ECA Telegram Files, Lot W–131, Paris Torep: Telegram
The Deputy Administrator for the Economic Cooperation Administration (Bruce) to the Embassy in France
Washington, March 24,
1949—6 p. m.
Torep 4035. Personal to Harriman from Hoffman and Acheson. Re Repto 3209, Mar 19.1
- 1.
- Since point 1 of recommendations reftel will require inter-agency clearance at highest level, we suggest that formal communication to ECA and State signed by Harriman outlining recommendations with respect to 1–A list and giving reasons therefore is desirable.2 Such a document seems required by negotiations with other agencies which led up to Torep 816.3 Inasmuch as Torep 816 provided for possibility that US policy on export controls might be more strict than that of OEEC govts, it is possible that US adoption of modified 1–A list may be difficult and we may find it necessary to retain longer US list. However State and ECA will press for modification in Advisory Committee.
- 2.
- Notification of other countries re modified list should be withheld until US Govt position determined.
- 3.
- Tentative thinking here concurs in desirability establishment informal east-west trade committee made up major OEEC countries. Believe this committee should not be associated formally in any way with OEEC or North Atlantic Pact. Believe it important to prevent committee from attracting public attention and suggest Paris might be better location than London for this purpose. Suggest that it be set up on initiative of European countries and that US participation be under direction of Harriman as official representative of US on these matters not as ECA representative. Suggest you obtain informally Brit views on this point with view to determining whether Europeans would feel such an organization would be useful and whether it could in fact operate in helpful manner you outline.
- 4.
- In order to press for any modified 1–A list will require most up-to-date Brit list, including specific listing of all items Brit Govt has now agreed to control. Suggest any info in addition to that already airmailed be sent soonest.
- 5.
- Assume views and concurrence of State missions are being obtained. [Hoffman and Acheson.]