol (Simmons)
[Washington,] December 6, 1950.
[991] The Australian Ambassador (Makin) to President Truman
Washington, 6th December
[992] Memorandum of Conversation, by Mr. Ray L. Thurston, Adviser to the United States Delegation to the United Nations General Assembly
York,] December 6, 1950.
[993] The Secretary of State to All Diplomatic Offices
Washington, December 6,
1950—5 p. m.
795.00/12–650: Circular telegram
[994] The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State
New York, December 6,
1950—6:14 p. m.
[Received December 6—6:36 p. m.]
[Received December 6—6:36 p. m.]
330/12–650: Telegram
[995] Memorandum by Mr. Lucius D. Battle, Special Assistant to the Secretary of State, of a Meeting Held on December 6, 1950
[Washington,] December 7, 1950.
[996] The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State
New York, December 6,
1950—11:24 p. m.
[Received December 7—12:26 a. m.]
[Received December 7—12:26 a. m.]
320/12–650: Telegram
[997] The Ambassador in Korea (Muccio) to the Secretary of State
Seoul, December 7,
1950—1 p. m.
[Received December 7—2:22 a. m.]
[Received December 7—2:22 a. m.]
795.00/12–750: Telegram
[998] Memorandum of Conversation, by the Ambassador at Large (Jessup)
[Washington,] December 7, 1950.
[999] The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State
New York, December 7,
1950—11:45 a. m.
[Received December 7—12:12 p. m.]
[Received December 7—12:12 p. m.]
310/12–750: Telegram
[1000] Memorandum by the Director of the Office of Chinese Affairs (Clubb) to the Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs (Rusk)
[Washington,] December 7, 1950.
[1002] United States Delegation Minutes of the Fifth Meeting of President Truman and Prime Minister Attlee
Washington, December
7, 1950, 3:45 p.m. to 5:10 p.m.
[1003] Memorandum for the Record by the Ambassador at Large (Jessup)
[Washington,] December 7, 1950.
S/AE Files
[1004] The Ambassador in Korea (Muccio) to the Secretary of State
Seoul, December 8,
1950—3 p. m.
[Received December 8—2:45 a. m.]
[Received December 8—2:45 a. m.]
795.00/12–850: Telegram
[1005] The Ambassador in Korea (Muccio) to the Secretary of State
Seoul, December 8,
1950—6 p. m.
[Received December 8—5:35 a. m.]
[Received December 8—5:35 a. m.]
795.00/12–850: Telegram
[1006] Memorandum of Conversation, by Mr. Henry S. Villard, Adviser to the United States Delegation to the United Nations General Assembly
York,] December 8, 1950.
[1007] United States Delegation Minutes of the Sixth Meeting of President Truman and Prime Minister Attlee
Washington, December
8, 1950, 11:15 a.m. to 1:20 p.m.