493.119/12–850: Circular telegram

The Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic and Consular Offices 1


249. From Commerce: In view developments Korea, U.S. Government, effective December 3 extended controls all exports to mainland China, Manchuria, Hong Kong and Macao. Further regulations provide shipments of all commodities whether or not on positive list originating any foreign country and moving in transit through U.S. or using facilities foreign trade zones or manifested to U.S. may not be exported destinations including China, Hong Kong, Manchuria and Macao without a validated export license. When destinations subgroup A countries except China and Manchuria intransit controls apply only positive list items. Heretofore controls covered only strategic goods none of which licensed to mainland China, Manchuria or North Korea since last June. Hong Kong and Macao included because [Page 677] important transshipment points. Intention screen all proposed exports in light of current developments. Your vigilance as indicated your messages regarding local controls, end use, and consignee information regarding some proposed shipments and extent of reexports and smuggling strategic goods is appreciated. However, in view of situation and increased controls believe Missions should intensify attention to possible transshipment all U.S. goods, particularly strategic and exports domestic strategic goods to restricted areas or other possible transshipment points. Willingness shown some local governments heretofore implementing controls should simplify your efforts. Reply earliest extent present controls and their effectiveness. Also investigate and report extent transshipments accomplished by falsification U.S. documents and evasion local controls. As result new licensing controls on exports China, Hong Kong, Macao, OIT anticipates possible shift exports to other areas for purpose transshipment. OIT has requested customs officials here watch abnormal shipments destinations such as Philippines, Singapore, Thailand. Such indications may necessitate tightening present regulations. Please keep government to which accredited fully informed changes our regulations and reasons therefore.

  1. This message was sent to the following posts: Bangkok, Colombo, Djakarta, Hong Kong, Karachi, Manila, New Delhi, Rangoon, Saigon, Singapore, Taipei, and Tokyo (for SCAP).